Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Posting information

Remember that after this start-up post, you will only have three days to post your initial comment to subsequent posts. That does not mean only three days to continue a conversation ...that conversation could go on for days! It means that first comment that you will be graded on. Remember also that a comment is not a " one -liner" . Comments are your reflections/questions/ideas about a topic. That kind of communication cannot be accomplished in a single statement ( at least usually! ) Each of you has fantastic ideas and I look forward to hearing them and seeing the interaction between you all and the former APES. This should be a blast!!!


  1. Just so you know guys, it really isn't that hard to post, and like I keep telling a few people, the blog is a very important part of this class. Even if you can't get on everyday still try to get on within that three day period, but like Mrs. B said, some conversations can go on for days, as long as you stay on topic though, there's no point if you trail off. This isn't meant to punish anyone, this is purely a learning experience, and you will find that once you get involved in the blog, you can learn a lot more than you can in class, because when you interact with your classmates, you learn things or maybe even understand things better than what was taught in class. And as always if you do have a question that you didn't ask in class or that you get at that moment you can always get on blogger and post a comment asking it, or you can always get in contact with one of us older apes. I know I'm going to be around a lot to answer questions, but that doesn't mean I'm going to give you an answer. One thing I did learn is that you can't always get your answers from the internet, but you can learn to think. We aren't here to answer questions just because you are too lazy to answer them, we are here to mediate your thinking processes because all of us know that you are capable of thinking. But we will answer general questions, but ones that you should know are up to you to figure out. And don't be frightened if we post a question that makes you think. That's the point of the post. It's to get those brain waves moving and to get you focused on the subject matter ahead. So don't put this off. This is important. And most of all have fun. It's real easy to get conversations going back and forth, and its okay to have different opinions as long as ya'll don't get too rowdy. Good luck! And I'm here with any questions ya'll have!!

  2. What conditions are needed for another ice age to occur? will we be able to survive it?

  3. hey. when shes talking about the every 3 days thing, does that mean she just wants us to be active on the site often?

  4. HAHA Megan is just saying to make sure that you check the blog often to make sure that you are kept up on the topic... because everyone should have an input on a subject and alot what people has to say can help you out alot

  5. ok so i want to know is have your grade going to be on haow often you are involved with the blog

  6. Anjelica - ask that question in class so everyone can hear the answer, ok?
    Kenzie - your intial response to a post has to be within the three days......but yes you should be active as possible

    Brittney - yes to a certain extent.

  7. no... to answer your question brittney... from my understanding is that you have 3 days from the time Mrs. Bosiak posts a topic to respond at least once... after that you can comment as much as you want... as long as the conversation keeps going.. you can keep commenting... does it make sense to you now? did i understand correctly?

  8. Matt A and Matt B - distinguish between yourselves when you post, please...

  9. hahaha will do!!!! Does it confuse you a little bit Mrs. Bosiak?!?!?! haha
    -Matt A.

  10. Ha! Ha ! Mr Amabile......not moi, but some of the others may not be able to discern the differences quite so easily..........OK you got me, occasionally it does ...rats caught!

  11. Ha. Ha. It doesn't take much to confuse Mrs. B. Just kidding!! I miss doing the blog. I don't have to do it in college yet, but I'm sure I will at some point. Good luck again new apes!

  12. ok so this is my first post on this blog... all others have been from Matt A. Just wanted to agree with the general consensus of what is being said that yes blog is important, it helps you learn, you do get graded for it, and it is fun...
    Mrs. B i think im going to change my profile info so you will no longer be confused :)

  13. thanks matt and ms. bosiak! lol i was a little confused. :)

  14. oh yes...this is exhilarating...jk

  15. This is fun emory even though i only join like 2 minutes ago.

  16. wait till you get really started emory and gets crazy.

    By the way......unless your critter is a single atom , I don't think it will teletransport very know?

  17. this stuff is fun. i just need to remember to get on it. haha.

  18. I agree with Hannah. Let's hope this doesn't become addicting...

  19. I disagree with Caitlin I hope this will become addicting. I've seen last years guys post and they came up with some pretty interesting stuff.

  20. gosh think megan's post could be any longer???? haha but I agree I think blogging is becoming addictive

  21. I dont know if i'll get addicted to it but it sure is a fun way to get an A

  22. I agree with everyone that blogging is actually fun once you get around to it. I just hope I remember to stay up to date on here =D!

  23. im not sure if i'll get use to blogging? haha but i guess id better get use to it real quick if i want to keep my grade up! ;)

  24. i hope i blogged on everything i feel a lot more comfortable with the site now :)

    and addiction to blogging anyone whos addicted needs help lol

  25. Ms. B, this is an extremely new experience. I have never blogged for a class, and i may forget so you may have to remind me.

  26. I need to get the hang of this site, it's a new experience for me as well Haley!

    I'm excited that i will be able to interact with my classmates and continue a discussion and learn their veiws.

    Hopefully i will learn lots about this and set it to use in college next year :D

  27. Hey everybody!
    Better late than never, im finally set up.

  28. yeah i absolutely agree with both lydia & haley! i did do blogging in my online class last year but it was somewhat different.

    i'm sure i'll get the hang of it soon, so no wories! & once i do, it should be fun getting to communicate with everyone about different things :)

  29. Ok I am putting up my second blog.
    I am with Haley, this is brand new to me and I may also need some reminding. But I might get the hang of it.

  30. Looks to me like you are all doing a great job so on to the first serious post......the most influential animal...check it out.

  31. ahhh i almost forgot about this stuff! i need reminders :)

  32. Mrs B.-
    how do you know of the inner workings of the Unipeakemu?? it very well could have solved the problem- all it takes it the ability to relocate every electron(including its spin and charge and etc.) somewhere else at exactly the same time- which is NO problem for one as advanced as the Unipeakemu

  33. Ah possibly, buy highly unlikely...we shall see however, Emory.

  34. Remember that posts after the introduction post in August need to be reflective and insightful..well at least they cannot be just a few words........

  35. Oh goodness, you miss alot when you don't get on for a while... Note to self: don't forget to post!

  36. no one is on at 10:30 =(
    i think you need to make a random we can ask questions and hold other discussions- all on the topic of earth/enviromental science though >.>
