Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New thread just because you asked!

This thread may be used to ask questions or start discussions not already being addressed. Please keep it to related material ( Earth or Environmental Science) or it will be deleted........have fun! This one is not for a grade, but to help you out!


  1. What what? Use this is you have a question about EArth Science or want to start a conversation about something you read having to do with Earth or Environmental Science....Either I can answer the question or someone else can and we can get some other good conversations going , hopefully serious not silly!

    thanks Mrs B

  3. Okay well I shall start the Enviornmental questioning!! haha

    Has anyone looked at the accuweather site even though we are not looking at it in class? The remnants of Fred look like they are starting to intensify again and there is another tropical wave behind that. I thinkthat may cause some possible problems, do you?

  4. can honestly say i havent.
    sorry weather just has never been that interesting to me, except when there is mass carnage involved. did Fred ever do anything interesting?

  5. I have Matt....will be interesting to see whether any comes of it....Emory - all climate and consequently all environment is ultimately controlled by weather and weather patterns...so it really is important!

  6. Fred got up to a category 3 hurricane, which is clssified as a major hurricane. However, it hit colder waters and died out, leaving just remnants. Now the remnants are starting to reorganize which may lead to a reoccurence of Fred...

    I think weather is one of the most fasinating things ever. Watching what different things effect how fronts move and how they strengthen/weaken... that is why i watch the weather alot and am able to kinda say whatll happen with the weather....

    haha maybe Clinton and Adair are right... i should be a weatherman!!! hahahaha

  7. wouldn't hurt...they make some big bucks.....Nick is visiting a friend in Fla that works for NOAA - hurricane " division".

  8. Haha, Matt A. is the new Justin. Justin was the weatherman for our class. Looks like Matt A. is following in his footsteps.

  9. i know its important...but thankfully we have people like matt who can figure it out for me =P

    i dont classify it as a major hurricane unless it hits like katrina, and i have to hear about it for 5 years...but thats my system o.O

  10. Would any of the old apes that did the power plant for the praire project will be so kind as to tell me what sources you used?

  11. by the way Mrs. B have you posted the web site with the enviromental notes?

  12. yeahh(Matt) ..I always know who to talk to when it comes to wanting to know what the weather is going to be like! :)

  13. Angelica.....give me your email and i will send them. the earth science notes are on the otherwebsite...I will show you that again.....


    the powerpoints are under assignments.

  14. Yeah i definitely believe the pac will be alot tougher than the other assignments, but I tend to be particularly argumentative so I hope all goes well :) any pointers from the previous pac?

  15. Chrissy - not so much more difficult, but detailed in another direction....... and argumentative is a plus in some of these activities!!

  16. Question:
    For the prarie project, when we pick our mammals, insects, plants, etc..can we just randomly pick or is there something we need to base our decisions off of?

  17. Angelica, I had commonwealth franklin, and if you go in the right direction (windmills for example) there are so many things you can do with it, but as for sights, i literally just googled it. just use your mind and you know what will work and what wont. I hope that helps!

  18. Ashlee - as long as they have the potential to be found in the prairie, you may use them.

  19. i have a question when do you believe that the world will become so polluted that it will be incable to live in.

  20. Ross - me personally? I think we could seriously be looking a major clean drinking water shortages. I think what you as a generation need to consider is that your grandparents and parents' generations will not be around to see the consequences of what they started - be it good or bad . Your generation will be the recipients of everything and your children etc. I think that I will be ok as far as resources in my lifetime.....if we don't change, then future generations may not be ok. Or gas masks etc could be the fashion of the day !??

  21. Mrs. B. I just tied in your last comment to Ross into the recycling thing because it does tie into it at some extent...

  22. I saw that...you are doing exactly what I need/want to to do! huzzah!!

  23. there is a real potential for gasmasks...
    cause the little things they use in china just arent flattering on me...

  24. about the sit. that ross brought up... i look on national geographic alot and the pollution deal is getting worse very quickly cuz everytime on go on there there is something new on it. like i was looking on there not to long ago and it said that a certain type of plant was going extinct bc of it! along with many others, and the animals to!!

  25. kind of off topic, but has anyone heard about the floods in georgia!? they are crazy...5 people have died, there are mudslides and its happening where i grew up in georgia! scary...

  26. yeah ive been listening to the news about that thats crazy...

  27. Gotcha. This is a confusing project hahah. And Chrissy, I heard about that. That really is crazy..

  28. The Floods made international news.....

    Ashlee - are you still confused?
