Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lunar Colony?

So now they have found a way for us to colonize the moon.

Post by 4 January 2010 11 pm

Read the article and comment on the feasibility and practicality of such an endeavor. In addition, is it morally/ethically right to colonize other planets/moons?


  1. Everything is worth a try, I see nothing wrong with us exsperiment on how there may be a possibility of us living on the moon. If scientist succeeds in finding a way for human to live on the moon then it should be open to the entire world because no one owns the moon. There is no problem in trying to colonize different planets/moons if there is a way for us to live there and if there is nothing residing there.

  2. do we set guidelines/limits so we don't trash them as well?

  3. Personally, I believe its a good endeavor, but wayyy to expensive for what its worth. Whats the odds of actually establishing on the moon? we need to focus on fixing our earhtly problems before worrying about other planets.

  4. I personally think it is an interesting idea to have a colony of people live on the moon, but I ultimately do not think it is a worthwhile experiment. Because how many people would actually live on the moon even if they had the opportunity? And there probably not enough lava tubes for the entire population to live on the moon, and that is a lot of time and money to spend in order for only a few people to live on the moon.

  5. i like the japs...they are industrious. it would be sweet to set up a colony, but idk if its plausible by 2025. i dont think any nation has the funds to undertake this project though because its a 6 day flight to the moon- thats ALOT of gas to use, taking all the materials up to the moon, keeping it stocked, and keeping it manned. it would have to be a joint effort, and if NASA wont comment on it then they probably arent to keen on it. i think it is possible to do, but i dont think by 2025 like the japs are sayin. - and luke...i would LOVE to live on the moon.

  6. I think that establishing a colony on the moon would be cool. I would want to go live there just to be different from everyone else. Living in a hole would be weird though. Although it would be great to live in such a unique place, I do agree with Chrissy that we should use most of our funding to try to fix problems on our own planet where living conditions are ideal for us and we wouldn't want it and its perfect environment to be destroyed. Living on the moon would be interesting but it wouldn't have all the things that make our Earth, like grass, trees, birds and oceans. I think that it would be morally and ethically fine to colonize the moon considering that there is nothing there and it is our moon. If we were to try to colonize a planet or moon where a species was already living that would be wrong, though I don't see that happening anytime soon. I also don't think that anyone will be living on the moon in the near future. Where would NASA get the money to get the people there and to keep the place stocked with food and supplies?

  7. I think it is a great idea. The world gets smaller everyday and will become overpopulated eventually. As far as conventional use in this particular hole i dont think their can be a city of humans up their. But i do think that Nasa with the funding of the world behind it should create a lunar station in the hole and explore both the moon and other planets more.

  8. I think it's amazing that we can create a colony on the moon, but I don't think we should. As if it's not enough that humans are destroying this planet, they have to go to another one(and yes I know the moon is a moon and not a planet) and destroy it as well. Eventually there would be a Futurama-esque scenario where the moon is one large amusement park, and people litter and destroy it as well, but there is not much of an atmosphere to destroy. In short, I think it's a bad idea.

  9. Not to mention it's not cost effective AT ALL. We are living in hard economic times my friend, and space colonies are not a priority.

  10. I think it's a really neat idea. I know as a kid i always wanted to go to space and maybe even live there i didn't think it was possible though. I also agree with Haley and Emory. It would be a great expense to go to the moon, live there and stock up for however long this "colony" would stay and what if the people chosen to go decided to dump waste into outer space. I'm on the fence on this one it's a great idea but is it really possible or are we just trying to come up with new ideas to prove we are growing. I wonder why no one commented also it's a pretty big deal! you just don't push it aside. I'm not sure if we're fully prepared for a colony in space the outlines there but theres a lot lacking.

  11. i think that it is no time like the present but they would have to set some rules and regulations before sending anyone up there i think it could be dangerous in someways but then i think were just doing it to have some space on earth but hey if thats what they want to do so be it.

  12. I think it is so cool that we have the potential to live on the moon now!! However, as stated in a few comments above, I do not think there will be enough funds for this to happen by 2025. I think it would be weird to live in a hole as Gabby said but the fact that it is possible is still soo amazing!!

  13. In my opinion this seems like a very interesting idea for people to possibly live on the moon! It is kind of also wierd because i just don't seem to think that many people would really live on the moon if they could. Just the thought of living in a hole on the moon is crazy & i don't know if that would be a real great place to live. But if people are willing to try it & see how it works then they should and then they can tell all of us that don't go how their experience was! But i know that it is going to take many many years for this to happen, so people can keeping dreaming about it for a while. hah

  14. I think a colony on the moon would be interesting and a great educational opportunity. However, I don't know if doing so by 2025 is realistic, especially when funding is in question. I agree with Chrissy that we should focus on problems at home first. The environment and economy need to be stabilized before establishing any new colonies on the moon.

  15. well i personally think the idea of living in space is scary.. thats just me. i don't see why everyone is so keen to trust that this is safe. Also how do we know that were actually prepared for what it takes to go to the moon and make a stable colony, and would we work with other countries or would it be just us? and haley is right NASA has taken a back seat to funds during lately because of the economy.. i think it has a lot of info not there and not gonna happen bc of no moola.. i don't think its a good idea but then again i don't know a lot about space and NASA...

  16. mrs bosiak, this brings memories of astronomy. except we would be building down, instead of up. hahaha. while i think this would be a feasible endeavor, its practicality is lacking in my mind. i would to have a lot of questions answered before i could really comment.

    who would be responsible for the funding/building of it? would it be shared between multiple nations? on top of that, who would police this new colony?

    and also, if we (any singular or joint nations) can colonize the moon, who is to say another group couldnt start doing this wherever they wanted in space? and with that, i would say people with the wrong intentions, be it money, or more threatening, war, could take things in the wrong direction. then you have the same problems as here on Earth, just out of reach of any governing body.

    hah, so to sum up an entirely too long posting, i think people are looking at the Earth like their overly-cluttered house and the moon like a storage building. if they would take time to clean out the house, throw out the trash, fix it up a little, and do all they can to keep the from becoming cluttered again, they would realize they dont need the storage building, they just need to put effort and attention into maintaining the house.


  17. I think that this is an awesome idea, being able to live on the moon and just chillllll all the time would be great! But like Emory said I don't think any nation will have enough resources to provide for this project now or in the near sad as that is..

  18. this is way too expensive but all new technology that has made our lives easier is. i think that this would be a great thing to start up as long as it does not affect any lunar activities

  19. i think this is a pretty cool idea actually. it would be pretty cool to live on the moon even though it is expensive to get the technology to be able to do so. i agree with Emory and Nathan about any country not having enough resources to do this anytime soon.

  20. i thank that this is a very intresting idea!! its deffinitly something that catches your attention but in my opinion i find it very risky!! just thinking about it now kinda makes me about all of the things that could go wrong. but i believe that it is worth looking further into.

  21. This is very interesting! Although im not sure if all the extensive amounts of time and money will be worth it. A lot of people wouldnt take the chance of living in space, like emilee said it is a scary thought. It is something i would look more into.

  22. I think we should be somewhat focused on creating a colony on the moon, but not totally first we need to deal with the problems we got right now in the earth. Trying to colonize the moon will be good for the technology, just think how much more the technology will increase and how much more better it will be. I think is a good idea for humans to try to reach for not-very realistics goals because that helps for technology to be inproved.
