Monday, March 16, 2009

GLOBE AT NIGHT!!! Don't Forget

the star observations start tonight...of course because it is cloudy!! and rainy!!

You will need to either down load the forms or look at them and write your information down. Keep a record of it and if you are planning to submit the data yourself, then make sure I have a copy of what you are submitting. IF I am submitting your data , I MUST have it the class following your observation.........

This is not an optional assignment!


  1. So how many nights exactly do we have to do this, because I'm off like every other night this week, but I don't want to overdo it you know? So is it just one night, or a couple of nights, or like seven days?

  2. Yeah I am with Megan what exactly are we supposed to be doing

  3. I read the sight and all I just don't know how many days we are doing it, I couldn't find that on the blog or on the website? Is it like every night?

  4. This is an every night observation.......once you get the hang of is way way simple....

  5. so where exactly do we download the forums or what not?

  6. sounds good what is the website to download

  7. okay i just printed out sheets..and i'm going to keep a record is that okay?

  8. I have no idea if i am doing this right or not. Every time i go to enter my longitude and latitude the map will not go away. So i just basically wrote down everything.


    Long., Lat., date, nighttime sky, estimate cloud cover in sky, and some comments.
    Is that ok?

  9. we will go over it tomorrow sarah, but if you keep everything you can't go wrong

  10. Gotcha. I just printed out one of the sheets and wrote down everything on that.

  11. I really dont understand this, so im just going to print off some sheets and record it and bring it to you. Is that okay?

  12. So i walked out on my roof. No clouds, the stars were bright, i could see every star in the big/little dipper(who am i to judge its size) and i looked around but couldnt really find the belt.

  13. if we are submitting it ourselves, do we just tell you we submitted it?

  14. rainy nights dont do much for the stars unless it clears up...then the stars are really clear right after the rain...orion has always been my favorite, cause it is the easiest to pick out

  15. why is that Matt? why are the stars clearer?

  16. I cant do this I feel ridiculous!

  17. Anna,
    what can't you do? If you don't let me know I cannot help you and you just sort of flounder about.....

  18. well i dont know that my observations are completely accurate, but im trying :)

  19. lawson says: its hard to see mine cause i live right beside the airport and its bright all the time

  20. ok so i look to the east and look for three stars correct?

  21. I'm suprised how easy it is to find the stars, and how you can really see the red and the blue. You would think after 18 years I would have looked up at the night sky at least a couple of times.

  22. Justin says:
    This Globe at Night activity is actually really fun. It is weird, though. My data is not consistent. One night it will be clear and the magnitude chart will be four or five. But the next clear night, the magnitude chart may be a one or two. It does not make any sense. But, it is fun going out every night about 9:00 and looking up at the sky and seeing one of two things: stars or clouds. HaHa! Either way, it is a hands-on way to have fun with astronomy!

  23. Anna,
    it depends on what time of night you are looking.........the better place is toward the south about nine o'clock............

  24. I check mine around eight thirty every night and live in Boger City and i actually see a whole lot more than I thought I would:)
