Friday, January 27, 2012

blog check

Link for Home :
Link for Too Hot Not Too Handle: not available for copy at school Google the video title and use the link that is running time is ~ 53 minutes
Please respond to the following: After watching the video Home: What was your immediate reaction to the situations and consequencces as presented in the film?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. After watching "Home", it brought new ideas and theories that I have never thought of before. The statistics were really shocking, especially the fact that "5,000 people die a day because of dirty drinking water." Honestly, I thought that was a misconception, but when you think about all of the commercials stressing Americans to help out in these issues, it becomes a more than just a detail. Other interesting facts included one that stated that Dubai, India could exceed the size of New York City in the next couple years! Considering how far Dubai has come from ten years ago, it's mind-blowing...

  3. I think the narrator was a little dramatic. The only way to satisfy her would be for all of us humans to die off and leave the world alone. I personally believe that no matter what the world will end and there is nothing we can do to end it. If I were to look at this from the Christian standpoint, I would be offended because most of it goes against biblical principles. But as it says in the Bible that we are stewards of the Earth, I do believe it is our responsibility to look after it and take care of it.

  4. So either way you look at it, we do need to take action to protect our planet,after all, it's all we have.

  5. The situations and the consequences in the film were somewhat surprising to me, but most of the facts presented were nothing that has not been said before when talking about the future of the earth. However, the narrator seemed somewhat biased and may be presenting the facts in a darker, more dooming way. I do believe that there are some serious problems that need to be addressed, but as stated at the end of the video, there are people who are working on coming up with solutions to these problems. I think that humans have not done a good job of using the planet's resources without effectively conserving them. In order to continue life on our planet without experiencing severe shortages of resources worldwide, something needs to be done.

  6. I agree with most of what "Watsit Tooya" said. It is very true that we as humans have a responsibility to protect the earth, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't use resources available to us. We definitely shouldn't overuse resources, but at the same time, I feel that some of the issues stated in these videos are a little over dramatic. We could go back to when we were less industrialized and become nomadic, but then we would be causing problems because of slashing and burning or killing to many wild animals without recording numbers. I'm sure there were many ecological problems we created before we became the way we are today. We just didn't have the tools to measure them back in the day. The earth has natural cycles it goes through and regardless of humans, the earth does what it always has done. There have been ice ages, warm periods, and melt downs for centuries. The earth will likely adapt, but it can't hurt for us to help out, in fact it may be necessary.

  7. Despite agreeing or disagreeing with some of its statements, this video has brought my attention to several current issues. It has been proven that the number of heat waves have trippled in the past 50 years. According to research, this is due to our increasing use of energy. As humans, I believe We are called to take care of the habitat we have been given. Most of us do go about our daily routines taking what we have for granted and not being environmentally concious. It's time to wake up! We are dependant on water and if global warming takes a drastic turn, we could be left in a severe drought.
    The Portland incentive program is a fantastic idea! As well as the company that created magazines from recycled paper.

  8. Its funny but I must agree with Gracie and Justin. Yes the video was very dramatic, but look at Kaylon's response. She was unaware of the death count due to unsafe drinking water. I am not saying I knew the exact number but I understood that in developing countries safe drinking water and other resources are rare. For things to get better, for us humans to act as a "group" instead of these small organizations, radical actions and publications must be made to make us understand the true dangers of our actions. This is our world and we only get to live on it once. We should focus on making it better for us and for our decedents because with the mentality of "self" the Earth will only continue to worsen and there may not be a livable Earth years from now. So yes, this movie is dramatic, but it gets the point across.

  9. I think that the condition of the Earth is something that definitely needs addressed, but is something that many people will continue to overlook, even as the conditions become worse. People want to avoid the conditions of the Earth until it starts to affect them directly.

    I really enjoyed "Home" when I first started watching it, however, as I listened to more of the facts that were presented, and the statements made, I became skeptical. Some of the statistics cannot be proven and are simply biased. Remember, this is propaganda, it is meant to be used to convince you that the planet needs saved. Only one side of many issues were presented, and the video is paced to not allow you time to think. Yes, people are using resources fast, and cities have changed from virtually nonexistent to huge metropolises in 50 years, but look at how far we have progressed as a race in that time. 50 years ago computers were never heard of and scientists did not know what cancer was. Heart transplants were unheard-of. From there we have progressed to where we are today. It's not as if we humans have been living here and doing nothing with the resources we consume.

    Why is it up to us to help fix the planet? The only reason or incentive we have to clean up the mess is so our descendants have a suitable environment to live in. Because we are sentient beings, are we morally required to clean up our mess? Some other animals may or may not be contributing to the problems and solutions, but as far as we know they are not aware of their efforts. With science progressing so fast, the environmental problems may be solved soon.

    Bear with me, I do believe that we need to help the poor and those without adequate food, water, and shelter, and the film does raise some great points about how each country and sub-environment has problems and provides some solutions. But I do have reservations on taking this film at face value concerning the bias, content, wording, and generalities.

  10. As others have said before me, the narrator comes across as a bit dramatic. This documentary might be a little more focused on persuasion than actually informing the audience. The pace of the documentary is too fast to really retain all the information being thrown at you. But regardless, the narrator has statistics to back up what she is saying, and she makes several valid points. The depletion of our natural resources could be our biggest threat in the next few decades. Not many people take into account the progress of our scientific pursuits, it very well may be possible that we find solutions to the challenges we will face. This documentary hasn't really swayed my view point in one direction or another, but in those less-informed it could begin to shape an opinion.

  11. I believe the earth is undeniably in serious trouble at the rate we are going through its natural resources. Our generations should take charge in looking into alternative energys and sources to protect ones that are unreplenishable so that generations to come will be able to enjoy the world as we have. however, I don't believe everything addressed in the video is caused primarily by humans as you are led to believe by the narrators tone.

  12. Home was a very moving film. I already knew a lot of the facts that were presented, but it was shocking to have it all thrown in your face at the same time. I am worried that the world is giong to run out of resources, and at this rate humans are going to destroy themselves. I feel that the next major war will be over an even more precious liquid; water.

  13. I believe that the earth is in serious trouble. After all that we put the Earth through and the way we stress our natural resources it will eventually destroy our planet. The ammount of greenhouse gases that we produce have drastically increased global temps and will eventually reduce our ice caps and glaciers to nothing. So we should try to offset all of these things and make sure that our descendants will have a safe home to live on

  14. As many have said before, the narrator makes everything a little more dramatic than need be. I understand that people need understand what earth will come to if it is not taken care of, but the "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" tone is little over the top, but it gets the points across nicely even if some statements seem untrue.

  15. After watching "Home," it gave me realization that we are not up to knowledge in some things. The statistics that were in the video gave me general times of when we were put here, which I did not know. So the video was very educational to me.

  16. Watching Home helped me realize how much humans have altered nature. At the rate that we are growing we are in trouble because we have come to a point that we need the surplus of food and land that the earth will not be able to provide humans. In our earth today animals that serve a specific purpose for the earth have been extinct hurting the environment in which they lived. After watching Homes I realized that maybe humans were ment to be extinct and be growing rapidlly and causing their own death is a way to let the earth replinsh.

  17. This documentary speaks the harsh truth. It helps people realize that humans are using the earths resouces at an alarming rate. This rate is increasing exponentially with the growing population and our age of technology and consumerism. The main problem with this documentary is that it presents all the facts and problems at a pace that does not allow one to retain all the information in an effective manner.

  18. Another thing about the video is that some people do not know what our environment is going through. Therefore, they do not take the precautions that need to be taken to keep the things we need such as our natural resources.

  19. My reaction after watching the video was that the video was very certain that everything that is happening in the world is because of humans. Also, the video was very interesting how it explained how things in life have certain characteristics. Such as how the earth get some of its colors. But overall the narrator was basically saying that we should leave the earth alone and we all should just die off.

  20. This video was shocking to me, there was alot alot of things that I didn't know were going on these days. Its crazy how much damage we are causing the earth due to certain things we could change, others aren't neccessarily humans fault. I had never realized how much we have changed through out the decades and NOT in a good way and if we keep it up this world will be a total diaster. Essential resources are becoming scare and we need to conserve. Over all like everyone else said the narrator was pretty biased and made some things sound wayyy worse than the reality but some of it is the simple truth.

  21. It was really interesting to hear how messed up we have let our Earth get and it is very sad that people are dying but, it's a part of life. The Earth is eventually going to run out of resources because there are only so many. We as humans have to use them responsibly to maintain what we have. Honestly though, most people only care how the loss of resources will effect them or else it wouldn't be as much of a problem because people would be doing something more than making overly dramatic and persuasive documentaries. oh well, in time we shall see (:

  22. It is a video that states the obvious, like many scientific films it shows plenty of facts. Depressing facts mostly. Not that these facts were untrue, otherwise they would not be facts, the world is in bad shape and it keeps getting worse. To the average person these eminent shortages are just a fantasy, global warming is not real to them. As long as colder weather still comes, snow still falls, and cities are not absorbed by the ocean these people will not care in my opinion. All of the documentaries in the world would not sway them.

  23. basically after watching this video, the first thing that came to my mind was wow anything could honestly happen at any moment..Time is not really promised

  24. my first reaction to this video was that the narator talked and focused mainly on the destruction and over consumption of renewable aswell as nonrenewable resourses. it was overwellming how much a certain perscentage of the population consumes in contrast to the overall population.
    Our world is well overpopulated and i think its right for the video makers to sorta scare us into developing new ideas and proceces in order to stabalize the environment. I still cant believe that so much of the world has no food or let alone clean water to drink.

  25. The video didn't really surprise me. It was pretty negative, but we are humans and obviously the resources we use are limited. I personally am not going to change the anything because of this video. The world will end eventually anyways. Regardless of how much we preserve the natural resources or try to "save the planet."

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