Monday, November 23, 2009

Articles for Ebola assignment

POSTING DUE DATE: 11pm 6 December 2009
ASSIGNMENT DUE DATE: 7 December 2009

Use the following links to articles and fact sheets on Ebola. Read them and then answer the questions on the disease assignment sheet .

articles about Lassa, Marburg and other hemorrhagic diseases.

When you are finished with the sheet and questions, use the links and the answers to your questions for reference and answer the following:

1. If an outbreak of something like Ebola or Marburg or Lassa fever were to occur in the United States, what is the potential ( in your opinion) of complete devastation of certain populations in the United States?
2. What populations do you feel would be at the greatest risk?
3. What preventative measures, if any , can be taken to help prevent such an occurence?
4. Is it moral to allow the effects of any hemorrhagic disease to take their natural course in a third world country or should the industrialized world step in and " fix" the problem?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Study Guide Posted!


Alternative Fuels Study Guide

What are the three important reasons that alternative fuels are being so strongly considered?
What US Act of 1992 (was amended in 1999) identified the 8 choices?
Which of the choices involve either plant matter or animal matter in some form?
What is a drawback for Ethanol? For Bio- diesel?
What is a “pro” for Natural gas?
Why are auto factories/ companies discontinuing the use/manufacture of methane fueled vehicles?
If we are trying to phase out the usage of fossil fuels in any capacity, which of the alternative fuels would we also eliminate due to the connection with fossil fuels?
What is the major component in a P-series fuel?
Be able to define each alternative fuel.
Which fuel is most realistically the one that we should focus our time and significant funds in developing?

Create a chart: listing the following :
Name of fuel,Source , Pros, Cons , and Availability

Friday, November 13, 2009

Federal Laws

This is a great federal law site with a ton of information that is useful.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Partial Vocabulary list

APES vocabulary list - not complete but a good starting point

Easter Island *Tragedy of the commons * Garret Hardin *American bison story *How old is the earth *How long have humans been around * Hunter *Gatherer*Agricultural*Industrial Revolution *Information Rev olution * John Muir * Aldo Leopald * Land Ethic *Rachel Carson & Silent Spring * Exxon Valdez (1989) * Sagebrush Rebellion (1978) * Antiquities Act (1906)
National Park service act (1916) * Soil conservation act (1935) *Atomic energy act (1954) Wilderness act (1964) *NEPA (1969) * Endangered Species act (1973) *Clean Water act (1972) Montreal Protocol (1987) *Clean Air Act (1990) * Kyoto meeting (1997) * Cuyahoga River Fire (1969) * Santa Barbara oil blowout (1969) *Love Canal (1978) * Three Mile Island (1979)
Bhopal disaster (1984) * Eco-efficiency vs. Eco-effective (next industrial revolution) *
biological and technical nutrients * cradle to grave vs. cradle to cradle concepts * Three Es (Equity, Economy, Ecology) * Biomimicry

Human Population *population size * population density * population dispersion * age structure * zero population growth * biotic potential *intrinsic rate of increase * environmental resistance * carrying capacity * exponential growth * logistic growth * r-strategist *k-strategist * survivorship curve * population change * zero population growth (ZPG) * birth rate * crude birth rate * replacement-level fertility * total fertility rate (TFR) * life expectancy * infant mortality rate migration carrying capacity *ecological footprint

Ecology *eukaryotic* prokaryotic * protist * fungus * plant *perennial * adaptation * ecological niche * fundamental niche * realized niche * habitat * extinction * keystone species * annual *species interactions * ecological succession *generalist * specialist * native species *nonnative species (exotic, alien) * indicator species * interspecific competition *predation * symbiosis * parasitism *commensalism * resource partitioning * predator-prey relationship * pursuit * ambush *camouflage *mimicry (Mullerian & Batesian) * chemical warfare * warning coloration *behavorial strategies * host * species richness *species abundance * primary succession *secondary succession *pioneer species * early succession plants * midsuccession plants * late succession plants * facilitation * tolerance * Intermediate disturbance hypothesis * ecology
disturbance * stability species *theory of island biogeography *organism * population * genetic diversity * community * ecosystem * asexual reproduction * sexual reproduction * ecotone *abiotic *biotic * range of tolerance ( law of tolerance) * limiting factor * principle producer *autotroph * photosynthesis * consumer * heterotroph * herbivore * primary consumer *secondary consumer *tertiary consumer * omnivore * scavenger * detritivore * detritus *decomposer *food web * biomass * ecological efficiency (10% rule ) *pyramid of energy flow gross primary productivity net primary productivity
* biodiversity * species diversity * trophic level *food chain * fermentation *productivity*
abundance * diversity* complexity *resilience * closed ecosystem * open ecosystem *
uniform distribution * random distribution *clumping distribution *stable population growth *irruptive population growth *cyclic population growth *irregular population growth *Top down control hypothesis * Bottom up control hypothesis * Intrinsic rate of increase (r) * Exponential growth

atmosphere * troposphere * stratosphere *hydrosphere *lithosphere *biosphere *global warming * ozone depletion * lichen *air pollution * primary pollutant * secondary pollutant *photochemical smog * industrial smog * temperature inversion *acid rain * clean air act *CFC
clear skies * greenhouse effect *Kyoto Protocol *weather * climate *Coriolis effect *El Nino* La Nina *greenhouse gas * wind *carbon cycle *nitrogen cycle *phosphorus cycle * sulfur cycle *water cycle * biogeochemical cycles *sink vs source *Henry Ford Case Study *Dioxin *conduction * convection *warm front * cold front * biomagnification *7 pollutants identified by CAA * Cap and Trade *Emissions Trading System * Community Right to Know Act