Sunday, March 29, 2009

Earth Hour Sucesses.....

Horray for the GREAT APES!!! the greatest of great apes in the world...... You were magnificent!! thanks to everyone who worked hard and couldn't be there last night; thanks to Matt for getting us the fellowship hall at his church ( that was so awesome!); thanks to Chris and Justin for their continued dedication; thanks to everyone who brought family and friends with them; thanks for all the food; thanks Joe Morton !!! what a great surprise; thanks to the roof crew for making the stars shine even brighter than they finally did; thanks to Mrs. Nantz for her never ending support;thanks for the opportunity to spend " quality" time with a bunch of APES; thanks to anyone and everyone who I may have forgotten in my zealousness ; Billy - you never fail to amaze me; Wolfie and Logan puddles will never be the same and spiral staircases will also be an area that in the long run may cause me to jump ; Sara, Brittney, Caitlin, Mollie ( ha! spelled right) - your enthusiasm was contaigious; Alisha - way awesome you made it! ;Lawson and Brett- way to work out a work situation ; Ben - great Earth Hour soldier! Jimmy and Tripper - there are no words - your help was invaluable; Megan - a better reporter we couldn't have had - make sure we get the photos.

The Gaston Gazette has posted a slide show of last night..if you would like to view it the link is as follows....

Enjoy your sucesses!!!

If I missed ANYONE that was there...please let me is still such a blur...................


  1. Well,
    You all want to hear a good one? Steve just came up stairs and told me that an Earth Hour group that is located near our former environmental VP -Al Gore's home noticed that last night from the hour of 8:30 - 9:30 pm, he did not turn out his interior home lights, nor the spotlights that light up the outside of his home..... along his much for his dedication.....

  2. mrs b:( how could you forget me!

  3. No I didn't did I? I am sad and embarrassed. You and the crew were so good, I would never have smiled so much if you had not been there!! Thank you so much for including me in your life for this one night...I will miss your laugh so much.....

  4. haha thanks mrs B:)its hour was pretty crazy and even better than i expected and i am happy to say that you and mrs nantz were there the whole time to help us prepare and see it through. So thanks for having faith in us!I am proud to say that our class accomplished something great together and hopefully made some kind of impact of L-town!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Sara says:
    I couldn't agree more about the success! I was looking at some of the pictures from the Gaston Gazette & I was really proud at how great we all looked. The view from the roof was also killer (in both senses of the word haha) & it was a really great time!!

  7. Yall a pretty tough looking group of apes. Im proud i can be in such a group.

  8. i agree...when we first talked about earth hour i never dreamed it would such a success and we would accomplish as much as we did...Thank you Mrs. Bosiak and Mrs. Nantz for always supporting so proud to be a LHS APES

  9. I, also, am proud to be an APE. Those pictures look great! I wonder if the sillouette of Chris was intentional? This was an awesome night, and even though some people in Lincolnton forgot (they all forgot, mind you, no one just didn't do it, that would be wrong)it turned out better and more fun then I think anyone could have hoped for...Al Gore...

  10. way to go to Gore!

    Saint James loved us coming btw. was great to see yall on the front page..

    mrs.b i visited state this weekend..i thought of you!

  11. Oh my gosh yall did a great job, Im so sad I was unable to be there:( Im so proud of everyone yall are the BEST!!! And all the pictures were great great job!!

  12. sorry i couldnt make it, but ill have everyone know that I sucessfully forced Kathleen to participate against her wishes-we worked too hard for me to allow defiance!!

  13. Justin says:
    I will get the pictures loaded, Mrs. Bosiak as soon as possible. I have had a lazy weekend! It was greatly needed, though. Anyway, this weekend (Saturday night specifically) was great fun! We'll have all major news outlets in Charlotte jealous they didn't come. I still feel like that was partly my fault, though. Apparently, they had bigger fish to fry. But, I certainly didn't let that stop me from having a great time with everyone. I am going to have to come back next year. Hopefully next years APES will do an Earth Hour event, too!

  14. Justin, it certainly was not your did a great job and you are right, they missed an excellent time.......

  15. Yall are amazing....We have got to be the greatest APES that ever were....We truly are a rare rare breed.....I look forward to class and whatever we tackle next....Does a trip to save the whales with Greenpeace sound good Logan?....Thanks everybody who helped and put so much dedication into such a great clause......Thank You

  16. Episode 2: What Happened to the Lights
    "I was traveling to one of my triple agent meetings in Boise, Idaho; when lights started going off everywhere and with me traveling by parachute I began to not be able to see and crashed landed into an Esurance Billboard. Little to my knowledge was that lights everywhere were going off and the answer was right in front of me (Esurance Billboard for Earth Hour). I thought that the North Korean's finally shot their missile off and struck a power plant. I was in awe until I finally turned around and read the billboard. Stupid me I thought to myself." Tune in Next Week for "Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego" and she might just meet up with Greenpeace on a whaling adventure.

  17. christopher, you're hilarious.

    i hate i missed out on Saturday night :( but the pictures are amazing, and i'm so glad we have such an enthustiastic group! i'm going to miss y'all next year :(

  18. Yeaaahhh! also mama has some pics that i will have her e-mail to u

  19. If yall can get me all the pictures, I will put them all together in a big folder and either put it on ur flash drive or bring me a cd. I will also pull the slideshow movie off the web and save it.

  20. CHris that would be great...that way anyone who wanted it could have a copy.....will you put your video and the commercial on as well?

  21. I have a new project......ask me tomorrow...

  22. Sorry I couldn't be there but I am proud of all of you and prouder to be an ape.

  23. it was a great time and a great thing for me to be apart of thanks you to all

  24. Do not fret Mrs. B; I will not stop until I reach the ranks of Earth Hour General.

  25. lol yea i barely made it after i had to go back and get my chips. the slide show was really neat. and i can actually breathe now that Earth is over but that doesn't mean we stop here :]]

  26. I'm so glad that we were noticed for our efforts. At least we can say we did something while all those phonies (like the Green Team-Did I just write that?) sit there and look stupid. WAY TO GO APES!

  27. Megan,
    Be nice , but I agree with all of you that we keep some activity going. Natalie asked me to post a new blog called New Projects, which I did. Steve's idea is simple but could be very effective if we use the idea of Earth Day as our theme and then invite the dignitaries as well.....

  28. Yeah, I deff was able to get the pics off of the Gaston Gazette.....YAY ME.....Ill bring them tomorrrow

  29. Earth Hour was great, I would never expected it would of been so successful, but it was!! ...and I'm really glad I decided to come.

  30. im sorry i couldnt be there saturday. HT needed me. but it looks like you all did an amazing job!

  31. yayy!! (: i hate i missed it but im glad it was such a success.

  32. im just glad i could be apart of this, and thank you mrs.b for the cmmnt. hope our breakfast pulls thru :]

  33. i enjoyed the ten minutes i was there as well
