Friday, February 6, 2009

APES in films and other endeavors

The following question has been posted in an effort to focus the content of the potential LHS Movie entitled " The Inconvenient Freezer". Your input is extremely important so please take the time to think about your responses, comments and other input.

1.What do you think should be the main theme of the " Inconvenient Freezer" ?

2.What aspects of climate change should be addressed, especially those which you think are a common misconception?

3.What powerful ways do you see being utilized to illustrate these points in the movie?


  1. OK, you guys have really put together some awesome movies for you class projects now let's see what you can do with a more serious topic. I know you will make it fun, interesting and very well put together. Be careful and make sure you have all your facts. I know that you are all up to the challenge. It would be an awesome ending for your senior year and something you juniors will have to try and top next year.
    In my opinion you should debunk the whole global warming theme with facts. The movie could be utilized to show the county, state that a group of young adults have the plants best interest at heart and are willing to make a change.

  2. Hi Guys! This request is from the potential film makers that want to make you all legends in your own them out...your ideas are always great....

  3. I think the main theme of the movie should be about what Al Gore didn't talk about very much or avoided in his movie the Inconvenient Truth. I think we should touch up also on ideas that aren't common knowledge, as well as put in layman's terms the things that most of the people who would potentially watch it wouldn't normally understand. As for good ideas, I think just the fact that a senior class in high school came up with the idea, put everything into format and filmed something that could possible become so reknowned is a great way to get attention. I mean seriously how many people do you know that make movies to compete with one such as the one Al Gore made? We could be the first to change how people from now on look at the environment!

  4. okay i think that the movie idea would be really fun. However, I don't think we should focus on the fictional data in Al Gore's movie because then i think the point we will get across is that we do not face any serious environmental problems and do not need to be concerned which I think would defeat the purpose. But I do think this movie is a really good idea and people will be interested in what we have to say.

  5. good point rachel......what do we tell the movie makers to look at?

  6. I think we should try and put some actually weather reports showing how cold it has been during the winter in the film
