Sunday, September 27, 2009

Green Goo........What do you think?

Read and post comments by the evening ( 11 pm of Tuesday 29 September ). Be ready to comment in class on Wednesday 30 September.

Use the link to see pictures of this foul smelling is quite interesting.

Smelly Algae Kills Dogs, Sickens People
WAUSAU, Wis. (Sept. 27) — Waterways across the upper Midwest are increasingly plagued with ugly, smelly and potentially deadly blue-green algae, bloomed by drought and fertilizer runoffs from farm fields, that’s killed dozens of dogs and sickened many people. Aquatic biologists say it’s a problem that falls somewhere between a human health concern and a nuisance, but will eventually lead to more human poisoning. State officials are telling people who live on algae covered lakes to close their windows, stop taking walks along the picturesque shorelines
and keep their dogs from drinking the rank water. Peggy McAloon, 62, lives on Wisconsin’s
Tainter Lake and calls the algae blooms the “cockroach on the water.” “It is like living in the sewer for three weeks. You gag. You cannot go outside,” she said. “We have pictures of squirrels that are dead underneath the scum and fish that are dead. ... It has gotten out of control because
of the nutrient loads we as humans are adding to the waters.”
Blue-green algae are common in waters but not every lake develops serious problems
until plentiful “man-induced” nutrients like phosphorous arrive, said Jim Vennie, a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources expert. The toxins released by the algae can be deadly. Symptoms include rash, hives, runny nose, irritated eyes and throat irritation. No people have died in the U.S. from the algae’s toxins, according to Wayne Carmichael, a retired aquatic biologist and toxicology professor in Oregon.
Many, however, have gotten sick: “Sooner or later, we are going to have more acute
human poisoning,” Carmichael said. The scum has killed dozens of dogs over the years — including at least four in Oregon, three in Wisconsin and one in Minnesota this summer. Wisconsin wildlife experts are warning duck hunters with dogs to be extra cautious this fall. “If the water is pea-soup green, be sure to have clean water along to wash the dog off,” Vennie said.
“Don’t let it drink the water.” Fewer than 100 lakes in Wisconsin typically have some problems with algae bloom each summer and the ones in western Wisconsin causing so much discomfort this year are being fueled by a perfect storm, Vennie said. The last month has seen little
rain, warm, sunshiny days and little wind. The blooms just sit there, growing, then decaying and smelling.
“Some people say they have gotten nauseous and vomited from smelling it,” said Ken Schreiber, a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources water quality specialist. Officials have banned recreational activities at some lakes in Washington state because of blooms. And in Oregon, the bluegreen algae is the number one water quality issue, Carmichael said. Yet other countries have worse problems, Carmichael said, because many have waters with even more nutrients than exist in U.S. lakes. In France, a horse died on a beach in July after falling into some decaying algae sludge. Last year, the Chinese government brought in the army to remove the slimy growths so the Olympic sailing competition could be held. Stephanie Marquis, a spokesman for the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, said her agency had received 41 complaints related to health concerns with blue-green algae so far this season. Rashes, sore
throats and eye irritation among the problems, she said.
In Minnesota, Matt Lindon is a pollution control specialist for the state and he called 2009 a typical year for complaints about algae scums. But for some reason this summer, Bagley Lake in northwest Minnesota, an “historically clean lake,” generated respiratory and odor problems, he said. “It may be related to the water level or some new runoff source,” he said. Loren Hake, 71, has lived about two blocks from a Lake Menomin in western Wisconsin since 1963. He feels like a prisoner in his own home, isolated by a stench “something like a pig pen” that forces he and his wife to run the air conditioner although it’s not that hot because they can’t leave the windows open, he said. For the first time, the couple hasn’t set on an outside deck because of the smell
from the algae-covered bay. “I don’t know what they can do about it,” Hake said. There’s little anybody can do besides wait for cooler temperatures, Vennie said. John Plaza, president of the Chetek Lakes Protection Association, which represents six lakes in northwest Wisconsin, said
farm runoff, lawn fertilizers, septic systems and even ashes from leaves being burned on the shorelines are among factors contributing to the algae problems. “I have been a user of these lakes since 1962,” he said. “I have never experienced anything like this before. It’s nasty. People
are saying we can’t live with this any more."

Friday, September 18, 2009

Rip Van Winkle effect

The following assignment is due 25 September @ 11 pm. ( Rough draft)

Final Draft due 30 October @ 11pm
Please respond on the blog:
#1. you have read the assignment
# 2. you have sent the assignment to either my gmail account or my school account

Really use your imginations , but be careful to stay within the realm of possibility.

What if You Were Asleep for 100 Years? : A Rip Van Winkle Proposal for the Restoration of Nature.

You have been asleep for 100 years. The date is now 2109. What will you see when you awake? How will things have changed? What will have changed? Will humans still be the dominating animal on the planet? What will the climate be like? What will your home be like? Use your extreme imaginations, but keep it within the realm of plausibility. Your job is to write a thoughtful, reflective essay. You will accomplish this by first considering several potential “futures “that could exist 100 years from now. After you have brainstormed your different outcomes; pick one. This will be the platform for you to elaborate and discuss what you see and discover as you step out into a new 22nd Century world. Your rough draft will be due to me via email .Identify yourself because I delete all unknown correspondents. Do not attempt to cloud the issues or bluff your way through this assignment. I will comment to you on your rough draft and you will then complete the final essay. Have fun thinking about what might happen………….

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New thread just because you asked!

This thread may be used to ask questions or start discussions not already being addressed. Please keep it to related material ( Earth or Environmental Science) or it will be deleted........have fun! This one is not for a grade, but to help you out!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Smallville Prairie groups...just in case you forget

Here are the groupings for the next project. I would like to see what each of you has for skills and by staying with the same people with whom you are comfortable, that doesn't always emerge. As best I could, I left you with at least one from your group , but added a new partner....Maybe someone from last year's APES can offer you guidance when you fell like you might stumble...........just a thought?

Commonwealth Franklin: Angelica, Maria & Caitlin
10 Banners over Smallville : Jonte, Emory & Ross
Prairie Rover Autos: Knox , Nathan & Clinton
WRIGHT built homes : Gabby , Luke & Shelby
Prairiefield Mall : Adair , Emilee & Brittney
Scent of the Prairie landfill: Matt, Hannah & Haley
Pride of the Prairie Internet warehouse: Colleen , Ashlee, Hollis & Lydia
PAC : Chrissy, Kenzie & Kathryn

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Geoengineering's effect on Climate change

Blog due:
Wednesday 16 September

Readings due:
Tuesday 15 September

Hot on the heels of the discussion today about potential ways to cool the Earth's runaway heating problem are these articles.

As you can clearly see, this is not a new idea, nor new proposal. What are your opinions about geoengineering? Is it a viable option? Obama would like to see it in action ASAP. Does anything about the concept scare you? Will it work? Should nature just take its course?

Gorilla pictures

The gorilla pictures are coming along nicely. You have great taste and they are remarkable reminiscent of each of your personalities. You do not have a deadline on the pictures, however - remember that longer you wait, the likelyhood of that perfect gorilla being gone will increase.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Interesting articles about the most influential animal on Earth

Below are three links that discuss the possible pathways that early North Americans took when colonizing the continent. Two are non traditional and the third is the traditional viewpoint.

( map of Topper location)

Topper site

Traditional viewpoint of expansion

The last link seems to be a bit defensive when discussing the previous discoveries. What are you feelings/viewpoints/ideas about this topic. It is important to understand that the generally perceived idea is that human beings migrated to and and settled in North America where they began the systematic extinction of a variety of Ice Age animals.

*** Anjelica - ask your question about Ice Ages again here, please. ****

Thursday, September 3, 2009

New Gadgets!!

Check out the new gadgets!! Pretty neat!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Posting information

Remember that after this start-up post, you will only have three days to post your initial comment to subsequent posts. That does not mean only three days to continue a conversation ...that conversation could go on for days! It means that first comment that you will be graded on. Remember also that a comment is not a " one -liner" . Comments are your reflections/questions/ideas about a topic. That kind of communication cannot be accomplished in a single statement ( at least usually! ) Each of you has fantastic ideas and I look forward to hearing them and seeing the interaction between you all and the former APES. This should be a blast!!!