Thursday, October 6, 2011

testing out the newest apes!

Please respond to the thread I have created. I think you will like this site much better than the other one, as you can see all posts and responses......


  1. Hi I'm making a comment, I'm talking about a little girl. She was annoying and the people there didn't give a crap about what she was saying. Very few showed up because she wasn't important to them. Then out of the few that did show up it was obvious that they didn't care. I personally didn't care either because although the world needs help I believe that the world will exist whether were here or not, if we abuse the world then it will get rid of us and that is how it will be.

  2. wow! that was a mouthful...... I agree that people did not feel she was important and I am assuming that this is L. carter? posting here?

  3. I like this a lot better, and I believe Whatsit Tooya is J. Reeves....

  4. I am just testing the blog to see if it works

  5. thanks zane for the clarification.... and I like it better...much!!!!

    See your post as well Mr. Fitzgerald

  6. This blog really works cant figure out how to but my gorilla very upsetting :( IM ABOUT TO CRY IT IS SO HARD

  7. Dont get any bad thoughts guys k

  8. DONT LIKE IT! the other one was less complicated...

  9. its ok, dont mind. dont matter to me.

  10. insert comment about new blog site here.

  11. This is Jalen testing to see if this works
