Friday, September 18, 2009

Rip Van Winkle effect

The following assignment is due 25 September @ 11 pm. ( Rough draft)

Final Draft due 30 October @ 11pm
Please respond on the blog:
#1. you have read the assignment
# 2. you have sent the assignment to either my gmail account or my school account

Really use your imginations , but be careful to stay within the realm of possibility.

What if You Were Asleep for 100 Years? : A Rip Van Winkle Proposal for the Restoration of Nature.

You have been asleep for 100 years. The date is now 2109. What will you see when you awake? How will things have changed? What will have changed? Will humans still be the dominating animal on the planet? What will the climate be like? What will your home be like? Use your extreme imaginations, but keep it within the realm of plausibility. Your job is to write a thoughtful, reflective essay. You will accomplish this by first considering several potential “futures “that could exist 100 years from now. After you have brainstormed your different outcomes; pick one. This will be the platform for you to elaborate and discuss what you see and discover as you step out into a new 22nd Century world. Your rough draft will be due to me via email .Identify yourself because I delete all unknown correspondents. Do not attempt to cloud the issues or bluff your way through this assignment. I will comment to you on your rough draft and you will then complete the final essay. Have fun thinking about what might happen………….


  1. so we need to email you our rough draft and final draft not post it correct.

  2. Correct - Do not post rough or final drafts. Email them.

    Essays are no shorter than 5 paragraphs....

  3. hows this:
    i wake up to find a giant meteor crashing down on an already doomed planet.
    the end

    great huh?

  4. ms. bosiak... i have a problem! everytime i send u an email i never get anything back? idk if im doing something wrong or what?

  5. Im having trouble coming up with a potential future beacause there are soooooooooooooo many things that come into play with the environment!

  6. yeah i agree with chrissy, like how many levels of change are we talking about because this could go on forever...

  7. i read it. =)

    i agree that this is really broad.

  8. I read the assignment, but I agree with everyone else.... this is very broad and it is going to be complicated to write by Friday!!!

  9. Can we use personal pronouns in the essay?

  10. i agree with emilee what all tihings do we need to take into perspective all of it or because we do so many things to hurt and then when it gets to far then we try to do something about it.

  11. oh by the way can we set it up as like a story?

  12. I also agree with Chrissy and Emilee. There are a vast amount of ways the earth and mankind could change in 100 years...So many possibilities, which one?!?! hahah. :)

  13. I have read the assignment. Well I read it a long time ago just didn't post. I have the same question as Chrissy. Can it be written as a story?

  14. That's my question also..It would be a lot easier in my opinion to be able to write it as a story.

  15. i say just write it as a story, and turn that in as your rough draft- if its not what she wants then turn what you have into essay form.

    it should be simple to transition if you already have everything in story mode

  16. Do we write the essay in our perspective or like you said a story? like would you start it "Once upon a time" and we need to talk about this in class now that i finally found the essay or tonight whichever works for me :)

  17. I read the assignment on Friday and forgot to post! :)

  18. I agree with everyone else that it would be easier to write it as a story, instead of an informational essay. But I'm not sure how to start it :(.

  19. does it have to be double spaced?

  20. adair im double spacing mine.
    i like this essay topic (:

  21. i sent mine to both of your emails so it would get to you one way or another. =) go hannah!!!

  22. When I changed my paper to double space it turn out it was 3 and 1/4 pages long I hope that is a good thing.

  23. Sent. I made it a story like Emory said..hopefully that is okay. And let me know about that note or phone call from my aunt to confirm why my paper was late.

  24. sent my paper thursday night! Made it like a story!

  25. lol...for people that had so much trouble and were so concerned, you all wrote some very good essays. the topic was intentionally broad to facilitate all of your varied brains.......... The story format certainly was an option - again, the format was never designated; only that it be an essay. You all did a fine rough draft!! Bully for you all................


  26. Ashlee - no note necessary..... I believe until I am given a reason not too.......

  27. Emory - that was a very helpful suggestion that you made regarding turning in the " rough" draft and being able to fix it quickly if it wasn't what I wanted...

    Adair - what would you like to talk about in class? Actually, I love the once upon a time idea!

    Apes , one and all ; thank you so much for doing exactly what I knew you could worked through questions and helped each other out and I am proud and impressed.

  28. ok i sent my final draft!! let me know that you got it please!! :)
