Monday, November 23, 2009

Articles for Ebola assignment

POSTING DUE DATE: 11pm 6 December 2009
ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE: 7 December 2009

Use the following links to articles and fact sheets on Ebola. Read them and then answer the questions on the disease assignment sheet .

articles about Lassa, Marburg and other hemorrhagic diseases.

When you are finished with the sheet and questions, use the links and the answers to your questions for reference and answer the following:

1. If an outbreak of something like Ebola or Marburg or Lassa fever were to occur in the United States, what is the potential ( in your opinion) of complete devastation of certain populations in the United States?
2. What populations do you feel would be at the greatest risk?
3. What preventative measures, if any , can be taken to help prevent such an occurence?
4. Is it moral to allow the effects of any hemorrhagic disease to take their natural course in a third world country or should the industrialized world step in and " fix" the problem?


  1. Ok, so in my opinion I think the places that would be affected the most would be the big cities. Lots of people = lots of contact. Cities like New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, Atlanta, and even Charlotte. The more people the more likely it would be for someone to get it. It's something that workers got while setting up an area for the sick. Just by helping the sick they got sick. If you get sick just like with the supposed H1N1 virus, you are supposed to stay home, at least that's what people did in the beginning, but I think the regular flu is worse now than the H1N1, but anyway. If you get sick, and it is confirmed stay away from other people. Just because someone got you sick, doesn't mean you have to do the same thing and get someone else sick. It's not very civilized. Any industrialized world is not GOD. I say that if a third world country is so affected by a disease then maybe that country just wasn't meant to be. But we did step in in Africa, and although thats more like second world more than third world, it still goes to show, that the more an industrialized nation helps those less fortunate, the more that nation seems to be depenedent on their savious. I say the United States does not need to intervene. Let some other industrialized nation help them. We already got our own problems, and maybe if we do help them, they won't return the gratitude. Plus, what do we get out of it? Self - satisfaction? Yes it's good to help those less fortunate, but we got our own problems here with the less fortunate. Let's fight our battles at home before we go anywhere else (cough cough Iraq). Sorry, I went off topic. Just a little bit.

  2. Read this and read the articles! Interesting..I'm working on my packet now!

  3. I have read this and will be starting my packet shortly!!

  4. And I am totally bummed considering my dorm is the hotspot right now for the h1n1 flu, and I'm sick, so let's hope that I don't have it.

  5. do we post our answers to the questions in the blog or do we answer them in a piece of paper

  6. I have read the articles

  7. Angelica - You can send them to me in an email if you would like to - I wouldn't post them here.

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  11. haha megan i hope you get it! just kidding than you will bring it home... i read the articles

  12. i emailed my answers to you. let me know if you get them. i hope you did because i didnt save the. =/

  13. I will have to hand u my answers from the post in the morning

  14. I read this. I won't be there tomorrow since i'm taking a college day but i will hand these answers in and the packet in on Tuesday. :)

  15. read it...i love stuff like this because of the damage it could do in such a short time. reminds me of zombiezzz

  16. Emory - reminds me of the 28 days/weeks/ months series and the Rage virus......

  17. I read it sorry it took me so long to post about the reading, weekend was crazy. But this is a very interesting topic.

  18. Posting is closed for this subject.

    Knox- I think that this category of diseases is really interesting and a bit scary. We cannot control them and they will break free into the more industrialized countrie, sometime.

  19. ahh yes mrs b. i loved those movies.
