Friday, December 4, 2009

Comment on this quote

"We've arranged a global civilization in which the most crucial elements...profoundly depend on science and technology. We have also arranged things so that almost no one understands science and technology. This is a prescription for disaster."

Carl Sagan (1934-1996)


  1. i think its saying that we're so dependent on technology and everything that has been created in the last few decades and yet we as people are so unscientific and don't understand a lot about technology, so we need it but we don't get it and that is setting us up to fail....

    is that all we were supposed to do was put what we got out of the quote?

  2. i agree with emilee.

    i think the quote is trying to say that science and technology are important to humans but the ways they are presented to us are often confusing and misunderstanding. the presentation of science and technology are setting humans up to fail because we cannot understand it like we need to be able to.

  3. I think this quote states that we are a society that is completely dependent on technology, but very few peole truly understand it. It is mostly taken for granted.

  4. I think he is trying to say that we have made the world modern, but we have gotten more barely understood it but it was worth a shot

  5. I think this quote is talking about how in today's world we are being rushed into all these new technological things and before we even fully understand everything about that certain thing, we are already hearing about new things that will be coming out soon. I'm not saying that we humans are dumb, but we should be able to take more time to learn everything about all this technology before something new comes out. I think that all this technological stuff is taken for granted and we just use it all like its nothing. He is saying in this quote that it will soon become a disaster, because if nobody catches onto the important things about technology, then when we try and work with them we won't have any idea what we're doing and we could easily cause a disaster by just making one mistake. We should be more careful with technology and science and learn more about it rather then not really caring!

  6. I think this quote is focusing on how important science and technology are to our everyday lives. The advances we make in science and technology critically impact the way things will be in the future. Our society is set up to where no one understands what is going on around them. Not only that but no one really cares either. If old fashioned people like our grandparents or parents do not catch on to technology then they'll be left behind. If we as students do not focus on the changes in science and see how the world is changing and how the enviornment is changing we won't know what to do in years to come. It's a great quote.

  7. Wow that quote is soooo true. We have put technology into everything that we do. Medical care,education, everything. If technology is so crucial to our survival, how will those who are clueless about it survive? Society needs to realize that instead of just advancing technology as fast as the spped of light, we need to stop and let society catch up on the technology at hand. there will always be time for advancement, so why rush it? Enjoy having the technology we have right now, and slowly advance, therefore those not accustomed to it can conform to the technological age too.

  8. You ladies are very insightful and made some very good comments. This quote sort of ties in with the GMOs and other things that we will be looking at soon..........

  9. taking the view on GMO's the agricultural society has used recent technological advances to make super crops that not many understand and this incapability of grasping what could branch from these organisms will conclude with the demise of our most precious resource "food".

  10. We have become too dependent on technology. We use technology for everything even to do simple chores. But in reality having too much technology is not the problem, the problem is that if all the technology we have were to be destroyed we would'nt be able to create again due to our lack of knowledge about it.

  11. I believe he's trying to say that we have created so many things to do simple tasks for us that it is slowly making us incompetent. Eventually, we are going to be completely dependent on the technology that we have created, yet we don't underdtand the most vital parts of it that could really be of some use.

  12. Yes it is saying that we are all stupid for not understanding the laws that govern our universe. However some of us have a grasp of them. It is not all that simple though their are some theories of our universe that no one on earth has been able to completely understand all parts of yet, so its not like its something everyone can get. But scientist have been able to group the 4 forces into 2 theories, though they have not been able to incorporate gravity into the theory about the other 3( strong nuclear, weak nuclear, and electromagnetic). It is theorized by the best minds of out time though that their is a theory for all 4 forces and once that theory is discovered it will be able to be taught widely to anyone who cares to listen. This theory is said to be one that will unlock all the secrets of our universe and give us insight into the mind of whatever divine architect their may be ( or likely not be). However this theory might hurt us more than help us because as history shows multiple times when something comes up that negates or backs up religion their is major fighting for seemingly no reason and many lives are forfeit to ultimately come to the conclusion that people will believe what they want no matter how much proof you through at them. This theory may cause the worst world war ever conducted most probably ending human life as we know it and therefore their will be no reason for it. That being said id rather stay in the dark. Ignorance is bliss


  13. oh and concerning the technology part i dont much care for it and am very guilty of being ignorant of the subject


  14. I think this quote is soo true! Everyone has become soo dependent on technology in today's society that if it were to disappear, we wouldn't know what to do. The fact that science has become so complicated that we do not know what it is talking about most of the time shows that we are, with no intent to insult anyone, a stupid generation. Technology to us today has become so advanced that it is moving to fast for us to comprehend. Everyone gets all the new phones and computers, when half the time we have no idea how they really work! Everyone is trying to beat the other out with having the
    "new and improved" and it is driving our generation into disaster.

    Did I answer that right?

  15. Yes Matt, you are ok. Knox - I would have to agree in some part with your dissertation. It is true that most wars/conflicts are fought for the very reasons you state. Is it always a good thing to be completely ignorant on the technology of the times? Again, there are some who would say absolutely, but without some new advances , people would suffer and die like in the " old days" . Wait a minute - isn't that what Malthus advocates?

    Ross - you raise a good point about not knowing the repercussions of our dabbling with DNA.

    Angelica & Kathryn - nicely stated. We will become unable to recreate that which we have lost.....

  16. I agree with Emilee and Haley. The human race of this generation almost completely depends on technology, yet we don't fully understand it and sometimes it is presented to us with vocabulary and tactics that are confusing to us and hard to comprehend or get a good hold on.

  17. I agree with everyone who said that we are almost completly dependent on technology and that most people don't understand hardly anything about it. Science is also important in our society. The average person doesn't comprehend a lot of the aspects of science, even when it is so important in our lives. Since technology and science is so important and crucial to everyday life I think that students should be educated more on the sciences and modern technology. If people don't understand these new technologies, when almost everything is run by some kind of technology, our future will be a disaster and everything will eventually fall apart.

  18. I agree with Emilee we are become to dependent on technology for example; went to the gastonia mall on sunday with a friend we used a GPS to try and get there, but the GPS had no signal when we were half way there so we got lost. We are becoming so dependent on technology that when a situation come and all technology fails some of the American people wouldn't know what to do.

  19. I think emilee has taken the words right out of my mouth. Technology is becoming more and more advance, which means its becoming more complex and harder to understand for the people who didnt create it. True they know how to use it but thats about it.

  20. i completely agree with kathryn. i think what he is saying is that technology has progressed alot and we are going to keep making new forms of technology but really all it is showing is that were lazy. we depend on technology so much these days because it makes life easier and it is going to keep progressing. the technology that we have today makes us seem stupid and the fact that we are trying to make more advanced just seems stupid considering we have so much already.

  21. I agree with everyone that technology is advancing really quickly, maybe too quickly. I think Carl Sagan was suggesting that disaster can result from a reliance on technology. We love showing off the latest gadgets but fail at really understanding how they relate to science. We’re constantly learning about new technology, even though it may be simpler to do without.

  22. I think it means that we are so consumed with new technology that we rely on technology to do things for use instead of use learning it by are self. We are so occupied with technology to entertain use so we don't do things on are own. This is why technology brings so many problems in our world.

  23. to me this quote means that in this day technology plays a big role in everyones lifes. If you do not know how to use this technology then it can really hurt you in a number of ways.

  24. I think that the quote is saying that our society and civilization is built upon science and technology, and most people do not fully understand science and technology, so therefore most people don't inherently understand our society. Also, I don't necessarily think Sagan is saying that being dependent on technology is a bad thing, but I think he is saying that our technology is way more advanced than our people are, and that humans are still playing catchup to technology.

  25. i think the first part of this quote isnt necessarily Sagan expresses his disappointment with the world relying on technology, rather it is simply a set up for the secind part. he then expresses his opinion of the world being ignorant to technology with kinda of a stab at the science world for not doing any better explaining things to everyone else

  26. wow. i just want to say that was not intentionally that close to being late.

  27. sorryyy... on the quote though- its that ALMOST no one that keeps us working XD. i personally think that not everyone should have to worry about that stuff as long as a few- but enough- people know. its true that we have based ourselves on science and technology, but the fact that our scientists are all over the place makes it hard to beleive that they will ever let us down.
