Thursday, February 5, 2009

APES get to pondering as all good APES do...

One of your classmates would like comments and discussion on the following statement:

Why does it seem that nobody talks about global warming in the winter , but they go crazy with the topic in the summer?


  1. They think that maybe only global warming can go on or is more prevalent when its warmer outside? Maybe they think through the context of the words that the only time that we need to worry about global warming is during the spring and summer.

  2. I guess because in the winter if the temperatures are a little higher no one cares because they don't like the cold. Where as in the summer if it gets hotter people get angry because they are miserably hot.

  3. I agree with Ariel. In the winter no ones worried about global warming because of the low temperatures. But in the Summer the temperature is really hot. But I wonder if you lived somewhere like Florida if they would always be worried about global warming because it never really gets too cold down there?

  4. Well I think Ariel has a good point in the fact that we only hear about global warming when it is a discomfort to the population. But, on the flip side I think that scientists and those who are more heavily involved in the scientific community are always concerned with it and it is a very "hot" topic. Since most of us are regualar average people we will not hear about the issue until it affects us, which is most of the time in summer. Global Warming is also a very controversal issue when dealing with the scientific community. Most will say that it is not manmade and is just a natural cycle of the earth. Personally, I think that people such as Joe Biden are absolutely, positively, retarded when they say that global warming is completely manmade. I tend to side with scientists and the more "intelligent" side of the argurement, and say that the earth is just in a natural cycle and while man may have helped the process along, it is in no way entirely a manmade problem. It is also a great debate topic and in the summer when people are affected it serves to gets people noticed.

  5. Like Justin said in class today: What reads is what leads. Sadly, its only news because people are looking for a controversy. Also, I doubt many would believe a scientists pitch if they are doing a global warming presentation in the blistering cold. Propaganda!

  6. What you forget is that " Global Warming"...ahem, climate change actually, has a more or at least as dramatic an effect in the winter because it makes winter weather more severe just as it makes summer weather more severe.....severe is severe.

  7. In the common person's mind, global warming is the warming of the earth. That is the mind set that the media has tried to push on the general public and its not all about the warming of the earth. Like Mrs. B said about winters being more fierce and severe, most people believe that they do not need to worry about global warming until it starts to heat back up again, and that is the kind of mind set that will run this planet into the ground. We do not need to forget our problems when they start to slow down or disappear for a little while. The same case with gas prices and people not speaking of renewable fuels since gas went down. Everybody jumps on board when the problem is getting severe and unless we all get passionate about our problems then they will keep getting worse. Look around and just in our little area we have had it snow twice and it has been abnormally cold and look at the big picture with a massive chunk of Antarctica breaking off. We have to get passionate and be dedicated and never give up on the solutions to our problems because no one knows when they will come back.

  8. I agree with chris i think because its more obvious in the summer because of the high temperatures, the average person would probably only think its occuring with warmer temperatures rather than cold. It is called GLOBAL WARMING. and it bothers people more when its hot rather than when its cold and then they start to think there is a problem when they're bothered. thats my personal opinion.

  9. Just a thought...the climate change in the winter should be called global chilling...with which I have no problem because it means more snowboarding.

  10. Matt i like it. Global chilling and we can show Al Gore in a new movie called "The Inconvenient Freezer: The Untold Story of Global Chilling" and he can film the whole movie from a sub-zero freezer in a fast food restaurant.

  11. are a genius...I think we can market sounds like a great movie idea...and we make pretty good movies if i do say so myself.

  12. Yes we should deff come up with some type of movie/documentary for class and we do make some killer movies.

  13. OH MY!!! The Inconvenient Freezer? Are we getting a bit too cavalier now? Remember that the average person refers to the current conditions as global warming when really it should be referred to as a time of climate change and/ or shift. There are areas of the globe where warming is not an issue - the opposite side of Antarctica from the Ross Ice Shelf is actually adding size to its glaciers. Remember too that as plates continue to shift, we change ocean currents ( granted this is over thousands of years) and as we change the directions that currents can take, we necessarily change how warm or cold/ wet or dry coastal and continental areas become.

  14. Sara says:
    Well i don't know about the media, but I talk about global warming in the winter because even though it snows buckets up north us poor North Carolininans are left to get one drop of snow when we use to get atleast one big snow every winter. That makes me sad :'( tear!

  15. i think people are just focused on it in the summer because in winter, people dont think about it. people dont like to strain their brains and think that the earth is cooling off and heating up naturally.

  16. yyea apes believe it or not it was me who came up with this question. my theory is leaning toward megan wallace but i like all the thoughts everyone

  17. Oh i understand that it is a natural climate change and in some cases we can not do anything except let nature run its course and learn to live and survive in the ever changing conditions. Nature goes through various changes all the time and we have had several ice ages in the time span of earth. People freak out now because our civilization has never lived through one and most do not want to have to adapt to a new climate.

    The Inconvenient Freezer would be a documentary explaining the truths about the climate change and show not only the effects during the summer but also during the winter. I thought it was pretty clever and would be very interesting to make with all the knowledge and opinionated people to gain advice from in our class.

  18. Chris,
    I would LOVE to see that as your final class project - all of you.......could we show it to the school? Get media coverage from the paper?

  19. That would be so cool because we could incorporate everything we learn over year and we would have some good time to work after the AP exam. I would deff be apart of this legendary project. Count me in.

  20. someone ask me one time why do they call it global WARMING when it affects the winter as bad.he said we sould just call it global condition.

  21. Well when you think of warming you think of heat and the summer time when the ice caps would melt away.

  22. Natalie,
    I think you are right, people just automatically assume warming and hot and melting. They don't look at the overall picture.

    Great start to a conversation Tripper!!! Next time it's someone else's turn.....

  23. Justin says:
    Whoever asked that question is highly insightful and very observant. Here is the deal, though. Global Warming, whether or not you believe in it or not, is a term heard frequently especially in the “heated” atmosphere of 24/7 news shows. Mrs. Bosiak brought this up today: “Most meteorologists disagree with the concept of Global Warming.” I guess she means most meteorological-wannabes as well. I believe this whole “warming” trend is cyclical. Do I think we are exacerbating the environmental problem? Yes. We are not the sole cause of it, however. The media tends to cover Global Warming more in the summer months simply because the heat is on everyone’s minds then. You cannot talk about Global Warming when people in some parts of the country are dealing with forty degree-below-zero temperatures and snow above their waists. Here is the kicker with respect to Global Warming. If anyone has a doubt that God has a sense of humor (an ironic sense of humor), then this should be evidence enough that he has one: In Global Warming situations, the Earth will cool down. Due to the release of fresh water from polar ice caps, the oceans currents will either slow down in some places or turn off completely in others. In the United Kingdom, global warming will actually lead to more snow events and colder winters with chillier summers. Just a few days ago, Great Britain suffered their worst snow storm of recent memory. The ocean’s currents will be greatly affected by the release of fresh water and areas where it is mild or temperate may very well become more chilled as Global Warming melts polar ice caps and “reverses” the ocean’s currents. In 2006, researchers discovered that nearly fifty-five million years ago, a global climate shift caused the ocean currents to be completely reversed. As a result, large-scale changes in global biodiversity occurred. This research stated that as the global temperatures rose, deep-ocean circulation switched from “overturning,” in which cold and salty water “overturns” warm surface water, in the Southern Hemisphere, where it all but shut down indefinitely, and became active in the Northern Hemisphere. This research implies two things: one, the ocean currents will dramatically change and two, the process of “global warming” seems to be cyclical. Back to the original question, however, the “Global Warming” that we may be experiencing in the summer, may actually be giving us the bitter cold winter we have experienced more pronounced throughout the United States.

    In addition to what Justin said, I was speaking with a friend in belfast Northern Ireland tonight and we were discussing the blizzard. Not the snow storm , but the blizzard...he said that although storms like this have happened, they are very rare......

  24. APES - a little clarification about blizzards in case you don't remember from Earth Science.
    To be a blizzard:
    -you are a mid-latitude travelling cyclone with counterclockwise rotation
    - you have snow at a rate of inches per hour
    -winds in excess of 35mph ( that is tropical storm strength)
    - visibilty of less than 1/4 mile
    -ocassionally white-out conditions and thundersnow
    -typically temperatures are in the 20-30's but they are not really a determining factor in classifying a blizzard from a snow storm.
    -blizzards create safety issues due to extreme weather conditons that affect humans either directly or indirectly.
    - if you live in an area prone to snowy weather, NOBODY ever wants a blizzard.

    Great Britain typically doesn't get major winter weather because of their proximity to the Gulf Stream, even though they are a latitudes similar to NE. Remember that the Gulf Stream curves away from the US coastline south of Long Island and heads over to the British Isles where it basically runs down the coast.This storm paralyzed areas that were not prepared.....some did not even have snow plowing equipment available.

  25. I don't know if this is a stupid question or not but it is something that has been bugging me for a couple of days. I know that if you take a core sample of any rock in the earth you will be able to see all of the layers that stand for earths "DNA". And I saw that if you dig down about one hundred yards you reach about the million year mark. So if you wanted to see 65,000,000 years ago you would have to dig down 6,500 yards. Does this mean that 65,000,000 years ago the earth was, overall, 6,500 yards smaller?

  26. ok I know that lost of people are concerned with a warming climate chane, but Im more concerned about our future generations that have to deal with an ice age....
