Thursday, December 31, 2009

Starting the New Year off right

Please read this article and post comment by 3 January 2010.


  1. well i think that bikes for power are a great idea think of how the YMCA could lower their power bills by introducing this kind ofequipment

  2. I wish that this was publicized more so people would see the potential , just like you said....

  3. i think that this is an amazing idea!! and ross has a point! if they were to show this to a large audience i believe alot of people would be intrested because it can help with several different things including finacial stuff!

  4. This is really cool to know!! I would never have known that is how the lights for the numbers have been powered for the last two years! And Ross is right... if the Y thought to hook up all of the stationary bikes as a power source-- they would save soo much money! Could they also hook up all the other machines like the tredmill and such?

  5. I think that is is amazing that people powered the Giant light up ball in times square. It is a good way to power something that takes up a lot of energy by using people to power it.

  6. I think it is a good way to prove how effective we can be if we want to be..............

  7. I think this is a great idea for a potential power source. I also had no idea that the New Year's Ball was powered by humans. But I wonder how long it would take for stationary bike power to be accessible to homes and businesses.

  8. This is a great idea, and its really cool..and I am also curious about how long before it is brought to our could benefit America's health, making a small bit of exercise necessary to power your house.

  9. this is pretty awesome. saving power is a huge part of "being green" and it is way better for the environment and everyone everywhere. the ball in Times Square is pretty amazing to know about too.

  10. I think that this is pretty cool that they used man power to power the lights at the New Year Ball. Although I don't think that this kind of power would be very convienient in a home environment. I mean how many people actually use their treadmill at home. They buy it thinking they will honor their new year's resolution, they use it for a few weeks and then it just sits there gathering dust. Of course it is an extra incentive to save a few dollars on your power bill. But how much power can one person pedaling on a bike for an hour or two actually create? Eventually people aren't going to think that it's worth the few dollars they save. I think that the only places that this kind of power would be efficient would be the fitness centers where there would be multiple bikes with multiple people on them all day.

  11. Carson Daly was talking about this on TV! It's great that Duracell sponsored something where people take part in celebrating the New Year. It sounds like an effective power source to me :)

  12. WOW, I had no idea that the ball was powered by humans basically riding bikes. The idea of that coming to every home in america is a great idea but the government and the power companys won't allow it, they wouldn't get any money unless they charged you for the bikes each month which would be crazy. Besides that I love the idea

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. yepp im with caitlin i saw this on tv as well. i agree with everyone on it being a great idea that would be awesome to put into use however possible. ross also has a great idea with fitness places. yet, in my infinite curiosity i decided to research something similar to this that could be used in your own home. the product i found claims its possible to generate 200 watts and hour, so if two people both rode an exercise bike an hour a piece each day, thats 400 watt-hours of electricity, enough to power a big screen tv for 2 hours out of that day, or a 25 watt flourescent light bulb for 16 hours. not much, but at least its something. however, in 2007, the average monthly power consumption of a US household is 936 kilowatt-hours or (obviously) 936000 watt-hours. almost seems insignificant to use the bikes after that staggering number :p

    oh and not to mention the device i looked at costs almost $1,000 per unit.

  15. that is so awesome how people got on those bikes and pedaled them to make all that energy needed to make the 2010 New Year ball light up! That just really amazes me & i think it is such a great thing that people are doing things like this to bring in the New Year :) i kinda want to do it so i can tell people that i pedaled on a Duracell bike to make energy for the New Year ball! hah.

  16. Hollis - me too.
    Clinton - it sure does seem puny when you put it in your terms.... :(

  17. okay i would definitely get one of these bikes and use it around my house, its like killing two birds with one stone.. exercise and creating renewable energy. ahh just imagine the huge impact it could have on the world if these things were made available to everyone! but then again thats the problem with these kinds of ideas they are so expense its not really available to the average american to buy (joe the plumber hahaha) it will be interesting to see where the efforts lead to in the future

  18. Wow,
    That's pretty awesome. But let me get this's completely powered by humans? That is a good energy and money saver buttt..I'm not really sure if that would be very effective to power everyday applianes and lights..or would it?

  19. Ashlee - I think unfortunately that is the point and the drawback.....a shame isn't it?

    Emilee - wonder how much power my bike could generate?

  20. Wow thats really neat i didnt know they did that this year or last year. I mean yea it couldn't power everyday appliances but maybe if peak fitness and the ymca joined in they wouldn't have an electrical bill if they used their cycling classe's bikes as fuel for power. :) loved that intresting fact.

  21. i dont like it because it makes to much sense. why would we do something like that when we have something that works anyways?! who cares if it would be more efficient or more "green" would require to much change- and people dont like change unless it is sitting in the oval office apparently. jeeze.

  22. haha actually i kid u not i was sitting in the y a couple days ago watching the fitness trainer unplugged the machines and i thought to myself why is it that were unplugging machines when we should be plugging them up and harnessing the energy from a workout.


  23. i think this is a really good idea because it lets some people know that some people are trying to help the world and i think saving energy is an amazing just think of how many people have gyms in the public places or homes and just think that energy can be lowered maybe just enough to make a difference

  24. This is an awesome idea! It would save us tons of energy and it could even encorage people to work out and do more excersize. It would really help America in many ways.

  25. I think that is one of the best ideas duracell has come up with not only people can exercise but they can also produce energy reducing their power bills. That would make more people want to exercise, this ideas is not only good for the people's pockets but also for their health
