Thursday, March 12, 2009

Newest of the new!!

And the news keeps on rolling in.................

we made the front page of the Lincoln Tribune ( ), the LCS home page and the county office is sending out your flyers to every LCS employee.........

Linda Yoder - lead science teacher for LCS has sent all science teachers and teachers she knows a note about your classroom visits.......Mr. Mitch Sherrill at the county office endorsed your plans and approves and.......

you made the Twitter blog on the Earth Hour US home page.......right hand side of the page under Lincoln tribune heading....folks you are with the big boys!!!! The Empire State building and even Concord, NH....................

Mr Worley sent out an email about the carolina green sense all LHS teachers...( tee hee)

best of all.......your presentation has already been requested in a classroom at Kiser............

heady times folks........I am humbled to be a part of your success............


  1. I can't believe all the attention we are getting it seemed so small at first and now it turned into something huge

  2. I never would have guessed that we would get all of this attention. We're going to get the recognition of those that started it in Lincolnton but just imagine what we could have done with this if it had started a few years ago. We would make it HUGE here!

  3. Yup you are so right Billy. But, you do have the satisfaction of knowing that it started all with your class.

    News flash: Tinken has asked its employees to take part in Earth Hour...Way to go letter writing crew!!!

  4. I think on our own time some of us need to take any posters and go to individual businesses and ask them if we can hang up the posters in their buldings, that way we can tell them in person what we are doing, if that hasn't been done already.

  5. i agree megan that would deffinitely show dedication. This is so exciting!!!!

  6. Ladies...I think that sounds like a plan and you can have posters tomorrow if you like......

  7. This is awesome, so much attention for little lincolnton. I think though that instead of using the city council picture they need to get a better picture of all of us together as a class.

    And as for going to the schools go, I definitely want to be a part of that.

    Saturday night I have asked off of work but I don't know if ill be able to get it off or not.

  8. This is really great publicity for LHS.

  9. we need to remind everybody to wear our EH shirts tuesday. also, justin, do you know what time (or class period) the newspaper is supposed to be here tuesday?

  10. Ashton,
    It is set for first...whether that is what happens or not is anyone's guess....but that was the original plan

  11. Maybe theyll make lincolnton a state

  12. I found this article and it seemed like it was something that we should talk about:

    Sure, they get people excited and make them feel like they are participating in a global movement, but the overall impact is fairly minimal, particularly given the fact that the majority of participants end up burning paraffin candles instead. The end result is that Earth Hour burns more CO2 than keeping one low-watt CFL bulb burning instead.

    Here's the trade-off: if you get your electricity from green sources (wind, hydro, solar, etc.), switching over to a seemingly innocuous candle is a bit of mental legerdemain. Are the candles 100% beeswax or soy with a 100% cotton wick? Or are they the cheaper paraffin (fossil fuel) kind? Do they burn cleanly or do they actually contribute to increased carbon dioxide emissions?

    For those of you not intimately knowledgeable about standard paraffin candles, paraffin is essentially hydrocarbon, or a heavy alkane fraction distilled straight from crude oil. Even if 80% of your electricity comes from coal and fossil fuel fired power stations, burning candles is very polluting and certainly very greenhouse gas and carbon dioxide emissions intensive, even more so than electric lighting. In other words, for every paraffin candle that is burned to replace electric lighting during Earth Hour, greenhouse gas emissions over the course of the one hour are increased by 9.8 g of carbon dioxide.

    Beeswax candles, on the other hand, can be considered "carbon neutral" in the sense that, even though it produces carbon dioxide when burned, it’s carbon that is naturally cycled through the ecospheric carbon cycle - not from fossil fuel.

    So, if you are doing Earth Hour, stock up on beeswax candles if you really want to make a statement. Another alternative is a hand-crank or solar lantern. Or, you can just hang out in the dark and enjoy yourself with other, more carbon neutral activities.

  13. Haha. Logan that was so funny but would that even possible? I mean if you think about do we have what it requires to be a state? But I can kind of see where you are coming from. On another note, on my days off I'm going to try and talk to places of interest near where I live especially the lamp shop and that one carpet place I think that have the electronic signs, because wouldn't it be cool if we could get them to advertise Earth Hour for all to see as they are driving by? I think it would definitely make a statement if we could get places like that on board. And since it is coming up, I know Caitlin said something about her mom and the Vet's office, maybe do you think she could change the sign as Earth Hour looms ever nearer?

  14. wonder if this is going to be written in the history books????....probably is

  15. this is very good because the tribune doesent even put that much news out there so this is good for us also it is a free newspaper so alot of people will see it

  16. Its Amazing how much our little class from a little town in NC has achieved. I'm so proud to be a part of all this.

  17. Brett,
    that would probably be the absolutely most awesome thing.....but; think about this : all newspapers are archived for hundreds of years so in a way you are being put in the history books...

  18. Good ideas Megan...........bring them up in class!!

  19. HOnestly, when we first started working on this, i didn't think we would get anywhere. And now look at us! we are celebrities!!!!!

  20. This is so amazing, I can't believe that we actually made it this far.

  21. People always say a small group can make a difference and through action can bring change...we are a living example and im glad i could be a part of it

  22. I am excited to get to talk to other schools about this, if it happens! Hopefully we will get all of our stuff together to go and speak.

  23. Sara says:
    Still growing and making headlines guys, this is really great! Next TV and the world :)

  24. We the GREAT APES, proclaim that the world is to be taken next after little Lincolnton.............YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We Rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. we have come along way guys. im proud of us! hopefully the school talks will be a success:)

  26. lawson says: im proud of the progress we are making guys.

  27. I think it is so cool that we made it onto all these Internet blogs. It goes to show all who did not believe that a little town could do big things. The things that we are doing for Earth Hour are just beginning. Sure, this Earth Hour is almost here and we will be done with it here, but the precedent at Lincolnton High School’s AP
    Justin says:
    Environmental Science class will be set. We have the potential to change the planet and I think collectively, this class has done that in a major way.

  28. Ok so, I just mutilated Justin's post....I am sorry !

  29. YAY!! i'm so proud of our group!!
