Monday, August 31, 2009

Welcome to the next step before the next step.....

This is the fall semester of your APES experience. Each of you will need to create a gmail account and use the password and username that I gave you in class. We will do a lot of communicating through this forum and you need to be logged in and on. Please use these blogs to ask questions to me or your classmates; to work out answers to problems ( do not give each other the answers, but rather help work them out) ; to catch up on what you might have missed or to post interesting things for me and the class.
I am looking forward to a great year with all of you! The challenge has been set. The APES of 2008-2009 think that you can never be quite the APES that they were. Are you up to the challenge?


  1. Advice from the former APES to the new... this is the greatest class and one that you learn a lot from and at the same time have fun... the catch is you have to do the work... a class can be only as good as you make it, so its your choice... my advice, do the work and you will have a blast... cause we did! Anyways good luck to all the new APES... you have big shoes to fill so as Mrs. B said are you up to it?

  2. I am up to but now i'm going to look up a picture of an ape

  3. I FOUND IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Now for some comments that will make your brain hurt because you will be thinking oh so hard

  4. Rock on APES!!!!! This will be a year to remember!!

  5. I am so ready and up for the challenge! Our class will be ready for anything you put us up too! Now to find my ape!

  6. hi! i finally figured it out! and good luck making our brains hurt!

  7. I got my account all set up!

    Now i'm ready to start blogging (:

  8. mrs. b helped me yay!! yeah im up too the challenge .

  9. I am really impressed with the excitement level of the new APES......keep on keeping on!!!

  10. Yes, the new apes definately have enthusiasm, but they will never be what the 08-09 apes were. We were the best!!!

  11. I finally got my account setup !!!!!

  12. Megan you only WISH you were as cool as me!!! I accept your challenge...let the games begin.

  13. To Megan, Christopher, and Matt B.:

    You all only wish we couldn't be like you because we are already way cooler. The LHS APES 2009-2010 are amazing and can do anything you try on throw at us. So bring it on!!!!!! I am so up for the challenge.

  14. Hannah I totally agree! We are so ready for everything and anything that you want to put in our path!Everyone is ready and I think our class will be a blast to be in!

  15. haha despite what my sister thinks, i think this year's apes will totally dominate the older ones.Well, maybe.

  16. i can't wait for this year we are all up to the challenge and will be ready for anything you throw at us ooh and i found my ape its so cute!!!

  17. i got an account! too bad it took me 3 times to get the password right. ha now i just have to find a gorilla. :) hey old and new apes

  18. Ha new apes will not be able to dominate the old apes. We were definately unique. Not saying that ya'll aren't either, but its time to face the facts and find out just what you have to live up to. Remember us when Earth Hour comes around and you figure out just how much work we put into it. We were the first therefore we are the best!

  19. Megan,
    You all will have to help them make Earth Hour Bigger and Bigger!!

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I finally got my account set up! I'm really excited about this year :)!

  22. Me too , Luke. Glad you are on board.

  23. behind as usual, but I got it done! Pssh... We can beat the old apes easy! :D

  24. ah but yes put all the work into gettin earth hour set up last year- so all we have to do is improve laid the groundwork so all the work we put into it will just make it BETTER THAN LAST YEAR. eat it.

  25. Adair- you are here now! I had to recreate your account

  26. Shelby - you are here now too...look for email in your gmail account to get info

  27. Hey Mrs.B this is shelby..I am here...!

  28. I am glad to know that Ross............ :)
