Friday, March 6, 2009


Hey guys! Check this out!!!!.......want to be famous across the state of NC? Want more notarity than ever dreamed before? Then take this challenge - I dare you!!!!

Create a commercial for use in NC across the state. The particulars are listed at the website below...... I double dare you!!!! : )

(like the green bend? tee hee!!)


  1. Im EXCITED! We can definitely pull this off and we can make more than one so if we have more than one great idea we can submit them it gives us more of a chance!

    Preliminary idea...Similar to the Trojan idea where everyone is a pig until they get a trojan but twist it to recycling and add our own flavor to it and make it our own. Possibility: A Dr. Jeckle and Mr. Hyde or some kind of transformation from monster to human after recycling..just a thought.

    Another thought is to come up with a jingle much like the free credit report commercials but make it about recycling.

    We have about 2 or so weeks to do this since it is due on March friend has a really nice HD camcorder that we may be able to use so the picture will look good. We have made great videos in the past so we can definitely do it again!

  2. great jobbb with the beiinngg on the cover!

  3. ha i love jingles matt(: im def in on that part cause i sure cant do the technology aspect.


    -the trojan idea just made me laugh out loud. but the twist is a good idea. ha

  4. Unlike Morgan, I have no ability to create a jingle and have it make sense but it may be absolutely stupid. I do however have the technology aspect of the project in the bag anything that needs to be done I can probably do. So whenever we decide to do this I will be more than happy to help.

  5. This sounds like a great idea Ims sure we can pull it off. I love all the ideas so far.

  6. I nominate Logan to be the monster.

  7. Mrs. B.. Do we have the questions for Chapter 8 yet? And when is Chapter 7 due?

  8. Monster? when'd monsters come into this? And sounds good as long as im not a pig.

  9. Why don't we bring Captain Planet back. You know just change the name or somthing.

  10. Haha i love all of the ideas, I'm not much of a movie person but i'll be definitely glad to help :)

  11. haha all these ideas are really good. i think the free credit report commerical idea is good because like everyone knows those songs when they come on TV.

  12. Questions on questions will be answered in class tomorrow.....

  13. Im excited! I love the ideas! when can we start?!?!

  14. I think Matt's off to a good start with this whole jingle jabber :] We definately have the class to pull this off, I have FULL faith!

  15. Ok so i'm trying to work on the jingle to the free credit song. The one where it goes, "While I was shoppin for a new car, which ones me? A cool convertible or an SUV" ect..
    And I think working off of that we could say like..
    R-E-C-Y-C-L-E, thats what were gonna do to save the earth baby. Or something along those lines.
    lol :)

  16. we should have recycle girl, reduce dude and reuse man. Or do a secret agent thing. I know i am cheesy but there are two ideas.

  17. And to continue sarah's idea we could continue with. Separating plastics and paper too. Doing just what all people should do. Thats all i got to add i had more but i forgot

  18. I think with the all "exceptional" minds of our class that we can come up with an ingenously witty commercial that will spark the interest in the environment of many viewers.

  19. Ben,
    You are too modest ..... :) and way too refined for this group!! lol

  20. Ariel...what about a take off on 24 with an agent like jack bauer?

  21. that would be awesome have some one call your phone in your room because it has the ring tone i can see it all now do a 24 law and order mix with the phone call and maybe so gable bangs and times lol

  22. these are all really good ideas and I'm willing to help but as some of you know (anna) I cannot be on camera. Im not as shy as i used to be but im not THERE yet. I can help with anything else though.

  23. This would definately be fun. and my favorite commercial was the tag one. that one was really funny.

  24. We just finished an awesome video for apgopo with "witty" dialogue and awesome editing from one of my friends i'm almost certain that we as an entire class could pull this off with flying colors

  25. P.S. when is the time ever going to be correct on these things?

  26. The idea for making a commercial is great. What if we took a spin off of the respect song. hehe that would be funny

  27. Ok its no secret that I like the idea of Earth Hour, but Im not 100% enthusiastic about every aspect. Get ready to see some passion though folks, because for this I'm completely on board. I think recycling is very important, and combined with my love for anything the arts, this project shall be my forte, and ill post later with ideas ;)

  28. I like Earth Hour a lot, but I think that this commercial would be a even greater achievment because recycling is more important to me than light pollution. I don't want to see the Great Pacific Garbage Patch continue to grow, so lets make a great commercial. I can't wait!

  29. yall this could be so cool if we pulled of a commercial. ps- i like the idea mrs b had about the 2 people from different decades walking on the sidewalk. that could be pretty cool!

  30. lawson says: well i still think we should do: a guy not recycling and a football player tackling him and the caption would read "i pity the fool who doesn't recycle"

  31. Justin says:
    This is a really cool idea. I saw Morgan Wolf all dressed up this afternoon after third period. I hope the video turns out well. I think it would be so cool if one night while watching television I saw Morgan dressed up in the “Sixties” outfit doing her recycling thing! I really like contests like this, because it raises competition. And blood pressure...But, you take the good with the bad.
