Thursday, November 12, 2009

Partial Vocabulary list

APES vocabulary list - not complete but a good starting point

Easter Island *Tragedy of the commons * Garret Hardin *American bison story *How old is the earth *How long have humans been around * Hunter *Gatherer*Agricultural*Industrial Revolution *Information Rev olution * John Muir * Aldo Leopald * Land Ethic *Rachel Carson & Silent Spring * Exxon Valdez (1989) * Sagebrush Rebellion (1978) * Antiquities Act (1906)
National Park service act (1916) * Soil conservation act (1935) *Atomic energy act (1954) Wilderness act (1964) *NEPA (1969) * Endangered Species act (1973) *Clean Water act (1972) Montreal Protocol (1987) *Clean Air Act (1990) * Kyoto meeting (1997) * Cuyahoga River Fire (1969) * Santa Barbara oil blowout (1969) *Love Canal (1978) * Three Mile Island (1979)
Bhopal disaster (1984) * Eco-efficiency vs. Eco-effective (next industrial revolution) *
biological and technical nutrients * cradle to grave vs. cradle to cradle concepts * Three Es (Equity, Economy, Ecology) * Biomimicry

Human Population *population size * population density * population dispersion * age structure * zero population growth * biotic potential *intrinsic rate of increase * environmental resistance * carrying capacity * exponential growth * logistic growth * r-strategist *k-strategist * survivorship curve * population change * zero population growth (ZPG) * birth rate * crude birth rate * replacement-level fertility * total fertility rate (TFR) * life expectancy * infant mortality rate migration carrying capacity *ecological footprint

Ecology *eukaryotic* prokaryotic * protist * fungus * plant *perennial * adaptation * ecological niche * fundamental niche * realized niche * habitat * extinction * keystone species * annual *species interactions * ecological succession *generalist * specialist * native species *nonnative species (exotic, alien) * indicator species * interspecific competition *predation * symbiosis * parasitism *commensalism * resource partitioning * predator-prey relationship * pursuit * ambush *camouflage *mimicry (Mullerian & Batesian) * chemical warfare * warning coloration *behavorial strategies * host * species richness *species abundance * primary succession *secondary succession *pioneer species * early succession plants * midsuccession plants * late succession plants * facilitation * tolerance * Intermediate disturbance hypothesis * ecology
disturbance * stability species *theory of island biogeography *organism * population * genetic diversity * community * ecosystem * asexual reproduction * sexual reproduction * ecotone *abiotic *biotic * range of tolerance ( law of tolerance) * limiting factor * principle producer *autotroph * photosynthesis * consumer * heterotroph * herbivore * primary consumer *secondary consumer *tertiary consumer * omnivore * scavenger * detritivore * detritus *decomposer *food web * biomass * ecological efficiency (10% rule ) *pyramid of energy flow gross primary productivity net primary productivity
* biodiversity * species diversity * trophic level *food chain * fermentation *productivity*
abundance * diversity* complexity *resilience * closed ecosystem * open ecosystem *
uniform distribution * random distribution *clumping distribution *stable population growth *irruptive population growth *cyclic population growth *irregular population growth *Top down control hypothesis * Bottom up control hypothesis * Intrinsic rate of increase (r) * Exponential growth

atmosphere * troposphere * stratosphere *hydrosphere *lithosphere *biosphere *global warming * ozone depletion * lichen *air pollution * primary pollutant * secondary pollutant *photochemical smog * industrial smog * temperature inversion *acid rain * clean air act *CFC
clear skies * greenhouse effect *Kyoto Protocol *weather * climate *Coriolis effect *El Nino* La Nina *greenhouse gas * wind *carbon cycle *nitrogen cycle *phosphorus cycle * sulfur cycle *water cycle * biogeochemical cycles *sink vs source *Henry Ford Case Study *Dioxin *conduction * convection *warm front * cold front * biomagnification *7 pollutants identified by CAA * Cap and Trade *Emissions Trading System * Community Right to Know Act

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