Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Makah Whaling Debate

DUE DATE: Have read and decided by no later than 14 October (Wednesday) ....... I will place you in a group if you do not indicate a preference!!! Please also note that there are 25 of you and 6 groups. That means 4 per group with a group of 5. First come, first served on groupings....

So far:

1.( 4 ) Makah: Jonte , Ross , Shelby, Lydia ( membership closed)

2. ( 4 ) Greenpeace: Kenzie , Kathryn, Haley, Ashlee ( Greenpeace is now closed for membership)

3. ( 4 ) International Covenant : Colleen , Maria , Angelica , Hollis ( closed for membership)

4. ( 5 ) North High Alliance: Knox , Emory , Nathan , Emilee, Clinton ( closed for membership)

5. (4 ) Crest: Luke , Caitlin, Hannah, Gabby ( Crest is now closed for membership)

6. ( 4 ) Sea Shepherd : Chrissy, Matt, Adair , Brittney ( Sea Shepherds is now closed for membership )

The assignment: debate the Makah rights to whaling. The positions:

1. Makah Tribal Viewpoint – We have a cultural right to these whales.

2. Greenpeace viewpoint - Makah do not have a cultural right to these whales. We don’t believe that anyone has a cultural right to anything what so ever, and certainly not to a living organism that has inherent rights.

3. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights – As members,we believe that the Makah should be allowed to whale. However, instead of using the “culture” argument, we think the Makah should focus on a different argument. That argument is simply this: They have a guarantee from the US government that states they are allowed to whale.

4. High North Alliance - We believe whaling and seal hunting is ok and necessary. But we need to protect the areas.

5. Crest - your position on whaling is neutral. ( but there is a catch for you ! )

6. Sea Shepherd and the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society - non - profit, non- government agency involved with the investigation and documentation of violations of international laws, regulations and treaties protecting marine species.

1. Please look at these positions carefully and determine which most closely fits your viewpoint. That will be your group for the debate.
2. This debate will be not be soley graded as a group, your individual participation will be of supreme importance.
3. Your contribution to the debate will need to include statistics, document references , newspaper references , videos ( created or real ), props as are deemed fit for your particular group : things like signs , banners , clothing , etc.
4. The main stipulation is that you need to clear the prop ideas with me first.
5. From the point the prairie project presentations are completed and you receive your group description card, you will have 1 week for preparation. the one week plus a day mark, the debate will begin and let the best man/woman/team win!

Sources - pertinent legal documents - Makah whaling video - Makah site on whaling - historical information - whaling treaty being read in Makah native language - High North Alliance home page - International Whaling Commission: includes population numbers and whale catch limits for aborignal peoples and scientific studies. Greenpeace Greenpeace Sea Shepherd's view of Greenpeace - Sea Shepherd - International Covenant - the document - world council of whalers - Institute for Cetacean Research site . Lots of interesting pictures of whaling and up to date information about Japanese whaling etc.

Newspaper Articles: interesting! just a few to give you something to start working with and on...,3566,322472,00.html,3566,312205,00.html,3566,317471,00.html

Overview of laws protecting whales and marine mammals: will be distributed in class.
Please make a note to yourselves that the Endangered Species Act of 1972 was completely redesigned and rewritten in 1973 to include CITES.


  1. I am with the high north alliance on this one 8^)

  2. i am with the greenpeace viewpoint all the way! i cant believe that someone would think that they had a RIGHT to these whales! they are not some object! these are beautiful gentle creatures and they DO NOT belong to anybody! i believe that whaleing is inhumane and ridiculous! they have never done anything to us and i understand the fact about there ancestors and things of that nature but we are more advanced! there is no reason to go out and kill these poor innocent creatures! i dont see how these people can go out and do this and still sleep at night. And not to mention the fact that these gorgous creatures do have rights! they are living organisms and deserve to have rights just like us! these creatures cant talk so people like us have to speak for them!

  3. lol.....kenzie I would have bet a leg or two that you would pick of the articles actually talks about the fact that culture doesn't HAVE to involve killing whales bully for you Kenzie....

    Why do you think you are High North Alliance, Knox?

  4. Wow I have read all this information and I am really like defensive against whaling! yet i understand the cultural habits of the makah. I am definitely going with the Sea Shepherd and the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, because I love looking for like legal reasons to prevent things from happening!

  5. Definetly Greenpeace... Kenzie summed it up pretty whale... (hehe)
    If someone said that they had a right to hunt the Makah people, they'd be totally against it. I'm sure the whales don't think that they culturally belong to the Makah people... Thats just wrong on so many seperate levels.

  6. I agree with the High North Alliance. Food and certain materials are needed from the whales in order for the people to continue their culture and survive. My familt and I hunt, I can kill, skin and eat deer meat for months. We are not that rich so we have to do what we got to do to survive,but we do honor the animals and do not hunt more than we need. I think the Makah tribe can do the same.

  7. I would say that I am with The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights because what the description states makes sense. If a pact is what is allowing them to keep whaling, then use that as the argument. That is how their society survives, through whaling. The whales are not property through culture, they are not property at all. But if that is what they need to survive, than do not use that argument because it makes them look as if they are claiming property, which may be the case but still should not be said that way.

  8. Kathryn,
    very interesting comment - I wonder if sharks think that they have a cultural heritage to hunt Makah....that would be hysterical!!! Wonder what group would defend that?

  9. Matt...are you sure? watch the video before you say absolutely!

  10. I choose Greenpeace!!! no one has the right to kill whales for any reason. Especially not a cultural right no matter who it is.

  11. i don't really know which group to choose. I feel strongly that the whale popluation is decreasing in reference back to green peace's article but then i read the sea shepard one and it totally blew my mind. I believe culture and tradition is important but somethings are too intense like whale killing. So what group do i choose i don't wanna sit on the fence. Mrs. B help:)

  12. I am Greenpeace all the way! No tribe, or anyone for that matter, should have a right to a creature. It doesn't matter if your ancestors eighty years ago used to hunt Whales. If the tribe has stopped, then they have given up their right. Besides, the whales they hunt are endangered and needs to be protected.

  13. Okay so I watched the video on youtube and read the article by sea sheperd on Greenpeace... and now im more on the fence than ever, like Adair is!

    The video shows how mentally attached and it is soooooo wierd!!!! I think it is so freaky how the women believe that while their wives go out to hunt, they have to stay still because they believe that if they move, the whales will harm their husbands. I think that is so superstitious and unrealistic....

    And then I read the article on Greenpeace and the first thing I though was OMG they are liars!!! The article said that Greenpeace members send out emails stating they are going sailing down the river and with your donations, they can stay and extra day/week and save more whales.... it then goes on to say that it is all a scam and even gives proof!!!!
    --"Greenpeace is not opposed to whaling in principle."
    - John Frizell, Director of Greenpeace International. From the Greenpeace Policy Paper 1994

    This is a quote copied straight from the text, and it even says that Greenpeace of America drug a whale on shore for a trip in Alaska.

    I am now on the fence, but I do not want to be!! I think after those views, I am now sticking with Sea Sheperd!!!! They are so much better than Greenpeace... THE PEOPLE WITH GREENPEACE SHOULD READ THE ARTICLE ON SEA SHEPERDS VIEW ON GREENPEACE AND IT WIL CHANGE YOUR MIND!!

  14. Adair - did you watch the video from the Makah where the lady speaks on that topic; she says you can still have culture without the whale killing. Whales are still important in the cultural history but they don't have to die.

  15. Matt - good for you! very analytical....I'm impressed and pleased.

  16. i am extremely agianst whaling and i do understand sorda the view point of the makah and i watch animal planet all the time so mma go with sea shepard

  17. ok Brittney, you are now a shepherd.

  18. Shelby,
    I just reread your post....are you sure that you are not Makah? think about the two groups and then decide ok?

  19. Greenpeace and the Sea Shepherd groups are no longer accepting membership......find the group that is the next closest to your viewpoint if your ideas matched either of these

  20. Crest is now closed. However, Greenpeace has reopened and is accepting one new member.

  21. I am completely with the Greenpeace on this one. I do not beleive that the Makah have a right at all, cultural or any other reason, to harm these whales and possibly endanger their species. They are living organisms and they deserve respect. They do not deserve to be tortured or mauled for the selfish reasons humans have.

  22. I am going to go totally opposite of what i would normally do so I am going to go with the Makah people just to see what it feels like to be in there shoes and to see their view points on the whaling. I don't know about everyone else but i like trying new stuff so this should be interesting for me because it is totally opposite what i would do normally. IDK we will see how it works out

  23. very brave stand jonte. good for you!

  24. anyone on board with jonte? either a believer or ready to take a different stand?

  25. I change my mind and agree with the Makah Tribal Viewpoint. In the video it shows that they eat more than whale, they live off the land and provide for their people. The Makah Tribe has every right because its their land. Its a tradition spread down from generation and just because the whale is a large animal has so much meat it can feed a lot of people, Other land creatures would be endangered if the Makah fouced mainly on them, but the alternate with whats needed to survive and keep the population alive so they may continue to hunt.

  26. Alrighty Shelby and Ross - you are now Native peoples.

  27. um well this is the first time i've been able to get on and i don't really agree with whaling so i guess i'm screwed. i def. don't want to be a native because some people in this class will attack them, and i can't deal with that:) what to do, what to do?

  28. ah well i wanted to be on crest but its full now =/
    i guess ill be on the north high alliance because im not really against them hunting

  29. disregard what i said earlier. after looking at some of the information i want international convenant

  30. Emory,
    Did you look at Covenant?

  31. I think im gonna go with the International Covenant.

  32. lol yeah! like i was reading through the list and as soon as i saw greenpeace i didnt even have to read the rest! lol and as i chose the group i thought to myself "i bet ms.bosiak knows that im gonna pick this group! " lol haha

  33. I am going with the international covenant. I dont think that they should totally prohibited from whaling because even if they are prohibited they still are going to do it. All they are asking for is to be allowed to kill a limited amount of whales not just go and kill a lot of whales.

  34. I am going to go with the Makah. You have to do what you have to do sometimes. In their case the products from the whales are essential.

  35. Nathan says;
    haha i forgot it again :[

    but i'm with the high north alliance..

  36. I think crest will be a good fit for me because I am neutral toward whaling. I don't feel like the Makah have ownership of the whales, but some rights should be restored if laws have been broken and its part of their culture. I think there are some positive and negative results of whaling.

  37. I agree with Caitlin that being in Crest is a good fit for me also because I am pretty moderate/neutral towards whaling. I am also excited about the "catch" in our project :).

  38. Intial posting for this blog now closed

  39. I think I will go with the international covenant because i think that preserving ones culture is very important and think that this group is doing just that

  40. can i switch to high north alliance?

  41. This is late but I am with Crest already

  42. i would like to be with the International Covenant, if i could :)

  43. i know im late, but i think the cultural right of the Makah is a big part, so it looks like im in the high north alliance.
