Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Lights of the Cities Go Dark.....How serious are you?

Let's get involved!!


  1. I remember in New York City when the power went out everyone was freaking out!! Most people can't live without a cell phone for 1 hour much less power!I think we should put this on announcements and see if people will follow!!! I think we should aware people and actually try this!!


  2. making a comment about the weather..i don't know if it's just me..but these are some strong winds...

  3. These are some really strong winds, all my trees are probably blown down which means im gonna have to sit them all back up. Yay for me =/

  4. I wonder how many people are actually going to participate

  5. I think this would be a great idea for us to participate in, people may not do it, but it would still show awareness.

  6. Olivia is officially Sandra now, so all be aware bc she can NEVER remember to check to see who is signed in. Jesus Olivia

  7. Im sorry Im sorry lol, my mom just keeps forgetting!!!

  8. I definitly think that we should do this. I'm sure it would get a lot of people on the Internet and a little more concerned. Maybe if they started to see some of the things that the news doesn't tell you they might start thinking a little more. Maybe we could ask the students and teachers at school to all do the ecological footprint questionare and let them know, on average, how many earths it would take to sustain our school. That would be interesting.

  9. I think it sounds like a great idea and it will make a statement but the only problem is remembering to do it on that day at that time. It will be interesting to see what happens.

  10. We are signed up as a school......Mrs Nantz has some great ideas and Worley has approved posters and a banner that we can change daily : " Earth Hour is coming! " etc......ideas from you? let's plan for about 15 minutes first thing tomorrow....

  11. As bad as this sounds, I think most people intend to do good things but usually the thought overpowers the action. I think as a society and a world we only really respond or act when in dire situations and this is a dire situation. This is our planet and we have to get everybody on the same page if possible. I think even as a class we can push for this kind of thing in our own community and what would we have to lose by trying to do our part and convince others to act more and think less.

  12. A whole bunch of people know a bunch of people who can tell a whole bunch of people. All we need is some way to get the message across. Maybe we could bribe kids somehow into telling their parents and find out how to make sure that they actually turn off the lights. Usually kids will do something more if there is an incentive behind it you know? Plus seriously if we can get media's attention, don't you think everyone is going to WANT to do it? I think it would be gorgeous to see downtown Lincolnton without most of the lights on because face it whether we like it or not we're not going to be able to get ALL the lights off, but we can try and get most of them right?

  13. OK let's see you put yourselves into action I want to talk about ways we can truly get the word out about Earth Hour here in Lincolnton ~ starting with Lincolnton High School and moving outward. See what you can come up with, like Mrs. B said Mr Worley is on board and you know that Mrs. B and I are so do some thinking tonight. We'll talk in the morning.

  14. I don't think many people realize the problem of light pollution, and that there is even such a thing. I would be willing to bet most people believe lightbulbs emit nothing harmful into the atmosphere.

  15. I would be you are SO right Ben.....very good comment.

  16. so im pretty excited about this.

  17. ok I hate to be the Debbie downer, but after researching this event, I kind of feel like the cause is worthy, but I wonder if just raising awareness and showing commitment is enough to accomplish the goal of this entire event. Earth Hour's purpose is to show our commitment to slowing climate change, but awareness doesn't find a cure, and one hour every year won't either. If its commitment to slowing climate change that is our goal, then we'd have to commit to lifestyle changes, not one hours worth. (not to say that it would be worthless because it does save an incredible amount of energy)
    p.s. it took me all this time to figure out how to do this so im proud

  18. Anna,
    I understand your reasoning but does this mean that you think that what our class is trying to do is a waste of our time, money, and energy. We're not going to be able to single-handedly change the world in one hour but every little bit helps. Don't be such a party pooper. Besides, it will be fun.

  19. I am proud you figured it out too.....did you use the apes email so we can load your great ape picture? I was also wondering the same thing Billy was. It is ok if that is your feeling, just let me know.....but I think you all have genuine potential and can at least make people aware...isn't knowledge where it starts?
    no worries either way.....

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Mrs. B,
    If we do get the t-shirts, which I think we did decide to do, would it be possible to order two?

  22. Billy,
    We can order as many as we like......I am waiting to hear back from the company.....

    Hey Guys!! Saw Earth Hour advertised on TV tonight. Esurance is really pushing it!

  23. We are going to plaster this event all over Lincolnton, its gonna be great. Ive got some really good ideas about how to approach the govt and other peoples. If we can really pull this off, people will remember this for a very long time.

  24. I've already talked to a lot of kids I work with that are in other schools and they were excited, and they said that they are going to talk to their schools about it. I also asked my work, and they are going to ask the owner if its okay for that one hour to turn off the outside lights. AND I've talked to most of my neighbors and the ones I have talked to said they would turn out their lights! Woo-hoo!

  25. I believe we should make copy of our video..and pass them out to surrounding schools outside of our area!--DEFINITELY POST ON you tube

    Also.Mrs.B.i sent you an email.the school's account..i need help with one!

  26. oh my gosh mrs.bosiak i came on here to say that i seen esurance advertise it too when i was watching A Very Brady Sequel. haha:]

    Anyways I think this is a great idea for all of us to get involved in, i just hope we can carry it out!

  27. Mrs. Bosiak i just wanted to let you know that my mom owns the Lincolnton Animal Hospital on Maine street and I'm gunna talk to her about turning the lights off, she may be able to talk to some of the other businesses near her and convince them to do the same :]

  28. so how do i advertise this on facebook

  29. Logan that is deff what we need to do, we need to plaster this all over the internet like Myspace and Facebook. Ill make a group and invite everybody I am friends with and lets make it grow.

  30. thanks for the facebook group christopher!

  31. Hi guys!! Earth Hour is on a search...and then join!

  32. we need to get ready for the first thursday in march. WE need to get our comitte ready

  33. we might put lincolnton on the map with this project
