Thursday, December 10, 2009

Volcano impacts environment?

Comment on the following article:
Due Date: 11pm 15 December 2009



  1. I read the article and it was surprising to me to hear that even with an explosion so big, humans survived, even though we were on the vurge of extinction. It kinda scares me though because of what is being predicted from the supervolcano in Yellowstone. I know they said it won't explode anytime soon but does that mean in our lifetime or that its a possibility of it exploding in our generation?

  2. Well I am not surprise about it since events like that have occurred throughout human life and humans have still being able to survive. If Yellowstone were to erupt sometime in my generation I think that human nature would survive if people back then survived why wouldnt us? I also think that it is interesting how we can see how earthquakes have changed our world.

  3. Wow. guess you we're indestructible afterall. :) The article blew my mind. how in the world did we survive the eruption. If there is another volcanic eruption in our lifetime we may not survive this time cuz it would be increasingly worse. If Yellowstone blows up too then what will happen to the world? we'll be covered in ash and we'll all die. Thats pretty scary that we survived before but I'm hoping nothing explodes anytime soon.

  4. well given that i dont think that all of us would die we are about due for another eruption of this sort. It is better than our methods of population control that may be coming like nuclear holocaust. I think it would be good for the earth to naturally reset the balance and start us over with a population of only a couple thousand people who were rich enough to sustain themselves through the dark years.

  5. Well, the lack of genetic diversity now would prove the theory of "survival of the fittest". Only those humans that were strong enough could survive, though it is a scary thought that Yellowstone could possible be a factor in another ice age, even though it is not in the near future.

  6. The most interesting part of this article to me was when it stated that the volcanic eruption could have directly led to the evolution of humans through necessary cooperative strategies.
    I also feel that with current and future technology we will be able to pinpoint almost exactly when any new supervolcanoes will erupt, and we will be able to make the appropriate adjustments to be able to survive the event. If Neanderthals could survive a supervolcano 73,000 years ago, we can definitely survive one now.

  7. Wow,
    Thats amazing that us humans are alive today..because of that eruption we could have very well been extinct. I agree with Nathan about the new technology and being able to atleast make an educated prediction as to when these "supervolcanoes" will erupt and with how much force they will erupt.

  8. I read the article, and It blows my mind knowing that something like this could have occurred. I mean at any minute an eruption that would kill most of mankind could happen, and ther is not a single thing we can do about it. 3 feet of ash covering the whole nation? When I look at a volcano it doesnt seem like it would have that much inside it, but I guess it does...

  9. wow......
    this is crazy. it is hard to believe that something like this happened and humans actually survived. this volcano must have been crazy when it exploded to cause all of the problems it did, especially an ice age.
    just wow......

  10. It's crazy that the Toba eruption had such a large impact on human life. Also, I found it interesting that the lack of genetic diversity could be linked to this eruption. It's scary to imagine the damage a Yellowstone eruption could cause…I’m hoping it’s in the FAR future.

  11. I thought the article was very interesting, and I think it is fascinating that the Earth we walk on has been through these kind of events. I also found the article almost comforting/hopeful because it said that the Toba eruption forced humanity to improve and become more advanced. So, even though natural disasters are undesirable, they are necessary for humans to become more enlightened, and it forces us to come up with new solutions to problems, which can only make us better in the long run.

  12. I have read the article and I found it very interesting. Although most of us know this already I found it really cool that a eruption from a valcano that puts out ash,smoke etc. can lower the temperature of the earth. It is unbelieveable how humans managed to stay alive and adapt while this volcano erupted.

    Mrs. B- Since the earth is in the global warming mode would it be good for a small volcano to do that just to lower the earths temperature?

  13. I have read it and i am very interested in this kind of stuff i have watched numerous documentaries on large eruptions and the fascinate me.

  14. This is a very interesting and fascinating article. It is crazy that something like that happened and humans were able to survive. It also kinda scares me since humans came so close to extintion and there is another volcano similar to this one that has a possiblity of erupting in humanities lifetime. I just hope as Caitlin said it happens sometime in the distant distant future.

  15. haha everyone keeps saying "it's crazy"... just makes me laugh..

    anywaysi found this pretty interesting. once again history will repeat its self if that does actually happen in yellowstone park... but what does that really mean for us, like how bad will it be for us with ash 3 feeet deep... i mean i know there would have to be some serious cleaning up... but to me its something that we could recover from... back then though i don't know how they did because they did'nt have hardly any of the resources we do nowadays... it was a very interesting topic!! made me think :)

  16. Jonte......that is what happened in 1991 with the eruption of Mt. Pinatubo. Cooling would be good, but we would still have issues with the particulates that we have put in the atmosphere and then the addition of volcanic ones.

  17. I read this article and I cant believe people actually survived the volcanic eruption. They think that Yellowstone has super volcanic activies and if they are right then we are doomed. We have enough greenhouse gases and pollution that if an eruption was to occur the earth and everything living on it would eventually die out because life spans would dramaticaly decrease. They need to find a way that if this event would actually occur that American citizens can remain a stable life style and animals wouldnt become extinct. It would wipe out millions of specis because of the ashes. Lets all just hope it doesnt happen.

  18. read it. and i just wanna say wow, any single event, natural or man-made, no matter what it relates to, that can cool the 28 degrees at some point should be feared. i just hope it doesnt happen again any time soon - since its been 73,000 years since the last.

  19. sounds like one of those "miseries" Malthus talks about. but personally i think humans would fare great if yellowstone were to erupt-well, those not in the close blast range. Sure the ash is a big killer and it rains down all over the place in an eruption of that size, but i think we have the technology to help save us from that. The surrounding states would suffer mass casualties but as you get father away it would get better. the cooling of the atmosphere would pose a problem simply because of the delicate balance most animals live in. Humans will eat anything though- and if one species goes extinct we will just eat something else. Im not saying it would be great, but i do think we would come out just fine.
