Sunday, September 13, 2009

Law :Upcoming bottle ban aims to increase recycling. Throwing soda bottles in trash will soon be illegal

please look at this new legislation and comment accordingly.

Read and post by Thursday 17 September 2009.


  1. Two thing on this article:

    1) It is good that they are making a law to recylce plastic bottles. It is helpful in the initiative to recycle and also helps to keep trash out of landfills. It is good for the enviornment to recycle and this is the push we need. Green Team members will get a kick out of this article!!

    2) However, I think this is going to wind up as one of those silly laws that no one listens too, like it is illegal to sing in public. I mean how are they going to possibly upohold a law like this. I mean yes there are fines, but if you haul trash from home to the dump, how are they gonna know that you threw away plastic bottles. There is not a possible way to make sure the EVERY SINGLE PERSON is recycling. So clearly this law has a lot of kinks that it needs to work out because no one knows what goes on in others homes.

  2. I agree with matt. I mean if you are drinking a bottle of water, walking down the street and you throw away your bottle, is some random recycling poloce gonna slap a fine on you? and are they gonna dig through your trash at the landfill to find your plastic bottles? that would take some serious manpower, and yes it would create jobs, but that a ridiculous reason to want to create jobs. I advocate most recycling programs, but this is a little extreme. I think instead of punishing for not recycling, I think there should be a greater incentive for it such as a higher payback if you bring a bunch of plastic bottles and such to a landfill.

  3. I found this article so I feel that I should lay some words of wisdom upon you. The law is meant for good but as Matt said, it has its kinks. A lot of them from what I read. Enforcing such a law would be extremely difficult and not cost efficient. I believe that they are moving at this recycling problem the wrong way. I believe that there should be some kind of reward system that entitles the tax payer who actually recycles to something worth wild. Because there are people in this world that do not care if they recycle because they have the mentality that everybody can take up their slack and everything will be ok. But there is a problem with this type of laid back mentality which there are WAY WAY WAY to many people that feel this way. And sadly it is not our generation that suffers this mentality it is our parents and grandparents. It was never "popular" to be "green" in their days and people really don't change their ways which the generations before us are set by stone. I want to hear of some ideas of "rewards" that are feasible that the local and state governments could offer to make recycling more prominent.

  4. Word of knowledge to tuck in your the Northern tier of northeast states and a few scattered around the continent as well as Hawaii ( I believe Hawaii anyway) there is a 5-10 cent deposit that you pay on the bottles when you buy a drink It is built into the cost and it has been there for years. When you are done with the drink, you return the bottle for the money or you roll it over into another drink bottle.
    I would love to hear some of your incentive reward ideas as well....who knows what might come of it......

  5. Thats the problem with society... we never want to do anything just because its what we should be doing... we always want some type of reward or incentive, but thats just human nature for the most part. I believe that more people will recycle if they believe they have something to gain from it but it would be nice if we did it because it was the right thing to do. But i agree with Mrs. B... it will be interesting to see what types of incentives/rewards they will come up with to try to increase participation in recycling.

  6. I agree with Christopher there is people that believe that other people will pick up their slack. My parents were once like that they once had the mentality that everybody can take up their slack and everything will be ok. Since i brought the idea of going green to them they have been recycling for about 1 year now. But if you want America to start recycling then you should give the American people more money on tax day. We are in a recession and people are needing money so if the government were to give them cash back for recycling for an entire year, the majority of the American people will recycle. I may be wrong and if i am please correct me.

  7. Jonte, I believe that if the american government told the people they would give money to them for recycling, I don't think it would have that great of an impact. Because people would still be clueless on how they could possibly know for sure if they are actually recycling, and not even bother. It would be great, but there is just that HOW??? factor that remains. Oh and I greatly agree with matt blakely and I wish people had more moral value and actually WANTED to recycle with the incentive of a greener planet, not a greener wallet.

  8. Chrissy, I disagree i think it would. But it is like the smart pyrimid that shows you what type of foods to eat and what categorie it lands under. Their is millions of people that has that on their refregarator (many people follow it or at least look at it when they get up in the morning (at least it is their for them to make the decision on whether to follow it or not)) I think offering the American people money to recycle, the American government should send out refregirator magnets that tells you what to recycle and where to put it. But i do agree with you about wishing people would have better morals and actually wanted to recycle with the incentive of a greener planet. But people do need a greener wallet (i think of like this), if people have a greener wallet the more people will be willing to invest in a greener earth. (anybody please correct me if i'm wrong)

  9. The only thing with giving a reward is that they would need to set up specific locations where you can bring the recycling....

    Like in Pennsylvania, we had specific places where if you wanted money for your recycling, you had to bring it there. However, it is required to recycle in certain neighborhoods up there.

    The only real problem i see with giving rewards is that it would take alot of time and effort to make sure that the people wanting the reward are actually takin the initiative to recycle. Just giving the people a tax rebate for their recycling will not mean they will always do it... people can just say they will. That is why the government needs to set up specific locations where you can just bring up the plastic and such. The things up at the dump help when people WANT to recycle, but most times they will just throw the plastic in the trash.

  10. I guess the new law is a good idea if you look at it as an initiative to recycle. The key to enforce this law is to teach future generations of the importance of recycling because as someone said before our generation or the past one doesnt recycle because they were raise with the idea that our resources will never end and that polluting our world would not have a negative impact in the long run.

  11. isnt it already illegal to throw alluminum cans away? and wont the coashemdairoton lose out on some food there?

  12. hahaha nice emory..
    umm yeah everyone has some good points.
    i do think that this would be a law that no one listens too but i also think that we all need to step up and take a stand together and get some news out there.

  13. This law is good IN THEORY, but when it comes to execution of the law, the plan is lacking. There a quite a few holes in this law. What would happen if I throw away aluminum cans and plastic bottles. Will the garbagemen look through all of my trash just to make sure I don't? And on my road, there are people paid to pick up the recycling bins, but they don't. This just makes people throw away recyclable materials. Is the government going to fine them too for not doing their jobs?
    It's a step in the right direction, but an unrealistic one.

  14. i think if they start imposing laws like that, they will piss A LOT of people off. if they actually impose the law then they are infringing on privacy right #1, and #2 they couldnt possibly catch everyone and punish them all. i think they should establish REWARDS for recycling like tax credits or something like that, but they should not ORDER people to do something like that

  15. (they should make an edit option instead of deletion, i hate double posting)
    ps- on the rewards part- they dont necessarily have to have specific locations,they could easily impliment a system where the recycling people weigh a recycling bin before they throw the stuff in the truck, and that could record in a database and you rack up rewards.

  16. well in my personal opinion i dont think this is going to make a huge effect. i mean sure they made it a law but either way peoples apathy will always be greater then what people think is right. i think that making it a law is a great idea i just dont think that many people will follow it. also, how are they going to let everyone know? like that one guy in the article... he had no idea.

  17. a law is a bad idea in my opinion! at that point you are actually regulating people's trash! MANY people look at government regulations as bad, and the more you add, the more people you piss off and the more people act against the government (im not saying people will incite riot or try and overthrow the government over a recycling law).

  18. I agree with Emory for one reason. There is no way they can uphold this law... it would never work. I do not think that they should post a law that cannot be held up with authority.

    And if i am not mistaken, that is how they redeem you in Philly, through weighing... but I think itd be too tedious to do that going from house to house... thats why we need specific sites for that.

    PS Emory.... they do have an editing button before you post your blog.

  19. truthfully...regulating the trash is kinda scary. creeping into COMMUNISM!jk

  20. i know they have it then but i mean after i post then i see something else and i want to comment on that- i just hate making 2 posts in a row

    and thats cool that they actually do that, and i know it would be tediuos, but its better than EVERYONE using their gas to pollute even more to take it to a specific spot

  21. My I suggest tax incentives? Not necessarily handing out money

  22. Emory: Try looking at it under preview before you post? And wouldn't it maybe turn into quiet riots like the tea parties going on now? Yes I agree that they need an immediate comment button...

    Isn't this a bit like big brother? But on the other hand - we need to do something to get the ball rolling....don't we?

  23. i think making it a law that you have to recycle is a great idea. recycling would make the Earth so much better and everybody needs to do it!!!! PASS THAT LAW!!! =)

  24. I dont understand why drink companies such as coca-cola and pepsi wont buy back used plastic bottles would'nt it be cheaper for them to reuse plastic bottles instead of going through the process of creating new ones

  25. they do kind of angelica, just not directly from the consumer.
    they dont get all new alluminum or plastic for every bottle?

  26. No they don't use all new fact Reynolds is marketing recycled aluminum foil. However at this moment in time it's actually cheaper to produce new bottles than to use old. The cost for the recycled more expensive bottles would be passed on to the consumer and evidently, companies don't feel that the average consumer would " buy " into the idea...sad commentary on society.

  27. What about Chris's idea of tax incentives?

  28. since its Chris' idea, i dont agree...nothing personal, just him

  29. Why is that? What if it was Bush or Obama? or Clinton or Gore?

  30. Well,
    Mrs. B, I agree with you on both points you made about this new law. Recycling is a great thing and we really need to stop being so ignorant and think of simple ways to help out the earth and reuse the things that are possible to reuse but I think it should be a choice. To make something like this a law is pretty stupid because anyone with common sense would know that plenty of people will either not follow the law and it will become completely ignored, or people will get fined for breaking the law and become outraged and revolt.

  31. Making recycling a law is a good idea, but it will be entirely too hard to enforce. People should be wise enough to choose to recycle, not be forced. Plus, I think regulating the trash is a scary concept! The fact that the law becomes effective Oct.1 and has received little media attention already proves its weaknesses.

  32. Oh, and by the way Mrs. B, I'm putting Lincolnton back on the map. On the Earth Hour website they are doing a vote soon for the Earth or global warming and in order to show my support for the earth I listed Lincolnton High School and my name as a supporter for Vote Earth!

  33. This is a good law although i agree with matt in the fact that it will be one that noones listens to. However it might make a difference for some people and everything counts. The environment needs us to make laws like this one but we have to find ways to inforce them such as all the smoking laws that arent followed.

  34. i might agree if it was someone else...i just cant be seen agreeing with chris

  35. I mean Christopher is right with doing tax incentives... but it goes back to how will they know that you recycled? Going from house to house with a truck to measure recycables is gonna be kinda hard.

    And yes Emory, up north they do have specific locations where you can get a rebate for all the recycables.

    I just think itll be a stretch to try and enforce the law... dont get me wrong i think its a great idea... just the point of getting people to do the recycling without looking for something in return is the issue

  36. yeah, altough it is a great idea, i still would hate it...
    im just one of those people that loves the idea, i still hate it if its actually enforced because it is to invasive on our privacy- and i already dislike the government enough as it is

  37. Recycling will be a great law! Because as it says in the article; it will keep this stuff out of the landfills and will make things a lot easier by protecting disposal capacity, saving energy, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, etc. But i agree with a majority of everyone's answers about how are they going to know who really recycled and who didn't? They aren't going to dig through everyone's trash, that would be too complicating. Everyone would be getting introuble because if they are trying to make it illegal after Oct. 1, then not everyone is going to obey that law. Just like Caitlin said, the law is already showing its weaknesses because it will become a law in the next two weeks and there is little attention towards it! So we will just have to see what it comes out to be?

  38. I think it's a really good idea to try to make it so that there isn't any recycable plastic in landfills but i don't think making it a law is the way to go right now. I mean i don't really understand how that would work at all.. the only thing i see happening is before it gets taken to the landfill the dudes that pick up trash are going to have to sit there and dig through all the garbage which would suckkk for them! they'd have to be paid more for longer hours and this would just wind up costing money! Maybe thats a little drastic but i don't see how this could possibly work.. i mean these people mine as well just create a go green commericial like everyone else and hope for the best.

    i mean to just totally be REPETITIVE.. no one will listen to this crap. i mean if it weren't for this blog i wouldn't have known about it and so i would have been breaking the law everyday.

    And another thing i'm not 100 percent on what all kinds of stuff is recycable.. anyone want to enlighten me? :)

  39. well, Megan that should be bigger print so everyone can see again with the site so everyone can vote!!

  40. Chris - register and post our pictures since they are uniquely ours. Not the video because part of that is already associated with Earth Hour...

    Earth Hour .com register to vote Earth/global warming. there is a place to list the school and post pictures.....please, pretty please?

  41. I would like to be one of the people to head Earth Hour since I did work for Christopher last year and acted as his "secretary". don't let him fool you Mrs. B about doing all of the work. haha.

  42. i think that its great that theres finally gonna b a law against not recyling! my family has been recycling since before i can remember, so its like a second nature to me and im so glad that it will have to become a second nature to other people as well :)

  43. Hannah.....I would say that you certainly can be a spearhead .......

    Aw Chris......are you going to let her burst my bubble? you didn't do the work? you subcontracted it out? :(

  44. I definatley agree with Matt's initial post! There are a ton of laws now that no one pays attention to for instance, you have to call the mayor everytime you enter Lincolnton. haha

    This law would help out the enviroment so much though. The article stated, only 18% out of the potential 95% bottles get rycled, imagine how much better the enviroment will be if they all get recyled.

  45. I think that a recycling law is a good idea, but like everyone has already said there is like no way to enforce it. And if they are going to have this law they are going to have to have recycling bins in more places then there are. Cause if you are walking down the street they might have a trash can but they don't usually have a recycling bin. So if this is going to work they need to have more recycling bins and I liked Matt's idea about having specific places to bring your recycling and get money for it

  46. I think the law if passed would be a good idea. However, the kinks are huge like everyone has stated. Has anyone ever been to a park maybe in the mountains and seen three different trash cans? the ones that are labeled? I've only seen a few of these but when i do see them i'm more likely to recycle if i'm not at home. Sure we recycle at my house and we have since forever and we take our aluminum cans to the fire dept. for burned victims. (I always thought that was neat)but maybe if it were more organized it would work out better. Because sometimes you wanna recycle but you arn't near a recycling bin. And let's face it our society is lazy and just throws their bottles into a trashcan. Its like littering kind of you may throw something out your car window and you know there is a fine but you still do it if no one's watching right? well you may NOT Recycle if you can't be caught. :) thats just my opinion though if you disagree well emory you may ha

  47. I'm kind of torn on how I feel about this recycling law. I like the idea of how it would promote recylcing. However, I think making it a law that you have to recycle is invasive on people's free will, and it could also create a new form of discrimination against people that choose not to recycle, like Eco-discrimination. I also think handing out money to people for recycling is a bad idea because you are wasting federal money on something that people should do for altruistic reasons. But, I do agree with Christopher's idea of tax incentives because it offers a reward without giving out money. I also agree with everyone else that it would be hard to enforce this new law. But could garbage trucks not have censors/detectors to tell garbagemen when something recyclable is being put in the trash, like a metal detector? Haha, that's probably a dumb idea but I was just throwing it out there :)!

  48. Lydia - good point about the taxes. Would it deter people from buying?

    Luke = thank you for bringing that up. Should we have to get paid for something that we should be because we should do it?

    initial posting now closed on this thread. you may continue to discuss this idea as you choose.

  49. Okay, this law is good in hteory, but how are they guna enforce it? They would either have to have recyling bins everywhere that there is a trash can or police officers ready to arrest people if they threw a bottle in the trash. (Now that, Chrissy, would be communism.)
    And to keep track of all those bottles would be so time consuming, because there are going to be alot that slip through the cracks...

  50. I think that this is a good idea but if only there was a way they could regulate it on a personal level the world would be such a cleaner an safer place.

  51. i think this law is a good idea, but will be very difficult to enforce. it may make a small impact for those who follow it, but it will not be strictly followed by all.

  52. Ah Ross and Clinton - guys initial posts were due 11pm last night... :( you may have partial credit , but next time , non e...alrighty?

    Kathyrn has no computer so she was getting caught up....

  53. Luke, what you said does make sense and I agree with you and Chris about the tax incentives. However, others may seek a different reward, which i do think is stupid. I was just stating the getting money for recycling at specific locations because that is how they did it in the neighborhood i lived in before i moved here.

    I think the reward for people is living on a cleaner planet. That should be all people are looking for. Its like Mrs. B. said on the "New Thread" post. What her generation does will not affect them, but affect our generation and future ones to come. So them not recycling will not bother them as much as it will us.

    Our generation needs to take the iniative to recycle, whether it be a law or not. Because it the long run, we are going to see drastic changes in what our planet will look like!!

  54. I think this is a great law! in theory. It will be incredibly difficult to enforce, so it sadly won't make much of a difference. The same people who recycle all of their recyclable goods now will be the ones that recycle after the law is passed! The issue of recycling needs to be addressed by the citizens through their own will. A law that is impossible to enforce will not!
