Thursday, April 9, 2009

Red Sox and others led the way to " green" stadiums

.............Even the nation's oldest MLB stadium still in use—Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox, the Yanks's biggest rivals—is getting in on the greening (puns about its legendary "Green Monster" wall in left field aside). Some 28 newly installed solar panels on the fifth floor's slanted roof offset 37 percent of the natural gas burned to heat the stadium's water supply, says Katie Haas, a team spokesperson. The park also sports 11 BigBelly solar-powered trash compacters on the premises.

Some of the statistics are pretty impressive when you look at the energy reduction, carbon footprint decrease etc.


  1. Yay I am the first comment. I think that it is great Fenway is doing this. I don't know if they did or not, but the new Yankee stadium better have done this too! hehe. Anyways good for the Red Sox, i've always like them anyways. Being green is good for a place of this size.

  2. that's surprising!!

    why aren't they all doing this?

  3. This is a great image for the sport industry. Sports and other generalized forms of entertainment are an escape from our sometimes taxing lives. Sometimes our entertainment has an impact on the planet i.e. pollution, abuse of resources etc. It will be a big step if other stadiums and complexes make smart changes that will play a part in global awareness.

  4. anything to save money i guess...hehe

  5. I'm impressed that the Red Sox were the first to take the step. They are one of the league's biggest franchises, and the fact that they made such a big environmental statement will have vast reprocussions in the environmental world. Hopefully, this trend will carry over all throughout the sports industry.

  6. I believe that now we need to strap solar panels to every open roof in a tri-county area. We will have to find some funding though, around 3 billion dollars or rob the panel factory. Sounds like a plan to me. Good job to MLB, they are doing a good thing and getting some "green" recognition.

  7. Its great that they are getting involved like they are

  8. people get so down on solar energy. idk why. but its awesome that the major leagues are atleast making an effort. maybe this will get a good example for some of the surrounding businesses and neighborhoods..i mean, people do look up to baseball players and athletes.

  9. I agree, baseball stadiums taking this step will set a good example and raise awareness and hopefully inspire other people to go green. It is amazing how much teams have benefited financially from going green!

  10. Justin says:
    That is encouraging news to hear that Fenway Park is getting in on the "green" bandwagon. You do not go to a game at Fenway to be "green," but to see baseball. But, if we can figure out a way to incorporate America's favorite pass-time with an increased environmental concern, then we are well on our way to changing our way of thinking about the state of the environment. This also shows that larger corporations and more notable organizations (like the MLB) have a sway over fans. If the fans pay attention to the moves of said corporation/organization, the way the fan thinks about things might also change with the organizations!

  11. Sports are so influential to so many people. I hope this will get more people to realize that this is very inportant

  12. With major baseball stadiums stepping up like this and making a stand will definitely make a big impact on other larger organizations

  13. First of all...GO SOX!!! second this is impressive and exciting news because this is exactly what i plan to focus on in my career so its exciting to see progress and promise in my chosen career field. :)

  14. Im so glad to hear Sox are helping to take care of our environment. Maybe this will be the first of many!!!

  15. Baseball is already American's favorite past time and to hear that they are going green, is going to possible encourage other sports like soccer and football hopefully to join in on they bandwagon. It would be amazing to see sports of all kind going green. I think it would be amazing for all these other teams to take after the Red Sox and maybe with their influence, if they really mean it they can use it talk all different kinds of people and companies to start going green. Kids look up to sports stars, and if the sports stars are going green they are going to want to too.

  16. this would be a great way to make other people jump in, its like saying, "i'm doing this, so why aren't you?"

  17. Those Big Belly trash cans are freakin sweet, whoever came up with those is a genius.

  18. This is great, maybe the others will also jump on the bandwagon and start "greening" too.... maybe eveen football stadioms will jump on too.... we can have "green" sports!

  19. Mrs. B, i bet you love this article considering your a die hard Red Sox fan :]]

  20. lawson says: 3 games back from toranto......
    Go CUBS

  21. I think that green sports is a great idea because everyone watches sports and looks up to the athletes. This could cause a spread of environmental awareness.

  22. how bout ellsbury stealing home that was a crazy play and a crazy series.

  23. Mrs Bosiak? Are you posting this more because of the environmental aspects, or because youre a bragging Red Sox fan?

  24. Logan,
    You are so actually I was posting it because of the overall good thing that MLB is doing.....just happens that the Sox were the leadin.....

    By the way, Lawson - they are not three out anymore....but way to go Cubs anyway!

  25. Sara says:
    For the Red Sox blog:
    Not only is this good for the Earth, it's good for their image. Going green is definitely a good idea, especially since there are so many baseball games played every year, at least they are doing something to lower their pollution and conserve energy.
