Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Easter Island Readings

There are some very interesting controversies about Easter Island and how/why the island fell into ecological disarray.
The following links are most enlightening:
http://www.netaxs.com/~trance/rapanui.html ( if your system allows, listen to the music of the Rapa Nui people. The system at school won't let us.
Jared Diamond's article is quoted often : http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/24/042.html
Those blasted rats! Seems they are at work again!!


  1. Got it..and today was interesting-

  2. i think it would be interesting place to visit...i think it would be so peaceful since it's isolated!!!

  3. The fact that it's the most isolated place on earth makes it even more interesting that it is overpopulated. Though 10,000 is not a lot, it is in the case of Easter Island. How could such an isolated place become this overpopulated with people. Which I could easily see how it could be done considering it can only grow [in terms of population].

  4. easter island would be a cool place to go and I would like the isolation. inn the reading it talked about how unique it was. so visiting would be an interesting trip.

  5. I think that since my uncles school gets to take cool international trips than we should get to go visit Easter Island.:)

  6. alrighty:) I didnt realize there was cannibalism involed in their culture.

  7. so i tried the math..it felt like calc..can we go over this in class?

  8. im with olivia. i didnt know cannibalism was involved here. and of course people have to blame rats for killing off everyone. i wish we could know what went on on the island like first-hand.

  9. im still interested on how these people carved the statues and moved them!

  10. We will go over the answers on thursday, ok? and don't stress not understanding....I am good at all of this but the math. I stress over that too....

    I too would like to visit Easter Island. It is pretty expensive though....last I looked was something around $3000.00 by the time you were finished with flights, hotels etc.

  11. It is a very interesting mysterious place. I think that is what makes it a desirable destination to visit. I would definitely go if I had the chance.

  12. got it and i agree with the general consensus...i think easter island would be awesome to visit

  13. "Your flesh is stuck between my teeth"

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I got it[: and I definitely agree with everyone that we should take a little class trip over to Easter Island

  16. How did polynesian people find the island if it is so far away from everything else

  17. I think Easter Island would be a magnificent place to visit but the cannibalism is the only thing that draws me away. The seclusion is a wonderful idea, but I guess if the island is getting visited more and more its going to lose the majestic and mysterious feel that it has. As much as I would love to visit I don't want to destroy something that is so unique too.

  18. other than the rats & eating people thing i would love to visit easter island (:

  19. But Morgan the rats are the best part, it would make excellent hunting and Logan is all about him some cannibalism.

  20. im not risking getting eaten!
    'Your flesh has stuck between my teeth'<---umm ewwwww

  21. sometimes I wonder....rats and cannibalism.....aren't they both harmless? ;-)

  22. Lets Go Visit, im sure Mr. Worrley would let us!! i mean hey they went to france for french class....

  23. NOOO i will definately not be attending this field trip with you guys. Cannibalism does not sound so fun to me. I think its cool how they built them staues.however i will be just fine looking at the pictures no need to see them in person lol.

  24. Ialways heard about the island, but I never really knew anything about its condition- it was very interesting

  25. I will tell you what.....someone getthis trip together and this girl will be right there with you!!

  26. i dont know how anybody would want to go to a place where cannibalism is a normal thing.

  27. I think cannibalism is the way of the future. how else are we gonna get rid of all the bodies that pile up because we dont have any other place to put them.haha. easter island does sound pretty cool tho.

  28. ewwwww....i think i would eat a live person before ever thinking about gnawing on some dead persons rotting flesh jimmy

  29. i think they use papeyas to lubricate cut down trees and rolled them their like in the game haha. :0)
