Thursday, April 2, 2009


The tomato planting went well.......hope you remember to water them.
Tomatosphere link:

look here often for information about things we will be doing with tomato plants!


  1. Do we actually need to come in during other classes to water them, or do you want us to just water them while we are in your class?

  2. Most likely just once a day, yet I don't know much about growing tomatoes.

  3. I agree I thought the tomato planting went very well. I agree with Billy I think it is only once a day.

  4. the seeds were toooo small-this should be interesting!

  5. i want to take home some space tomatoes :)

  6. ah be patient young grasshoppers!! You shall take home what you grow...

    Billy & Megan- once a day may be too often, you will learn. check the pots tomorrow to see how wet they are.

    Nat - they are very tiny, but you all did a great job planting the wee things....

  7. There suppose to be tiny, ive planted tinier and they will grow, I promise.

  8. im anxious to see which ones will grow better. im betting the space ones...

  9. aww i like your baby tomato at the top. hopefully will be seeing some of those soon (:

  10. Sara says:
    This is going to be fun! I want to eat one of mine when they grow-up!!

  11. im not a big fan of tomatoes personally but i wonder if space tomatoes taste different than earth tomatoes...just as long as they turn into tomatoes like on "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes" which i think would be great to watch in class :)

  12. can i start growing my shirt mrs b?

  13. Logan,
    What shall you use to grow your shirt?

  14. I'm still wondering which tomato with grow better, the space or the regular kind....I guess will just have to wait and see

  15. I am amazed at how fast these germinated.....with the heat lamps they are really taking off now!

  16. some of you have more than sprouts....there are a couple with leaf sets....

  17. Got it,
    I don't even like tomatoes lol.
    But if we have enough i can give some to my grandpa :)

  18. my group has the best and i hate tomatoes ha

  19. I feel like Victor Frankenstein, creating life that i shall soon destroy by eating it

  20. tomato=GROSS but growing them is fun

  21. Im sooo proud of my groups little sprouts!

  22. our sprouts are definately coming along nicely. before long they are going to be out of the ceiling ;]

  23. from my pov it looks like our tomato plants are going to have no comp on the race for tomato-ism...??? hmmm...

  24. Hopefully our tomatoes do not do that! I enjoy our little growing project. My green thumb in Justin says:
    Biology did not work so well. So far, this growing project looks a lot better. My brown thumb has not appeared. Woo Hoo! I am excited about taking home tomatoes, too. All this talk about photosynthesis and carbon dioxide and crap gives me cold sweats and flashbacks to Biology! Flashbacks that is, to a few hours ago when we were in class last...HaHa!!

  25. Im excited to see these things once we get back to school tomorrow.

  26. I'm glad my group has such an experienced farmer to help them out. Thats why our tomatos are the best!
