Friday, October 28, 2011

World population set to hit 7 billion mark

The National Geographic has released the following information:

World Population expected to reach 7 billion mark 31 October 2011.

Speculate on how this will impact you now; in your 30's ; in your 50's and in your 70's. Please interact with each other and comment on what you all have to say.

post by Sunday Oct. 30, 2011 by 11:59 pm


  1. heh! this is cynthia Wow! That is a very big number. It is going to impact me now because I will have more people to meet. It may also cause poverty in the United States. In my 30s I think there will be tensions between countries over water because it will start to become very scarce.In my 50s there will be war and many people will be starving because we are using the earths resources more rapidly than they can be produced.By my 70s if there has not been a answer to the water scarcity then there will be many deaths and hopefully it is enough to reduce water scarcity. I hope and wish that my predictions are wrong and the world will never have to go through water scarcity because the problem will be fixed before I turn 50.

  2. This is Jalen.I agree with cynthia.There will be war eventually,there will be over population and yes there will be deaths eventually in the future cause of over population occuring but hopefully all this will not cause such a big big problem

  3. 7 billion is just too much honestly
    My 30's-Where the fuss and topics pop up
    My 50's-War between countries
    My 70's- {Might} die down or it might get worse who knows

  4. Hmm this just means that there are not enough people dying right now ... Now on a serious note I really don't think this will affect me too much right now except it means that I will have more competition when trying to get into college or receive scholarships. When I am 30 I can see the problems being brought up on a global scale and me actuall participating. There will also be more of a demand for jobs which could be problematic depending on how the world fairs economically. At 50 I will hopefully be successful and then not care about what is going on. I do predict that there is a major event on the horizon and it will probably happen during my lifetime so maybe this will be when I participate. At 70 I will have retired or died so I will not care about the overall population. So the way I see it, unless we have a mass genocide then we will have to deal with an overpopulated earth. This will be okay for us but the next generation is really going to find itself screwed over. Or we could look at it from the religious viewpoint and say that it is all as god wills and that we will all be okay. It's up to you what you believ but for me, I really don't give a ...

  5. I do not think this will have an immediate impact because it will take time for the effects to be noticeable. The population has been steadily growing, and 7 billion is not some magic number that will set things in motion. However, as the population continues to increase, there will eventually be a big impact because the planet will not be able to support the entire population. Poorer countries will probably suffer the most at first since many are already struggling for control over resources. More powerful countries will probably try to gain control of weaker countries that have access to resources like water. War is very likely I believe.
    If the population continues to steadily increase, I think that in my 30's tensions and panic will increase as resources begin to grow scarce. The more powerful countries will begin to make arrangements with other countries so that they will be guaranteed control of resources. I do not think this will directly impact me as much. However, taxes may be increased because the US will be even more dependent on foreign nations.
    In my 50's I think wars will begin to break out as people become more desperate for resources. I do not think it will be on a global scale yet because I think it will take some time for resources to become so scarce. However, if there is a dramatic population increase or if there is a disaster that depletes resources, then the effects may be more immediate. I think this could continue to affect me by making taxes higher. I do not think there will be war in the US at this point, but I do not really know. However, there will definitely be more fear present in the country, and this issue could be a large part of politicians' platforms.
    In my 70's I think more countries will be involved in wars. The birth rate will eventually decrease while the death rate increases because people will be dying from lack of food, water, shelter, and other resources necessary to survival. People will also die from the wars being fought around them. I will be affected by this more at this point. Whether that will be through taxes, or rations, or wars I am not really sure. I think it is more likely for wars to be fought where the resources are, and since the US is usually dependent, I think that the wars will be outside the US. Depending on the scarcity of resources, I think the government may start restricting use of certain resources, especially water.
    As resources continue to dwindle, natural selection will play a bigger role in who survives. People will become more desperate, and survival of the fittest will be how the population is stabilized.

  6. All of you raise very valid points, including the religious viewpoint . What if anything should/could be said to the generation that was alluded to; that one coming behind you?

  7. I see this affecting us negatively. the world was not meant to hold seven billion people and the way things are going that number is only going to rise. everything could be downhill from this point. right now there are so many people that resources are beginning to become scarce. in several years that will lead to wars. this will decimate countries and the population. another possible outcome is that the human race could succumb to malnutrition and thus fall to disease. so i believe that the population needs to simmer down instead of exponentially grow.

  8. 7 billion seems like a big number, but honestly it doesn't impact me at this point, maybe in the future. Overpopulation has been occurring for some time now, and the effects haven't been too noticeable here, but in countries like China it's a totally different story. It is a cycle, some are born and some pass on. Teenagers account more for the increase of births because of our ignorance.
    In my 30's I suppose I could see a change in food prices to keep up with the consumption. Then you have competition with job opportunities because of the demand for work. But then again, it could be worse the way the economy is heading many of us would not have a job.
    In my 50's, the housing and real estate market will explode in growth which will then result to less land for housing and apartments. Then you will have the movement of animals to the suburbs because of the decrease in trees, forests, and land in general.
    In my 70's the day's would begin to get harder. Food resources will decline, diseases would then spread rapidly because of the increase of population. I agree with Katie on the fact that countries will compete for the best resources but it all depends where the resources are located.

    All in all we really cannot determine the future, and obviously these are just assumptions and theories. We really don't have complete control of this situation. If it's in God's plan then it's in God's plan. Period.

  9. Well you see, i agree with Justin and Katie! There will be no immediate impact on myself because it will take time for signs of overpopulation to become evident.
    However, in my 30's, come time for me to send my children to preschool or kindergarten it will be more obvious when all his or her classes are overpopulated and my child's education is being impacted.
    In my 50's many people my age will be forced out of jobs due to the many out of the younger generations coming out of college into the work force. In the third world the population growths impact may cause many deaths due to lack of sanitary water and not enough food to sustain all the people.
    But the earths resources will see a major dip in my 70's when all the young begin having their children. With the population number continuously growing more houses, hospitals, and schools will be built therefore more forests cut down leaving animals without habitats creating serious problems for wildlife. And we will begin dealing with water scarcity world wide especially in the third world countries where there is already slim to no freshwater for those already their.

  10. This is Chelsea. I think that there will be less jobs and more people unemployed. Also, there are people trying to come here all the time and that will contribute. We are going to have less and less supplies, jobs, and resources if the population continues to increase.

  11. Well as of now it will not effect me really, but im sure in the future it will cause issues. We all are sure we will go to war because of this issue.
    But in my 30's we will probably be in the middle of a war to reduce population and to gain territory for our people. But the population will slowly grow more around this time because my peers will probably be having kids at this point in time.
    In my 50's as Carson stated many young people will be out of college and they will probably be taking the jobs of older people which would result in a lot of jobless people.
    In my 70's the population will rapidly be growing due to young people deciding to have kids. Deforestation will occur because hospitals will not be big enough to treat the ill and the babies rapily being born. Also new schools will have to be built which this will increase more of an issue for the safety of wildlife.

  12. Seven billion, that's quite a lot. I believe it was around four years ago that we hit the 6.7 mark. If you think about it, that's only an increase of 75 mil a year. But with time, this could become disastrous. I don't expect to see any effects on myself in the near future. Like Katie said, this isn't some sort of significant checkpoint. For myself, resources are still abundant, but the future could prove otherwise.
    By the time I reach my 30s a new generation will be springing up from my own. This will divide the available resources even further. As we begin to use more and more resources, many will be overused and depleted.
    Depending on the scarcity of certain resources, tensions may rise and wars may come to pass over the few resources left by the time I am in my 50s. Water and food will become the most precious items in the world. People believe that gas is the most essential item now, but it will mean nothing when people have nothing to fuel themselves.
    When I reach my 70s, I will have at least two generations that have risen under me. These further generations will have to go without many of the resources that I had available in my youth. The concept of social Darwinism will become more and more popular. Soon people will realize that some are just not meant to survive. Wars, famine, and good ol' Mother Nature will take care of those who need not be. It might sound blunt to say it, but not everyone is meant to live a long and prosperous life. I do know not where exactly I will be when these times come. I simply know that I can expect to be part of them.

  13. Well,
    To be honest, I am completely shocked at the number but at the same time it is completely understandable. In the past, life of older and younger people was not valued as much as it is today. Now, we have medication and surgical procedures that allow us humans to extend our life span. Thomas Malthus made the predictions years ago that the Earth would become over populated. His predictions are becoming true.

    Mrs. Bosiak, I purposely did not read the other responses so I could put what I think and not what others have already wrote. I will go back and respond to them if i feel it is necessary.

    Anyways, we are all about prolonging our lives and trying to find ways to get rid of all these diseases that I believe, to some extent, serve the purpose of monitoring our population. Women are also able to survive more and more child births these days due to better medical procedures that allow the women a better survival rate for them and their children. Wars have also played a big part in the world's population but we have not had a major one since WWII. Wars and diseases cause more deaths and would help manage the population better.

    How it affects me is another story. Now, the only real imminent problem I see is the issue on gas consumption. Yes, I know we have reserves and we are technically fine for almost another life time if we are force to use the reserves but we would be struggling for due to the price increase. Even now, resources in third world countries they are running out of resources that are needed for their survival.

    In my 30s, I believe that the world population will be extremely too high and more things like gas and water will be so scarce that it will cost extremely high to purchase both.

    In my 50s, I believe there will actually be another war. I have no idea why, and i have actually discussed this with students in class but the possibility is still there. That will help the population by a great deal due to the type of war it will be and the extent of the fighting that will be fought in public areas.

    In my 70s, the cycle will start all over... The amount of people will still be high but to some extent the Earth has its own ways of fixing its own problems and will cycle back around to were it was once at homeostasis. By that time, we would probably have alternative resources to replace the ones we lost and have better ways of producing them for the population. Overall, I believe we are going through some sort of cycle and will eventually be at a state were population will not be a major issue (for a short time period at least).

  14. Ok so the human population is on a J-curve and has been for a while now. I don'd like the idea of 7 billion people because about 85% of them aren't worth keeping. There is no longer any kind of survival of the fittest, and social Darwinism doesn't exist because there are nets to catch everyone who cannot provide for themselves. We need to start letting people die when it is time for them to and use our resources to help aspiring young adults. This whole thing we do where we invest tons of time and energy and money into and 85 year old man so that he can live to be 86 is wasteful. The baby boom generation is about to start dying off and it is our chance to save the world because this earth cannot sustain as many people that are on it. And for the age thing, it will only get worse unless something is changed. I totally support only being allowed one child per couple for a while with exceptions for twins and such, but we need to stop breeding like rabbits and keep a check on the population.

  15. I like everyone else believe that effects will not be immediately! 7 billion people is such a crazyy number! that means alot more problems to pretty much everything. 30's alot more poverty around the world, employment decrease and increasing conflict between people. 50's war as mentioned by others will hopefully help the population decrease some and resources may become scarce. 70's world could possibly be back to a lower number in population depending on how it is being increased and at exactly what rate.

  16. I feel like this is a significant landmark in human history, but I don't think it is something to worry about.
    Sure, resources are going to dwindle over time, but I think that science and technological devopments will make up for the diminishing natural resources that we value currently. For example everyone keeps posting about oil and gas disappearing and how this is a bad thing, but nuclear power and more efficient ways of harnessing energy are becoming more popular. Witht the "green movement", more and more people are becoming more sensitive about the environment and their effects on the earth. This movement will help preserve our resources and buy us some more time.
    However, all of the science and breakthroughs in medicine these days may come with drawbacks. For example, as vaccines and shots rise in popularity, viruses and bacteria are becoming steadily resistant to cures, and we may end up with a "supercontagion" that could decimate the human population. More people also means close contact which speads disease even more easily.
    When I am 30, I think the population will be around 8.5 billion, and the world will be in "panic mode" about the population growth.
    When I am 50, I feel like there will be a "world conference", that is, a summit where world leaders discuss their plans of action for the future. I also think people in general will be nicer and worry less about themselves and more about others - they will see that there is a threat to them and will attempt to make everyone's lives "bearable".
    When I am 70, I estimate that man will have founded colonies on another planet and it will be like a "new beginning", sort of like the way the British colonies started over in America, eventually becoming self-sufficient.
    However, I am not worried, because I feel like my life will be good, and humans will adapt to almost whatever comes their way.

  17. The population of the earth has been allowed to grow without many setbacks. People describe countries like ours first world because of the abundance of resources, health, and economy. But the truth of the matter is that we are having a negative effect on the planet. We overuse and deplete many of the vital resources of our planet. Stuart is right in that we have too many safety nets. Social Darwinism cannot take effect is people are constantly carried through life. It might be a cruel or egoistic way of thinking, but it's how it must be. It shouldn't be considered selfish to put the needs of ones own offspring above others. If we focus on keeping up those who bring down society, we are causing setbacks for our own children. I don't expect to see any of these effects in the near future. Like Jose and Katie said, this isn't a significant number. As the population continues to grow even further, worries and panic will rise. Wars will eventually come to pass over the few resources left, especially food and water. By the time I am in my 50s and 70s, the worst will most likely have passed, if already not be occurring. It won't be long before famine and several other horrible factors come into play. Countless people will inevitably die. It might not be survival of the fittest though, just those with the biggest wallets. But at a certain point, money will become useless when what people really need is food. Things cannot continue the way they are now, at least not forever.

  18. this is lorenzo using jalens profile. in the 30-70 years if the population stays increasing there will be more people in poverty and more economies around the world damaged. The people that are wealthy will decrease and the middle to lower class will increase as well as the poor

  19. This will be a negative impact on everyone. The more people we have the less resources we have. Its bad enough that the population we have now waste and With 7 billion it will get worse. The supply will not be enough for the demand. We will start running out of resources if the population keeps growing.
    30's-our resources will have a dent in it. Resultng in new alternatives.
    50's-environment such as endangered animals will be scarce.
    70's-there will be nothing left.

  20. I am so looking forward to your blog discussion about Malthus and Malthusian attitudes... :)

  21. I feel that this population increase is a significant occurance in time. Having 7 billion people in the world will create a demand for technology and an abundance of resources. However currently, I do not see that being an issue considering the growth in technology we see annually and even throughout the months. The population growth should not create an immediate problem. In America, overpopulation has not proved to be a major issue. Most Americans are aware of energy saving methods and have taken action to preserve what we already have.
    In the future around the time of my 30's, I do see a drastic increase in alternatives but also a rising competition between countries. I also agree with Katie that taxes will increase because of a demand for foreign resources such as oil.
    By the age of 50, I forsee desperation. Things might start to get out of hand when it comes to survival. There is a great chance that war will break out. This thought can also be supported by a chart we observed in US history.
    At the time of my 70's, death and epidemic will more than likely occur. There may be desprate times, calling for desprate measures.
    Population increase is not an immediate problem, but if growth doesn't decline things will become scarce. What happens in the future is definitely not entirely up to us, though!

    ps: I know this is late, and there isn't really an excuse other than the fact that I was out of town from saturday till today. I could have done it earlier, but hopefully I can redeem some credit! Thanks.

  22. Gracie posted to me Sunday:
    I think that this will eventually become a problem because population increases come in an exponential trend as opposed to a linear trend. It will not be any kind of new problem for me right now because no new issue is going to arise just due to the fact that we passed the 7 billion mark. We are already dealing with population problems, and that won't change immediately from the increase taking us from 6,999,999,999 to 7,000,000,000. When I am 30 the problems will have had time to emerge. I don't think space will be as big of an issue as some think it will be, because I know there is a lot of empty land in the US alone that is completly uninhabited. The biggest problems will come from the overuse of nonrenewable resources such as oil. Water scarcity may also become a problem but we will likely have some soulution for it that will come back to bite us later on. When I am 50 these problems will probably continue, but food will likely not be an issue because we will conitinue to use hormones etc. to increase food production. The hormones will be a problem later on also, go figure. When I am 70, the new problem for me will be that I am now going to have to rely more on the government for social security and such. The more people there are the less I will matter to the government. On a "positive" note, as birth rate increases, death rate will increase, but usually not enough to ebb out a substantial population increase. I cannot predict this exactly, but there will probably be some sort of population decreaser in the form of war, natural disaster, disease, etc. Or maybe the rapture will come by then and we're all freaking out for no reason.....who knowssss

  23. well, 7 billion is a lot of people, but the earth is pretty big. there may not be an immediate impact but i do believe that eventually the exponential growth of the population will cause problems. we are creating more and more things to prolong life such as cures to life-threatening disease. And the people that are against abortion are setting the world up for a disaster. just like animals, the human population needs to be controlled. i'm not sure how it needs to be done but eventually there will come a time where it is almost necessary. i dont mean to sound inhumane but, you asked.

    PS: i didnt exactly have access to a computer this weekend :P no excuse, but i figured id tell you.

  24. If the population continues to increase this rapidly many more people will become homeless or in poverty. The way our most countries economies are right now, they can't support many more people. The more people there are, the less jobs, money, food, water there is. by the time i am 37 i expect the number to be doubled if we dont get some kind of famine or war soon (hopefully i would be fighting in that war). Which now with the population getting up to 7 billion the military is cutting their budget just like every other job out their. when im reaching my retirement age from the military pay will be low and more people would be getting paid so i will have less money than i would if i were to be retiring now from the military. By the age of 50 if no kind of mass killing has come the population will have tripled from now causing less jobs to get for someone who has retired from the military or more job competition for someone who is wanting to keep their position in the military because more people will be going for your spot. in my 70s i will probably be dead so i dont expect it to have much impact on me then unless there is no more room for me in any grave yard because so many people died and there is no where to bury me except in my own backyard but ill let my kids decide were my body goes if i cant make it into arlington national cemetery but that bridge will be crossed then. if i am still alive then all ill be concerned with is my own family and how it needs to be helped and what i need to do to ensure they are all safe. and ill tell all my grand kids all my war stories and influence them to join the military or make something of their lifes. and most of our population in america is obese so ima make all my family healthy non-obese people who are active all their life :)

  25. jorge, i know its late but i feel i needed to post either way. Seven billion is alot,and soon it will be too much. I agree with cynthia on her part about war, conflicts will begin to arise between countries as land will be scarce due to so many people. War might begin over land and maybe nuclear weapons will be used which will reduce the population. If not something of that sort then perhaps something natural will occur that will balance out the population, maybe.
    And for me in the future as i grow up, and new medical discoveries help people live longer, i hope that i am not in the middle of a war. As for when i am 50, hopefully im not well enough to fight in war haha.

  26. I believe seven billion is a lot and will have a massive impact of the way we live beginning now not just when I'm thirty. The resources we use now will become scarce and prices will become outrages by the time I'm thirty. Getting a job will become very competitive with the population increasing so dramatically. When I am fifty I agree with Kaylon's response that real estate will take over. Leading to deforestation and will cause many of the animals we have left now to become threatened and even instinct. When I am seventy if the population is continuing to increase the generations under me will not get to use the resources i was provided with growing up.It will come to where we have no more solutions seeing as we only have one world! Hopefully the population will begin to level out but no one can predict the future and only time can tell.

  27. I believe that the rapid population growth will become an issue since we are already at 7 billion. As of right now it is only beginning to effect us, but not too severely. In the future this population growth will increase poverty and economic issues but the largest problem will be the nonrenewable resources such as oil. We as people rely on oil for our daily routine from pumping gas into a car to fueling a business. The oil consumption will be the most devestating to the US and to the world. Overpopulation could be detrimental but I don't think it will be anytime soon, especially this we have modernized our beliefs abortions and birth control.
