Friday, March 27, 2009

Fair warning for your chapter to write questions on/for...

I will post, probably Saturday morning , a list of the chapter numbers and titles that are assigned to each chapter. It is your responsibility to create a series of questions that will address the major concepts of each of the chapters . Create questions that will help you and your classmates hear the concept and challenge themselves when playing review games.
I will send the Earth Science powerpoints to the following APES that have requested them:
Matt Rachel Logan
Natalie Olivia
Billy Ashton
Ariel Ben
Lawson Wolfie

As of 2:30 on Friday 27 March 2009, these are the only people that said they needed them. If I missed you , let me know or if you change your mind, let me know..............


  1. I just need a little clarification about where we are meeting tomorrow at eight o clock

  2. thanks for the warning! and yes, i need the details for tomorrow.

  3. I would like the powerpoints please! :)

  4. I hope everything goes well tonight sorry I'm babysitting!!Have fun everyone :)

    Best of luck!

  5. thank you!! im ready to see this happen tonight

  6. yup that sounds good to me. ps- i sent you those pictures mrs b. let me know if you didn't get them and i will try to again.
    and yayy earth hour finally!

  7. I would love to have those powerpoints! Please and thank you!

  8. i think the earth hour meeting went well

  9. Hi Rachel,
    I did not get the photos...can you try again?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. here we go.....

    This is the snow monkey book - if you have a different one, I will post content

    Chapter 2 - Tripper
    Ch. 3 - Ben
    Ch 4 - Brett
    Ch 5 - Anna
    Ch 6 - Megan W
    Ch 7 - Natalie
    Ch 8 - Billy
    Ch 9 -Olivia
    Ch 10 & Ch 15 - Christopher
    Ch 11 - Ariel
    Ch 12 -Megan Y
    Ch 13 - Sarah
    Ch 14 - Sara
    Ch 16 - Brittney
    Ch 17 - Logan
    Ch 18 - Justin
    Ch 19 - Jake ( Water Pollution )
    Ch 20 - Mollie
    Ch 21 - Matt
    Ch 22 - Wolfie
    Ch 23 - Jimmy
    Ch 24 - Caitlin ( Sustaining Aquatic Biodiversity)
    Ch 25 - Rachel
    Ch 26 - Lawson (Economics, Environment & Sustainability)
    Ch 27 & 28 - due to the interrelatedness of these two chapters I would like Ashton, Alisha and Morgan T to work on these together.....

    Please read Ch 11 for Wednesday the first of April

  12. The powerpoints are very helpful Mrs. B. Interesting too (especially the first one).

  13. not until after vacation , Billy....

  14. Oh nevermind, i'm guessing they're due tomorrow

  15. chapter 5, got it! by the way, the security words these things make you type are pretty funny sometimes...

  16. You do not have to limit yourself to 10 questions....rather, you should look for the important concepts in your chapter to create review questions from. Try to write them with one true and 2 or 3 false answers.....they will most likely be due the Tuesday or Wednesday following Easter break......

    Anna, the words are just nutty.......I agree!

  17. oh lol i thought you were talking about THIS mini vacation. I already did like... 2 pages lol. Oh well.

  18. I got ya Mrs.B....Ill hit my 2 chapters and make them interesting someway

  19. Sara says:
    I think this review will really help!

  20. does this mean that alisha, morgan, and i all have to write 10 questions for ch 27 & 28 OR 10 questions total for the group?

  21. Mrs. B! Mrs. B! i cant get power point on my computer!!! and also i have a different book than the snow monkey

  22. It is actually not necessarily 10 questions....more like no less than 10.....if you feel that more are warranted to cover the chapter than feel free....with the three of you working together, there really should be more than 10 questions per chapter.....but yes it is 10 minimum per chapter......

  23. Wolfie......we will look at yours to figure it out.....content is the same usually just in different places..........ok?

  24. This will definately be a fun challenge considering I know pretty much nothing about the basics. Who knows, maybe I'll stump even the smartest people.

  25. Megan,
    You know i will help you since you are at a disadvantage, right?

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Morgan, Alisha, and I decided to do like ~5 each for each of our chapters. That'll be approximately 30 questions for the two chapters. Will that suffice as us working together?

  28. i already said this on the powerpoint blog, but i would like them emailed if possible

  29. I gotcha Mrs. B ill be working on them:)
