Thursday, March 19, 2009

Charts to remind you of the cycles


  1. sorry the charts are so spastic around the page, but I was having that kind of day.........

  2. So I was looking on Lincoln Times site and the story he did for us still isn't up, so does that mean it's not going to be up until Friday? Spastic is okay Mrs. B. We can all be a bit spastic from time to time.

  3. Spatcicity is almost a requirement when talking about cycles because they are SO boring!!!

  4. "Spasticity", sorry I spelled it wrong (I don't even think it's a word)

  5. Lol, nice one billy.

    Yes a little "spasticity" is good every now and then Mrs. B..

  6. Thank you those helped me a lot:)

  7. I went through the chapters but even though we already learned most of this stuff..can we spend a day on each chapter just going through the would help..just like pulling all the information together!!

  8. to be honest i tried to understand the diagrams but they didn't make sense??

    WILL U PLEASE GO OVER THEM.i don't mean to sound stupid..but to be completely honest..i tried to understand the

  9. Yea, I'm with Natalie. Some of the diagrams are a little confusing, especially the carbon cycle. Going over it in class sounds like a good idea.

  10. I got them...charts and visuals always help more than words

  11. they were kinda hard for me to understand to. going over these would be great.

  12. You all have played right into my plans.....moihahah.....we will play at least two games for you to help understand them......yea!! games!!!

    Natalie - give me a starting point to help you understand and we will get it done!! ( with the chapters I mean)

  13. you remember the game we used to play..where we wrote questions..i liked that game..i forget it..but i remembered it helped for quizes and test!

  14. I remember them some but remember I had a crappy Earth Science teacher he really didn't go over them I just remember reading them out of the book and I don't really learn well that way unless I read something over and over again and this semester I just don't have the time to read the stuff more than once.

  15. at the end of each of her classes, ms. clark assigns everyone a chapter for them to "teach the class" with some games or worksheets or something. it's a good review usually, as long as it isnt boring. you mentioned something like that in class and i thought it was a good idea.

  16. I WANT THE CHAPTER ON BMPS. GIVE IT TO ME MRS. B, PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. that is a great idea!!! glad we all had it as a team...............

    if you beg hard enough Chris, I might consider it. teehee..............

  18. PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. well...I am considering it......

  20. chris is going crazy...i like that game to nat u know me and james will always be mrs b's Mvps

  21. tripp I wouldn't go that far haha...anyways I like the vocab review, true or false preferably lol. Also, I agree with Nat on going over some stuff in class about the chapts we are reading because it's A LOT of info to take in!!

  22. Sara says:
    The charts really do help though even if they are spastic. It helps to see in all at once instead of just talking about it. Plus, I like the cow in the 2nd one! :)

  23. I agree with everybody else that we should discuss these charts in class to get a full understanding.

  24. i like the game we had today!!!
    and the chart have helped me a bit

  25. Thanks for the charts, they seem to help me a lot

  26. thanks for the charts Mrs B. but the games in class helped me to understand alot better. i like hands on stuff:)

  27. lawson says: even though my path for the nitrogen cycle went a little crazy in class today the charts helped me understand it alittle better..

  28. I think the games scared a couple of freshmen today. Lets do a lot more in the future.

  29. thanks for the charts (: i liked our musical chairs gamee todayy.

  30. geeeezzzz there are a lot of charts to remeber and that game helped with at least one of them...all the rest can be studie...blah

  31. Thank God for cyclical processes
