Wednesday, March 25, 2009

request from Sarah

Hey Mrs. B,
It's Sarah. I just wanted to tell you that I highly doubt ill be at school tomorrow. My grandma, mom, and sister are all puking sick and I have a fever. So, that sucks.
BUT i really think that someone needs to explain earth hour in detail over the announcements because today in US history Mr. Cowie had asked me about my shirt that i wore yesterday and when earth hour was and the time. EVERYONE in the class thought that earth hour was from 8-9 AM instead of at night, so i really think that needs to be cleared up.

Sarah s.

Ashton, Natalie and everyone.......let's see if we can fix this problem..................


  1. We need to let it known what we are doing and what "Earth Hour" is bc like Sarah aka Storkie, ive had kids ask me and i can only explain it so many times before I start to stumble over myself.

  2. yeah i agree...the air definitely needs to be cleared about the times and such cause many people are unsure

  3. someone beside me or ashton nobody listens to us!

  4. Justin has a major concern that needs to be addressed:
    Mrs. Bosiak, I have a statement:
    Right now, NOAA says that there is a sixty-percent chance of thunderstorms. This cold front moving in Saturday night is a powerful one, too. Severe thunderstorms with lightning, hail and potentially damaging winds is not out of the question at all. First of all, we should take into consideration people's overall safety. It is spring. Severe thunderstorms could easily spin up a tornado in a skinny second with no advanced warning. I don't want the class to get caught outside in a severe thunderstorm walking down N. Aspent Street. Second, few people are going to show up in the rain and thunder for an event like this. I highly doubt people will want to go out on a Saturday night to an Earth Hour event if it is raining, thundering and lightning. I think we should seriously consider postponing Earth Hour until maybe April 4th. Yeah, Earth Hour will be over and done with, but let's face it, if you know about the event we're doing this weekend, you more than likely know what Earth Hour is and you are more likely to participate in it regardless of an event. An event will be fun. We should not cancel it indefinitely. I do think, however, we need to consider postponing it for the weekend of the 4th. I think tomorrow we should make a very definite decision and make an announcement about it over the intercom either for or against the event this Saturday! We just need to see tomorrow what the forecast says. We need to utilize all facets, all media outlets, all weather models and make a final decision about it tomorrow!! That's what I think! I don't want all this work to be done and then on the night of the event, no one show up because it's raining cats and dogs not to mention thundering and lightning.

  5. I think Matt made a good point when he came up with the idea to go into his church and invite people in....I think we should look into this

  6. I agree with Caitlyn, because I really hope we can pull off a presentation for Saturday.

  7. As I said in class, we should have a man voice on announcements tomorrow. Someone needs to let Ms. Tunison know that Natalie will be gone for 1/2 for presentations and I won't be there at all. So... if someone from APES wants to do the announcements/read an Earth Hour announcement, make sure you know when they are doing them.

    I will not be there, so goodluck tomorrow at Kiser, Massey, and Battleground! Please post something on here with the final arrangements for Saturday night.

  8. Maybe we should ask to have the announcements during 4th tomorrow since we will be out of class. There is still so much confussion about what's going on and the times. I know that the weather will play a huge part in what will actually take place on Saturday evening. We need to get our "ducks" in a row and be prepared for anything and everything.
    Great job today by the way!
    Love you guys bunches!!!!

  9. I must admit i have not been a good earth hour soldier i thought i had explained it well enough to at least my family but my sister still thought hour was in the morning

  10. Sarah drink like of liquids!!! make sure your eatting soup!
    hope you and your family feels better!!!!

  11. Yea sarah drink like and like of liquids.

    I could announce the stuff in my dramatic voice

  12. sarah i hope you are feeling better :)

  13. I talked to my pastor and he ran the idea by the elder body and they approved the idea, saying that they had no problem with us using the church and in fact they were excited to let us use it. so that is taken care of

  14. yayy. that is good news. i think the church or youth building is a good idea because it is in such a good place, right up town, so hopefully that will work out. also, sarah i hope you feel better:( and logan i totally vote you "dramatic speaker"

  15. Hey guys, i'm feeling a lot better.
    Thanks :)

    I hope you all did good at the schools, and sorry for posting late but i've been asleep all day lol.
    As for the event on saturday if it isn't going to happen i'll need to know so i can get off of work that day or not.

  16. Lyrics to Wake Up America :
    Oh, oh
    Can you take care of her
    Oh, oh
    Maybe you can spare her
    Several moments
    Of your consideration
    Leading up
    To the final destination
    Oh, oh
    The Earth is calling out
    I wanna learn
    What it's all about

    But everything I read
    Is global warming
    Going green
    I don't know
    What all this means
    But it seems
    To be saying

    Wake up America
    We're all
    In this together
    It's our home
    So let's take care of it
    You know that you want to
    You know that you got
    To wake up America

    Becomes a new day
    And everything you do
    Everything you do
    In some way

    Stand up
    I'll try if you will
    Wake up
    It's not a fire drill

    All she needs
    Is a little attention
    Can you give her
    Just a little attention?

    Uh, oh
    It's easy to look away
    But it's getting harder
    Day by day

    Everything I read
    Is global warming
    Going green
    I don't know
    What all this means
    But it seems
    To be saying

    Wake up America
    We're all
    In this together
    It's our home
    So let's take care of it
    You know that you want to
    You know that you got
    To wake up America

    Becomes a new day
    And everything you do
    Everything you do
    Matters in some way

    I know that you
    Don't want to hear it
    Especially coming
    From someone so young

    But in the back seat
    They want to hear it
    (They want to hear it)

    So come on
    (Turn it up)
    Come on
    (Turn it up)
    So come oooooooon
    (Turn it up)
    Wake up America
    We're all
    In this together
    It's our home
    So let's take care of it
    You know that you want to
    You know that you got to
    Wake up America
    Becomes a new day
    And everything you do
    Everything you do
    Matters in some way

    By Miley Cyrus hehe..

    it's really not that bad of a song!
    5th graders are in love with Miley Cyrus

  17. i agree bc people in the school ask me all the time about earth hour. Goodluck tommrow and i hope its clear see yall tomm nite bye bye


  18. Logan,
    Hope you feel ok. We had to use someone else's dramatic voice.....missed you at the the presentations.

  19. im glad logan made that announcement today during fourth. people are always asking me about what earth hour is because they have no clue.

  20. logan did the announcment great

  21. the announcement only coulda been better if logan woulda sung the miley cyrus song. then it would of been complete (:

  22. Sara says:
    Chris mentioned as many times possible at NLMS and Kiser that it was 8:30-9:30 pm so hopefully that will have sunk in for the kids.

  23. oops i kinda missed the boat on this one... i didnt know that was Logan!

  24. Be nice Sarah, they were little kids so I wanted to beat it in there head so they would remember, Storkie

  25. i guess this is a little after the fact, but I don't know if I expressed how good of a job we did on Earth HOur
