Thursday, January 21, 2010

Unit 1 case study links

There are several case studies listed for each unit. I will provide the links to them on this blog.

The Case of the Ivory Billed Woodpecker

Rising Temperatures : Differing Viewpoints


  1. I think if I were brad well in real life, I would be ecstatic that I discovered a creature thought to be extinct. Is this the right assignment?lol What were in the emails that made him doubt his discovery?

    I think the lack of information posted by the EPA is still lacking in these two reports. Sure we know that information is missing, but we still have yet to see the info that is supposedly so terrible. I do believe the white house "edited" the EPA's report because let's face it we don't want the population to open their eyes. Everyone knows that climate change is occuring because of pollution but the government has always left out important pieces of information to make the U.S. feel better. The truth eventually comes out but not with the White House's permission. I think these two articles from the New York times and from the Wall Street Journal are factual but what headline reads better..."White House hides information" or "Temperatures are still rising because of our lackadaisical society.." ha exactly.

    I really enjoyed these articles btw. :)

  2. i read it =]]]
    is that what were suppose to say or are we suppose to say what we think???

  3. I read the articles and do you want us to comment on them.....I do agree with what Adair said the government hides things from the American people they also don't tell the truth adn the full story sometimes covering up there mess or mistakes to make it look like the U.S government is flawless.

  4. i read the articles. I have the same question. Do we comment? About the birds, I think Brad was a little hasty in presenting his findings. The bird in the video could have been any bird, and there was not enough evidence to support his discovery. A bad drawing does not prove its existence.
    I think that it is not surprising that the government edited the information. The government wants to pretend that America is great and nothing we are doing is wrong.

  5. incase we were i think the bird thing is pretty cool but come on how random is that it could have been anybird...
    and the climate article the government is going to do what they want to do to protect themselves and not to protect the earth

  6. I yellow'd them.......I them....ahah see what i did there?

  7. I read the tragedy of the commons and it was really intresting. I think the commons is in reality what we live in. It made a lot of sense. I hope thats all we needed to post on tonight. :)

  8. i read the articles. about the woodpecker... i have an article from the newspaper that i cut out like a while back about this bird and it talked about how the extinct bird had been spotted! i was surprised when i read the article! and also i read the tragedy of the commons and im gonna be completely honest and say that it really confused me..... so im confused on exactly what its trying to tell me?

  9. I read it it was realy interesting.


  10. i read these articles right after you posted them, but wasn't sure if I should post. but i think both articles were pretty interesting....
