Thursday, October 8, 2009

Green Buildings.....follow up to to 11th hour concept

Read and post by 11pm 14 October.....

Interesting article that is a great follow -up to the idea of planting and using roof areas.......

article describing the green roof concept -


  1. weel, I really like the idea of the green roof, but of course it alllll cycles around money. I mean we have to either give an incentive of big bucks if they get a green roof, which is expensive in itself,or people wont want to do it.where are the morals?

  2. Architecture has always interested me, but this is so cool! I was watching a home improvement show that took place in the city and they made this tropical-like garden on the roof, it was really different. I like the idea of green roofs. They add a place that is healthy for the enviroment and adds a little greren to the metal of the city.

  3. some where there must be a study that shows how much impact green roofs have in cooling your home....I would be interested in seeing that...

  4. i like the idea of the green roofing stuff. anything that helps reduce carbon dioxide even the slightest bit is a good thing. it will help the environment and the plants will soak up the harmful gas.

  5. The green roofing system is really great and even though it's "pricey" it pays off. Clinton's group today talked about green roofs and our group tomorrow will go into even greater detail when we present our water system :) Going green saves the environment and eventually if we don't go green we'll be gone and so will the earth.

    Mrs. B: pay attention to our water system i think you'll like it during our presentation tomorrow :)

  6. I love the idea of green roofs. They help the environment and at the same time people's budget. This new practice is likely to improve since it helps people save money and as you all know that is what most people care about. They are really good for cities, because they do not take up extra space and they provide a way for people to relax and to forget the stress going on in the city

  7. The green roof idea is creative and neat, and it will help make up for emissions from vehicles by absorbing CO2, but it all comes down to money. They cost twice as much as regular roofs. Sure there are environmental benefits, but people are not willing to pay twice the money for something that will not create any benefits for at least seven years.

  8. Haley, isn't that the truth....

    Hey APES - let's make the roof outside the window, a green roof....want the challenge?

  9. haha yes i really think that is a cool idea i love the idea of green roofing only for the money part i know it wont help global warming but it will conserve energy and all a roof is, is a plain top lets make it interesting


    And I think the green roofing is cool.... Being Environmental is always a plus... but yes the money does come into it.... Our group is using all ecofriendly material... even the asphalt for our Parking lot is ecofriendly!!!!

  11. hmmm.. we shall have to plan some green roofing and then run it by worley and the school board and unfortunately the fire department.....but I think it can be done...

  12. I agree with is a good idea and even though it wont completely solve allll of the global warming, pollution problems, will help atleast that small amount to make a difference. However, it does all cycle around money and how much more will be spent to make this possible and if our economy is even suitable enough right now to invest in this.

  13. yes I love the idea of the green roofs hahaha its cool but i do agree with chrissy and ashlee it will not solve the global warming population and yes everything revolves around money and i don't think the American people will by into the green roofing plan due to the fact that it is probably very expensive. We will see and it would be beyound awsome if the apes would try to do a green roof hahahaha

  14. I have not seen the movie so please get back to me on how to answer this blog.

  15. Shelby,
    one of the concepts that they discussed in 11th hour was a green roof. If you go to the most recent posting , there are several readings that should help you with green roofing. Then come back here and post.

    Jonte - lets make the roof green!!! help convince Mr. Worley.

  16. I think green roofs are a great idea and the incentive makes it just the more tempting.

    Mrs.B is this not kind of like a burm home(i think thats the term) where the earth is used for some of the walls.

  17. I like the idea of green roofs. Even if green roofs won't solve all of the problems of global warming, any little bit helps. I would want a green roof on my house and I like the idea of having a green roof outside the window at the school.

  18. ok now i understand what clintons group was doing. i didnt read this article before they presented. but i believe that the green roofs are an amazing idea... they save money and environment so it will come up more often while building and yes. i am up for it! thats an awsome idea!!!

  19. I think green roofs are a great idea! Even though they cost more they last longer than an average roof and they benefit the economy!

    We should so do the green roof mrs. b!!! i would so help organize it! it sounds like a fun project :)

  20. Im not a huge fan of it cause i think it looks stupid...but yeah its a great idea.
    Who cares if they cost more because who can put a price on keeping the earth alive?

  21. i love the green roof idea! who wants to look out their window and see a roof with gravel on it? plants would not only improve the scenery but help make us a more ecofriendly school :)which is always a plus

  22. I think the green roof idea is awesome!...Our school as got some head starts on being green when we started recycling and other contributions, If we have a green roof we would be ahead of the other schools. We will be showing pride in our school and its environment. As far as exspenses we dont have don't plant big deal shrubery. Grass type plats and flowers at a lowes will be perfect to start off an idea of a green roof, and like Mrs. B said in class in would not be a problem for fire fighters and since the plants are cheap they can easily be replaced.

  23. I agree with you guys green roofs would not solve Global Warming but it helps reduce co2 emissions. All these idea needs is time for the demand for materials for green roofs to increase causing the cost for building a green roof to decrease.

  24. I think the idea of a green roof is simply genius! I know its not going to solve the global warming crisis completely like the article says, but there are many benefits from it. I do believe that the price is going to pay off in the long run.

  25. It does look a bit funky sometimes with trees and shrubbery growing, but what a simple idea to make a difference. It simply shows how easy and small the changes have to be to make impacts...

  26. I really like the idea of green roofs. The benefits of them outweight the initial costs. I think Americans are lazy people and this is a simple way to prevent global warming. Green roofs seem easy enough to start up and it would be really neat to have one at school.

  27. I think the concept of having a green roof above the cafeteria is a great idea! If we as a class were to accomplish this, it would truly show that Lincolnton High School is revolutionary and a paradigm of eco-friendly schools. I don't think the expensiveness of green roofing is necessarily a factor that will cause people to not get on board with it. If green roofing becomes a trend then I think people will be more likely to go along with it. For example, people are more likely to buy trendy clothes that are more expensive than ordinary/dull clothing, simply because they are trendy.

  28. Green roofs are a great idea. They help the environment as well as look nice. If every flat roofed building would have some green roof the world would be a much cleaner place. Lincolnton high school should definitely lead in going green in lincoln county. After our example all the Schools in our conference will go green as well i think.

  29. I think green roofs are an excellent idea, because like they say in the article there are so many benefits to having green buildings! They say that green roofs help the environment tremendously because they will lower the cost of air-conditioning and absorb heat during the cold season. They will absorb rainwater to prevent flooding and such. There is just so many good benefits to this and i think we should start greening buildings!

  30. i agree with most everyone else that this is a great idea, especially when the benefits versus the effort needed is compared. i found this prior to completing the prairie project and decided to use it.

  31. good hunting clinton......great responses APE folk!
