Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Green Roof

Please keep this blog active as we develope roof plans

I spoke with Mr. Worley about creating a green roof on the roof over the cafeteria outside my window. He was hesitant to say the least and I suspect it is because we don't have a presentation of what and how and why we want to do this......Are we serious about creating a green roof over the year?

Here are some starter articles to get you going.





  1. I think that we can come up with something for such a great idea as this!!!

    If other APES want to help take this on, I would be more than happy to help present this to all stated above!!!

    I think we should take the initiative to do something with that section of roof that is not used! I have been out there and we could do ALOT with the area!!!

    Money plays a major issue but we may be able to get something together if we get the go ahead from everyone!

  2. Thanks! my sentiments exactly....

  3. i agree with matt, i think this is a great idea and if everyone pitches in we should be able to create something amazing!!!! and to be honest... im so sick of looking out that window and seeing all that stuff! its terrible... lol it makes me feel bad. lol so im up for it, i think we should do it!

  4. I am definitely up for it!! it's something that will help the environment and will last for awhile. Also it will really improve how our school looks, because for real if you're inside and you look out there its just like ughhh. So let's get started :)

  5. okie dokie.....I will look into some plans and run them your way in a bit...

  6. I think the green roof would be awesome, and as emilee mentioned in class, leave a legacy behind! Also in one of the articles, recycling styrofoam trays was mentioned.......can we do that?like all the trays wasted after lunch...like have a seperate can to dump leftover in, than have another one right next to it to put just trays in??

  7. that looks like a really cool idea.. and your roof outside your window would be the perfect place to do it

  8. I would definitely love to pursue this idea. It will bring the school closer with being apart of and learning about its environment. We are so concerned with going green so why not take the text step and make a garden on the roof???...lol

  9. I am all about doing a green roof, I think it would be really cool. It would be a lot of work but its worth it, hopefully we can be an example for other schools to follow

  10. i am so up for it i think we should make a presentation of why we think this is a could idea and state why it'll help the environment if we ll work together hold fundraiser's and make a awsome presentation i think we can get mr.worley to let us and maybe if we put our HEARTS in it we will be an amazing example for the next class and many other schools who knows what could happen if we put our hearts minds and souls in it and work together

  11. Oh my gosh! i think this would be an awesome thing to do to LHS. Hopefully this is going to set a precedent to other schools in Lincoln county to be more environmentally friendly. I have tons of faith in our school that we can make this happen!

  12. You guys are awesome and I love the enthusiasm. We will get some ideas together

    Nathan says:
    I think the green roof is a great idea. I know money will be a problem but i'm sure the community will help raise sufficient funds for such an environmentally friendly idea. The green roof may only have a small impact on the environment, but every little bit helps. This is a great idea!

  13. Starting a green roof at school would be really fun. Of course money would be an issue, but people in the community are really supportive about projects like this. Green Team is sponsored by Times Oil this year...maybe a green roof would be something they would be interested in helping fund?

  14. I really really like the idea of a green roof! We read about it when we were working on the Prairie Project, so it would be awesome to actually achieve that in real life. And my dad is a horticulturist, so maybe he can get us a hookup with the plants/funding. And I agree with Caitlin that we should pursue in working in conjunction with Green Team :)!

  15. We should definitely go green. Making our school have green roofing will make a statement to the whole county that they must follow by example.

  16. Hey guys! Great ideas and suggestions. I hate to put a BIG wrinkle in the sharing the project with Green Team. Love the Green Team concept and the work that they are doing , but it is strongly encouraged by the College board folks to have a community Environmental project and the guidelines say that it must be one designed and implemented by the APES.

  17. I think this sounds like a really good idea and like you said in class the other day..it would be like a legacy that the seniors of 2010 left! I'm sure many schools would follow our lead also.

  18. yeah, I don't really want to share the project with anyone either. It would be a lot more rewarding to do it on our own as a class project :)

  19. Caitlin and all ,
    It it really isn't even that we don't want to share, it is that College Central would like the learning to be yours and your implementation etc. Once your designs are approved and the credit is yours ( for AP purposes ) , if we need the extra man power, we can certainly ask others. However, you are a pretty tenacious bunch and I would be surprised if there was much left to do for anyone else.

  20. Good dont let the green team in on our plan. Its our idea we do the work we get the credit thats the best way. 8^)

  21. I think that the green roof is a great idea and it will encourage the community become more green also the green roof is great for the environment

  22. I really think we should do this, that would be something new at LHS and it would leave us seniors something to be proud of! It would also become an idea to the other schools that have the roof area to make one also :)

  23. this is a great idea. when you posted the first article i thought it would be a great idea for our school but out of reach. now that its possible im all for it!

  24. nothing is ever truly out of reach ist it? not if we want it badly enough.

  25. I think it would be a neat idea, and it would leave a lasting impact on the school, and would help out the environment.

  26. I think that having a green roof is a really great idea and sounds really fun too!

  27. I think that even though it is going to seem a little harder... we need to start gathering information so we can put togoether a presentation of what we want to present to the various groups of people that is needed to get this project running...

    There is a lot to go into this project and if we want it to be a great success and leave an impact on LHS, we need to start working on it now so we can get a great plan together.

  28. i would love to do this. it is a great idea and is becoming more common. we need to figure this stuff out and do it. let's do it!!! =)

  29. I didn't think this had a due date but i read it like forever and a year ago. I definatley think this would be a great idea and I think it would be a great project for us as apes to participate in I"m all in and I'd be happy to help Matt present this to any board whether it be superintendent council, student advisory council, Student council or etc. You name it :)

  30. Thanks Adair!! =]

    I think we need to start talking about this in class some more soon and pick a good group of people to help me present this to Worley and everyone else... we should try to get a presentation together before the end of November so we can try to get this approved ASAP and this way we can start the planning and budgeting process!!

  31. Hey Guys ! Luke's dad is on board with you all on the roof
