Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Q& A about swine flu

This is a very good link that may answer some of your questions. There is also a link for a map of the outbreak sites ( not too update based on SC information) with info about history etc.



  1. i heard about the first confirmed cases in NC tonight :(

  2. Hadn't heard that...where are they?

  3. geez this is scary...i really hope that a case wasn't found in North Carolina :/

  4. Caitlin,
    according to the news at 12 pm today there are suspected cases in NC and some other places. They really do have a good handle on the problem though.

  5. Here is a good link to keep up with the incidences .....it is the CDC:
    what better place to get the skinny from, you know!?

  6. I heard the only person that has died in USA was a baby:(

  7. This is getting pretty scary. I mean, i think most people in the US are thinking, "outta sight, outta mind"

  8. but the people that seem to be dying are really young or don't do what they should once they get sick.

  9. lordy lou ive seen this stuff all over the news, they are really serious about this..... babe is not my friend any more

  10. poor Babe.....not like he did all this intentionally....

  11. Sara says:
    First of all I would hope that people are smart enough to know that if they are sick they should not go to work or school!! Second of all, I still would like to know how we catch if from pigs in the first place?!

  12. Honestly, I'm not worried. People died bc they didn't get the recommended treatment in time and I'm smart enough to go get checked and be treated. Those who don't get checked are the ones who die.

  13. Hopefully people will continue to embrace common sense and stay home if sick or seek medical attention if getting sick. We are a varied species and there are that bunch who think they can cure themselves or try and be macho and tough it out. Hopefully the possibility of death is a strong enough wake up call.

  14. Chris and Jake....excellent points!

  15. here is my thought on swine flu.who cares it is here to decrease the population.if i get then it was meant to be.but i am strong and only the strong shall survive.never fear jimmy will repopulate if you all die

  16. i agree with jimmy if it is my time to go its my time t go but the ways im taking this deal is just like the bird flu it made impacts but i didnt know anyone or very big impacts it had( im sure it did but not to me) so i think its crap

  17. I'm concerned about the Swine Flu or the H1N1 virus or whatever it is, but not to the extent of other people. It's just like another flu, if you worry about it, you are going to become stressed, and once you become stressed you become more susceptible to becoming sick, and if you do get it, you will have a less likelihood of being able to fight off the virus then if you wouldn't have worried. Just eat right, watch who you interact with, wash your hands, you know the usual. Don't over worry yourself with something as petty as this. Also, it it's meant to wipe out an entire population, its going to do it no matter what we do to try and stop it.

  18. I am pretty much with chris. I don't think im immune, but the people didn't get proper treatment. If everyone would stop panicing we could do something to help matters.

  19. I'm with Chris too, I think the media hypes things up and while this is a serious issue, i don't think people should be freaking out like they are. Look at all those people who think they have it, but it turns out they don't. People are such hypochondriacs. I think i spelled that right...

  20. I am personally not a fan of H1N1 cause it compeltely messed up some things...but its not as bad as originally thought...as for chris i agree but i also ask what about those who dont have access or the resources to get checked out or get medical treatment...they may be smart enough to want it but not be able to get it

  21. We shouldn't really have to worry about swine flu to much more because won't it not be able to survive in the summer because the flu virus likes cold dry air

  22. the media pretty much blew this stuff up. im glad its getting better & i wont catch it when i go to ole Mehico (:

  23. I now flinch everytime someone coughs and sneezes around mee!

  24. I'm just glad it calmed down a little bit. Its still a scary thought though.

  25. i saw on the news they said that after 2 days it went from 1 reported case to 78 in japan.

  26. i would like to see how many more confirmed cases have been discovered now approximately two weeks later

  27. So are the H1N1 virus and the Swine flu the same? Because i heard that H1N1 is a different strand of the virus and it doesn't make you as sick. Also, are the symptoms for Swine Flu the same as the regular flu?
