Thursday, September 3, 2009

New Gadgets!!

Check out the new gadgets!! Pretty neat!


  1. new gadgets? what are you referring too?
    ( also name is changed to avoid confusion) :)

  2. yeah i dont see any new gadgets Mrs. B
    and good thing changing to avoid confusion!!

  3. check out the search engine that will search the blog, the links and the web!!! Also tryingto get the countdown calendar set........check it out

  4. haha I am going to set it for my bday!!!

  5. lol thats a cool idea matt. and i have no idea what that means? like i said before im not very good at this technology thing... lol :)

  6. Haha its her countdown... thats pretty basic to be set... however... Mrs. B, you need to fix it because the countdown wont save anything... so when i went to a new page, the countdown reset itself!

  7. lol haha ohhhh ok. il mess with it and see what i can do.

  8. Yes I know. That seems to be an issue so i may have to remove it for a bit.....

  9. I tried to put my birthday into that and then i went to a new page and it was gone!!! haha ooo and did you notice Erika?!?!

  10. yea and what is even more interesting is the mess over mexico - with a spin towards our SW for us?

  11. I have been on accuweather looking at mexico, and it predicts high winds, lots of rain, and relatively cold weather. Its turning clockwise im pretty sure..but since our weather comes primarily from the northwest, i doubt we should get any effect from it.Anyone think it may head towards the tropics?

  12. let's look at it in class......remember though most of our weather is carried on the westerlies that come from the west and that could include if the southwest if the conditions were right. The system that I think you are talking about could be caught up in mid - us steering winds and carried our way - or not. w'll have to see. It should not head towards the tropics, however.

  13. Had to remove the just wouldn't work right. sorry.......

  14. hey ms.bosiak. were having a really big problem with our video! we cant get it to connect and we dont know what to do! we have it on the camera but not edited and we cant get it on movie maker!!!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I know.....we will figure out something

  17. whoa.....i got lost in this conversation because it changed. ha. anyways, i am upset about the calendar because i want my birthday on it. =/
    the weather is confusing me right now because it keeps changing. these silly tropical storms and hurricanes. they just cant make up their minds.

  18. That search engine is going to come in handy :)

  19. Why did it rain on coast of North Carolina if according to the weather map we saw on friday it said that it was going to be clear?

  20. I agree with Caitlin that the search engine is going to be an asset.
    And the weather is confusing me as well, I wish I understood it better in class when we go over the maps.

  21. im actually enjoying the weather part of class :) it helps me know if i should pack an umbrella or not.

  22. im lovin the radar and i also loved how the devil was beating his wife this afternoon

  23. wow ross nice comment :) and i'm starting to get the hang of reading maps but matt amabile should be a daggum weather man when he grows up. He always has the answers and always knows what hurricanes are where!! Then again compared to me, maybe he can just read the map.

    The search engine is very handy cant get the calendar to work tho

  24. What does that comment by ross mean? Can anyone clue me in? BTW Ms. B, the weather review is extremely helpful. It's nice to know what Larry Sprinkle is talking about.

  25. Ohhhh i love the new gadgets! They are both going to become very handy. Now i can figure out when is the best day to wash my car :)

  26. those gadgets look promising. and i agree with Adair, Matt should consider some career in the weather field.

  27. HAHA Adair I only know the maps because I am always interested in what the weather will be like so I am always flipping to the Weather Channel and in my old school, when I took General Science (Your Earth/ Environmental here) we had to study how to read weather radars like crazy!!! hahaha thats why I make the predictions I do! lol but thank you for the compliment in there! lol

  28. the new gadgets are great, very helpful in letting us know everything that is going on each day and when we should expect rainy, cold or hot weather. but i look forward to learning more about it all.

  29. If you are having trouble understanding....ask when we go over the maps, ok? we are going to focus mainly on the hurricane/tropics and the sea surface stuff ...we will look at some of the other maps as well...but get comfortable with those first. The SST ( sea surface temps) will help when we look at El Nino and La Nina

  30. I am confused about this gadget thing because I have no idea what you are talking about. About the weather, I like talking about it. It is interesting and I like learning about the tropical storms and hurricanes and predicting their paths.

  31. the new gadgets are very useful :) esp for everyday use. i like being update on the weather everyday :)

  32. the radar was pretty awesome and ross ment that the sun was out when it was raining haha. I would love to have some new gadgets. =^)

  33. bah who needs gadgets...they just make it so you can waste more time and get nothing done...i dont need that

  34. These new...gadgets, are pretty sweet. The radar is great, now i can easily check the weather whilst blogging! And earlier when it rained..a rainbow was right on my house :] haha

  35. For those that came on a bit late..the gadgets were and are the search engine at the top of the page on the right that will search the site for relevant postings related to a topic, will search the links I post and will search the web... the second gadget was a countdown, but there are apparently glitches in it and it will not stay set once you navigate from the main page.... will try to find another..........

  36. The search engine is every handy when the conversation is confusing I can type it in and read more on the subject. It stunks that the count down got removed because that would have been awesome to count down until christmas :)...

  37. we will try to get something else up like it.......

  38. hey sorry my computer has been slow umm im totally lost on all the conversations and the gadgets can someone explain...?

  39. Brittney:
    Google search bar top right where you can search the blog and the web.
    Countdown where you could enter a date and it would count down till then- but it didnt work so it was removed

  40. The countdown would have been amazing! We could have counted down to the most important day of the year! My birthday! Also the day that some queen was beheaded, but hey... The search engine is cool too.
