Sunday, March 1, 2009


Folks- Natalie has posted that her businesses seemed clueless; Chris has the movie on line.... ; seems that little old Lincolnton doesn't know what Earth Hour is........we need ways to help them understand.


  1. Okay I know this is random, but I was looking at Radar and I refuse to let school get canceled again. I hate missing school! 4-6 inches for Lincolnton tomorrow? GRRRR!!!!

  2. megan i agree..but you know if it will probably be called off

    and another comment once i said you don't have to pay..people smiled!

  3. I am also sure if you brought up the garbage patch in the pacific they would be clueless about that to, like i was. Just keep pushing it!

  4. I'm putting my letters in the mail tomorrow! I'm not sure if I'll see you guys in the morning, but Mrs. B, I'm sure we'll have soccer practice :X

    also, I was thinking, we should each be sure to let our neighborhoods know. Maybe we could make flyers or something.

  5. i already did my earth power is out..and has been since 10 last night and won't come back on until tomorrow MARCH five


  6. I understand your pain Natalie....that is usually how I spend me days off from school too....

  7. I missed you guys today!!! The video looks good!! If we make flyers we should possibly put the link to that video to maybe help people understand better, since they are clueless. Maybe business's will let us hang flyers up all around town.

  8. Alisha,
    I think that is a great idea...think about some designs for flyers....

  9. CLUELESS that doesn't surprise me and Wolfie you are right I'm sure they don't realize that there is a place called The Garbage Patch where our trash never goes away. Flyers are a great idea, if you need copies let me know. One on one contact maybe a better idea where the businesses are concerned. Hope we are still on for Thursday night, you can make a difference starting here and now. By the way the video looks great. Hope to see you tomorrow.
    APES Mom

  10. hey guys but i just got a call from gabes grandpaw and they moved the meeting to 630 to just get us in its great to see that they are interested but bad for the people thats got things to do we need to figure out who is talking and what to say b4 thursday

  11. I don't think i am going to be able to get off work thursday. but i wish you guys the best of luck. and its going to be hard to get things together because we have a two hour delay tomorrow i think. therefore we have to work hard on thursday and maybe some of us can stay after school tomorrow i know that i can.

  12. i have an extremely busy week the yearbook is due and we have lost two days to do 100 pages..and before the city council meeting i have student advisory.. i don't know if i'm going to be to able to attend the council meeting!!If nobody else can I will try my best!

  13. Tripper,
    We will make that a priority. Does anyone know the status of the blood drive?

  14. Natalie......shirt money is due ASAP and the order is in....i will call tomorrow if Ms. Nantz doesn't have any info...

  15. Yeah we deff have the blood drive tomorrow and we wont be in 1st period. Im willing to stay after whenever I need to because I need to figure out what to say and practice. I want this to go over well and I need to test my laptop on the projector. Make sure it works.

  16. The video is great christopher (EXCELLENT JOB)

  17. sounds cool..good job tonight..sorry it didn't work out..atleast yall made a statement!!

    maybe next time they will approve :((

  18. I posted the picture ( thought it was the least I could do!) You all did great and your effort was outstanding...things happen for reasons we don't always have an answer for until know? But, you should all be proud of yourselves and who knows what they will say the next time you talk to them....

  19. Well, i've e-mailed the radio stations 95.1 and 93.3 and so far i've had not had any kind of contact back from them. So as far as were concerned with the radio stations, it's probably not going to happen. :/

  20. I am so proud of you guys that spoke last night at the meeting. Great job!!!!

  21. You did a very good job on the movie

  22. Great job to everyone...maybe now with the proclamation approved the businesses wont be clueless an things will move smoother in that area...first stop stop the world!!!

  23. haha poor natlies
    yall tricked her (:
    that was not very nice

    but im suree that now that the big whigs are involved lincolntonians will understand a lil bit better bout whats going on.

  24. movie is really good,hope more people get to see it and realize this is really important

  25. Good job guys on the movie & on speaking infront of the city council, that takes a lot of courage! It's good to see that they understand the importance of this and are jumping on board as well :]

  26. christopher i gotta give you an A+ on the videoo. sry i didn't comment earlier i watched this on facebook. but i am very impressed by your video skills and i think we got the message across. so im proud of everyone who spoke and prepared everything for city council, it obviously payed off.

  27. It's great that our class is made up of people who care and want to make a difference. Chris has done a great job on the video and everyone else has worked diligently to make earth hour a great success.

  28. It would be cool if we can post that video on a local news station or something of the sort...maybe like 6:00 news on channel 3 that will get people informed

  29. I know i am wayyy behind, but chris did a great job on the video and i think showing it to the kids when we go to the schools will really be a good job. And i like the way Brett thinks, but baby-steps right Mrs. B?

  30. lawson says: the video is awesome chris!
